Green Journey

Chapter 20 Perhaps his future will be exciting!

Chapter 20 Perhaps his future will be exciting!

That night, Chu Zheng invited Niu Benben to dinner and sent him away.

Because the next two weeks are international match days, players in the Wolfsburg team like Chu Zheng, who are small and transparent in the national team, get a week-long vacation.

After De Bruyne returned to Belgium, Chu Zheng lived a life of two points and one line.

I go back and forth between home and the club every day, repeating the mechanical training of the ball sense and simulating the ball in motion with the assistance of the ball machine to perform various passes.

Although this kind of training was extremely boring, Chu Zheng could feel his progress.

September 9, today is the training day for resuming training.

Before 7 o'clock in the morning, Dieter Heiking's Volkswagen drove into the club.

I went up to the third floor and was about to go to the office, but I found Eddie smiling, standing in front of the corridor fence and looking at the training ground in the distance.

Dieter Heijin walked up to Eddie and looked into the distance. Seeing Chu Zheng's busy figure, he grinned and said, "Olaf told me that Chu spent all his vacation this week on training. He is really a diligent little guy." !"

"Chu came from the first day in Wolfsburg, and he arrived at the training ground every morning at 5 o'clock to start training." Eddie pointed to Chu Zheng in the distance, "Chu's hard work has paid off! The sweat is not lost in vain!"

Dieter Heijin looked at the training ground not far away, like a machine, who kept repeating the boring training of V-shaped pulling the ball and then stepping horizontally, continuously changing directions, stepping and pulling, inward and outward, and outward and outward, etc. The smile on his face grew wider and wider.

Dieter Heiking used to be a football player. He knew very well how boring this kind of mechanical training is, and it really tortured the players' spirits.

On the field, after Chu Zheng practiced every movement for training the ball sense for 1 minute, he stopped to rest for a while.

After nearly two months of boring training, Chu Zheng could clearly notice that his control over the ball at rest and in motion had skyrocketed.

At Chelsea's academy, he wasn't bad on the ball for his peers.

If you have to have a level, it should be the middle and lower level.

But now, Chu Zheng felt that he should have climbed a level.

It wasn't his random guessing, but what he saw in the list of personal attributes, the ball feel, ball control, and passing all exceeded 70 values.

Not long after, Chu Zheng got up again and began to practice dribbling around the pole.

Seeing that Chu Zheng really firmly controlled the ball under his feet and shuttled flexibly among the rows of training poles, Dieter Heijin smiled and said: "This kid is really surprising. His progress is very obvious. Compared with the two It was much better a month ago."

"Dieter, what are you doing at 19?" Suddenly, Eddie turned to look at Heijin.

"Hehe!" Dieter Heiking smiled without answering.

He knew what Eddie meant. At Chu Zheng's age, many professional players were going everywhere to vent the restless hormones in their bodies.

Few young players can endure loneliness and spend time in this kind of basic, mechanical, and boring repetitive training.

But Chu Zheng did it, and Dieter Heijin saw this excellent quality of self-discipline in Chu Zheng.

A professional player cannot succeed without talent, sweat and self-discipline.

In the history of football, there has never been a lack of players who ruined their bright future because they could not control their own desires. The biggest enemy of professional players is actually themselves.

After watching in silence for a while, Dieter Heijin's smile suddenly became thicker, and he said, "Eddie, have you noticed? Chu's right foot seems to be more flexible!"

"That's why Chu has to practice for two hours each morning and evening." Eddie raised his finger and pointed to Chu Zheng on the training ground, "This kid is sober and knows what he wants? Maybe he will have a very exciting one." future!"

Dieter Heiking nodded, which he also agreed with.

But now he was most concerned about Chu Zheng's right foot.

If this non-dominant right foot can really be developed, then Chu Zheng will have an optional position for him, which is the right back position where Sebastian Rong is.

Now Oakes and other available right backs are all injured, and it will take at least a month or two to return to the team to resume training and competition.

Once Sebastian Rong is injured during this period, he will face the dilemma that no one can use him.

Chu Zheng, on the other hand, just had the speed and defensive ability that a full-back needed most.

Although the crossing ability is not good enough, it is enough for him.

As for Eddie, whether Chu Zheng can serve as a right back is not something he should consider.

What he cares about is whether Chu Zheng can practice his non-dominant foot and use it as he likes his dominant foot.

If it is possible, it will be of great benefit to Chu Zheng.

In fact, there are not many players with balanced feet in the true sense of today's football.

Whether it is a defensive player or an offensive player, once the two feet are balanced like arms and fingers, it will greatly increase their own strength.

Anyone who is engaged in the football industry knows what it means to have a balanced foot.

First, unpredictability.

For example, Chu Zheng is a central defender, which means that the defensive area under his feet will double in an instant. No matter which side the attacker chooses to break through from, he can immediately make corresponding defensive actions.

And because both feet are capable, it will make Chu Zheng unpredictable in defense and dribbling, making it difficult for defensive and offensive players to predict his movements.

Second, protective.

Perhaps the concept is a bit vague.

for example.

Staying away from the defensive players in front of you and protecting the ball well are the basic skills of professional players.

This protection becomes very easy when the player with the ball is playing with both feet.

When a player protects the ball while in motion, he can use both feet to protect the inside and outside of the ball.

Compared with those players who often use one foot to dribble, protect the ball, and turn around, it is difficult for Chu Zheng to be targeted by the opponent.

The third is balance

Most players with inflexible non-dominant feet have body balance problems.

For example, if a player is left-footed and the ball is on his right, he will have to extend his foot to the right to maintain control of the ball.

Once he loses control of the ball, or the ball is in a position that is difficult to handle, he can easily cause his body to lose balance.

And if the player can use both feet proficiently and flexibly, not only does he not need to change his center of gravity frequently, but he can also maintain balance and control of the ball.

The fourth is concealment.

Like unpredictability, concealment also creates uncertainty for opponents during a match.

By using two feet to camouflage the ball, you can use both feet to penetrate the opponent's defense line at the same time, further increasing the difficulty of the opponent's defense.

The last one is speed.

In today's football game, the speed at which players think and handle the ball during the game is becoming more and more important.

A player with balanced feet can think faster and play the ball faster.

Because no matter which side the ball is on, the ball holder can do whatever he wants.

There is no need to catch the ball, adjust, and then pass the ball like a one-footed player.

Sometimes when this series of actions is completed, the best time has been missed.

As for whether Chu Zheng can practice, Eddie is very confident. In his opinion, Chu Zheng has already achieved half of the success.

On the training ground, Chu Zheng had no idea that he was being watched.

After practicing dribbling and ball control, Chu Zheng sat down on the lawn, resting and waiting for others.

More than ten minutes later, seeing De Bruyne jogging into the base and running towards the locker room, Chu Zheng immediately got up, went to the sidelines to pull the serving machines into the field, and then retrieved all the balls scattered on the field box.

After picking up all the scattered three-frame balls, De Bruyne, who had changed his clothes, also came to the training ground.

"Kevin, let's play something interesting today. Don't serve at a fixed rate, try to simulate passing at various intensities in the game!"

"No problem!" De Bruyne laughed when he heard Chu Zheng's request, and joked: "Chu, I hope you won't be made to cry later!"

De Bruyne made a joke. In the past two months, he has been training with Chu Zheng almost every day. He is definitely the person who knows Chu Zheng best in the Wolfsburg team.

He knew exactly how much Chu Zheng had improved in ball control and passing.

In De Bruyne's view, Chu Zheng's lack of ball sense foundation is actually not serious, and he can quickly make up for it only through repeated a lot of training.

But now, Chu Zheng's progress confirmed his guess.

Soon, the two started training.

De Bruyne sat in front of the serving machine and adjusted the speed of the serving machine to simulate various passes to Chu Zheng in the game.

As for Chu Zheng, all he needs to do is to make long passes without stopping the ball, or short passes, and send the ball into a box tens of meters away or not far from him.

"Swoosh!" There was a mechanical sound.

Chu Zheng, who was not far away, moved immediately, quickly observed the speed of the ball and the rotation of the ball, then raised his foot sideways to meet the ball, and swung the ball without stopping.



"Cool!!! Chu! Beautiful precision guidance!"

Seeing that Chu Zheng's first long pass accurately fell into the box tens of meters away, De Bruyne was very supportive and cheered with his hands high.

"So easy!! Buddy!!!" Chu Zheng grinned, his expression very embarrassing!
"Get ready!!!" De Bruyne shouted with a smile.


The ball machine sent another ball, this time the speed of the ball was much faster.

Chu Zheng made a judgment in an instant, so he raised his right foot and used the inner arch of his foot to unload the ball.

Immediately, the ball bounced back in front of his left foot. Chu Zheng didn't stop, switched to his left foot and sent another long pass.

However, this time the ball missed the frame and just bounced off the edge of the frame.

Chu Zheng looked annoyed, but De Bruyne looked a little dazed.

At this time, De Bruy's heart was overwhelmed.

Chu Zheng's stop and left-foot relay just now was really not easy, and it seemed very coherent and fast.

De Bruyne has never seen Chu Zheng make a long pass in this way.

Although the ball missed the frame, the accuracy is not low.

In a formal game, not every ball has to be accurate to the point, that is too harsh.

"Hey! Chu, your passing is getting more and more accurate!"

Olic was already standing on the sidelines at some point, and he was a little surprised to see Chu Zheng's long pass without any pause.

It's no secret in the team that Chu Zheng is practicing his ball sense and passing.

Sometimes he comes early and helps Chu Zheng like De Bruyne.

Seeing Olic appear, Chu Zheng's eyes lit up, and he waved immediately: "Ivica, can you help me with confrontation training? I need to train the accuracy of the ball under high-intensity confrontation!"

"Happy to help!" Olic replied, and then quickly began to warm up, and soon went on the field to defend Chu Zheng.

Gradually, the players gathered on the sidelines, silently watching the three on the field.

Seeing that Chu Zheng was able to hit the target with three or four out of ten passes in the face of high-intensity defense, everyone applauded for Chu Zheng and felt happy.

It can be said that Chu Zheng's ability was developed under their noses.

Although the success rate is not high at present, it is already a great progress.

Knoch and Naldo in the crowd looked at each other, and they both saw the pressure in each other's eyes.

Chu Zheng's growth rate was so fast that they were surprised!
If things go on like this, one of them will inevitably be replaced.

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(End of this chapter)

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