Green Journey

Chapter 367 Twin Stars Shine!Hidden danger broke out!

Chapter 367 Twin Stars Shine!Hidden danger broke out! (two in one)

Ferguson thought there was plenty of time, and Mourinho had plenty of time to make adjustments.

In Ferguson's view, the current situation is completely caused by Mourinho's improper employment and wrong judgment of Manchester City's strength.

It is not terrible for a head coach to make mistakes. What is terrible is that he still stubbornly thinks that his tactics are correct despite knowing that he has made mistakes.

For the younger generation of Mourinho, the old man still knows a lot.

Although Mourinho's ability to control the locker room is weaker than his own, his ability to command and adjust on the spot is definitely not weak.

However, soon Ferguson was so angry at what he saw that he almost couldn't hold his breath.

In the 35th minute of the game, Manchester City broke Manchester United's high pressure tactics in the backcourt, and Kolarov dribbled the ball all the way along his left side.

Seeing that Ishinacho on the side was marked by Valencia, and Nolito on the side was also guarded by Bailey and Blind, Kolarov was broken and looked hesitant, as if he didn't know where to go. Which pass.

Seeing that Mkhitaryan, Fellaini, and Valencia rushing back from behind are about to trap Kolarov on the sidewalk, Chu Zheng on the left side quickly leans over and establishes a point for the ball.

Seeing Chu Zheng approaching, Kolarov quickly smashed the ball and turned to cross.

Seeing Mkhitaryan changing targets and running towards him, Chu Zheng kicked his right foot back and passed the ball back to the backcourt.

Now they are leading by one goal, so Chu Zheng doesn't want to keep the team's offense at a fast pace.

Chu Zheng could see that although Manchester United was in disarray, the defensive system was still there, and the spirit of the players was still there, so it was not so easy to collapse.

So if they keep fighting and rushing like this, Manchester United will certainly feel uncomfortable, and their own burden will not be light.

At this moment, the situation in Chu Zheng's mind was clearer than ever.

He felt that Manchester United would not sink like this, and Mourinho would not just sit and watch his team get kicked out by Manchester City in the Manchester Derby, otherwise it would be a disgrace in the history of Manchester United.

Chu Zheng remembered Guardiola's words clearly.

What is a fast and suitable rhythm? Guardiola means to let Chu Zheng make his own judgment and delegate this right to Chu Zheng.

When Otamendi received the ball and looked over, Chu Zheng pressed down with both hands, signaling to control the ball first, and let the others rest for a while.

On the sidelines, Guardiola saw Chu Zheng's gesture, and he grinned directly.

In these 37 minutes, although they rushed quickly, the rhythm was always fast and slow, and it was always in Chu Zheng's hands.

Guardiola is extremely satisfied with Chu Zheng's skillful rhythm control.

In Guardiola's eyes, every time Chu Zheng speeds up and slows down, he chooses a very suitable node, which is simply perfect.

On the field, Otamendi stopped on the left side of the center circle, and there was no Manchester United player within five meters of him.

Seeing that the Manchester United players did not come up, Otamendi was also happy and relaxed, and fell a few times with Stones, who was slightly behind in the middle.

After dawdling for half a minute, Otamendi suddenly moved to the right half with a kick.

On the right side of Manchester City's frontcourt, Sagna unloaded the ball from his chest and then passed Sterling forward.

Sterling took the ball and quickly cut inward, while Sagna went forward along the sidewalk.

De Bruyne also interspersed and ran from the right rib of the top of the arc to the upper right corner of the penalty area, trying to disrupt the area defense of Manchester United's rib.

Chu Zheng, who followed up in the middle, saw Lingard being taken away by De Bruyne. He quickly entered the right rib area at the top of the arc and established contact with Sterling.

Pogba followed up and defended horizontally, maintaining a good distance, neither giving Sterling room to accelerate, nor giving Sterling a chance to make a cold shot.

Seeing that he had no chance, Sterling threw the ball forward to Chu Zheng.

Behind Chu Zheng, Fellaini saw the ball coming, and he quickly pushed it up.

The moment Fellaini posted it, Chu Zheng, who had been waiting for the ball, suddenly moved, turned suddenly to the right, swung his left foot over, and swayed past the ball in front of him. Didn't touch the ball.

When Chu Zheng completed a 360-degree turn to the right, the ball also leaked from Chu Zheng and Fellaini's crotch.


Seeing Chu Zheng's extraordinary creativity and imagination this time, Dream Theater was in an uproar again.

Even Ferguson looked appreciative.

When the summer transfer window opened, he had publicly suggested through the media to the senior management of the Manchester United club that he should spend money to get Chu Zheng down.

In the end, he never thought that Chu Zheng had no intention of joining Manchester United, but instead went to the arch-enemy Manchester City, which he regretted extremely.

Although Ferguson has retired, he has always maintained a high degree of attention to football.

He noticed Chu Zheng as soon as he emerged in Wolfsburg.

Like Mourinho, the seasoned and sharp-eyed old man also saw the dazzling talent in Chu Zheng.

On the field, Chu Zheng faced the goal after getting the ball, and quickly started to attack the Manchester United penalty area.

Bailey in the area at the top of the arc quickly approached, and Blinder on the right was not slow, ready to give Chu Zheng a slap in the face.

Coupled with Fellaini who was chasing behind Chu Zheng, Bailey was confident to snatch the ball and then counterattacked.

However, it turns out that sometimes three people can't trap Chu Zheng.

Seeing Bailey and Blind approaching from left and right, Chu Zheng quickly tilted his body to the left and turned the ball in with his right foot. The movement gave a realistic feeling of breaking through to the front left.

With Chu Zheng's call, Bailey and Blinder were directly fooled.

Blind kicked the air with his legs outstretched.

Bailey was tricked by Chu Zheng into moving sideways to the right, trying to trap Chu Zheng.

However, in the next moment, Chu Zheng, who had just finished the inward movement, immediately slammed the outer instep of the same foot forward to the right, and the ball rolled past Bailey.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Zheng kicked heavily with his left foot, and he slipped between Bailey and Blind and entered the right side of Manchester United's penalty area.

In the stands, Manchester United fans couldn't believe what they saw.

Surrounded by three people, one was always stuck behind him like a fool, and the other two were played like spinning tops.

Countless Manchester United fans feel a little hot when they think of their frantic boasting that Manchester United has found a pair of best partners in the defense some time ago.

"Shit! Bailey and Blinder, these two pieces of shit!!!!" The taxi driver Jim was furious, as if Chu Zheng had a vendetta against him for killing his father.

On the sidelines, Mourinho saw Chu Zheng's series of actions, and his face looked like a toothache, which was the complete opposite of Guardiola who was full of amazement.

On the court, although Chu Zheng successfully entered the right side of Manchester United's penalty area, Valencia, who received the middle of the penalty area, reacted quickly and quickly stepped up.

Valencia knew Chu Zheng very well, and knew that Chu Zheng was a monster with two feet.

So he didn't go up to grab, but blocked Chu Zheng's only shooting line.

Coupled with De Gea who is close to the goal post, Valencia is confident that he will push Chu Zheng to the bottom line.

However, Valencia and De Gea were counting thousands of times, but they didn't count that Chu Zheng had no intention of shooting at all. His breakthrough was just to pave the way for the next pass.

Just as Chu Zheng took the ball outside the upper right corner of the small penalty area, he stepped back with his right foot and stepped on the ball backwards with the sole of his foot.

Chu Zheng's back-to-back blind pass made Bailey and Blinder, who were chasing left and right, turn around.

In the next second, the ball arrived, and De Bruyne, who started lateral movement from outside the upper right corner of the penalty area, received the ball behind Chu Zheng.

Facing Bailey who quickly turned around and stretched his feet to grab the ball, De Bruyne knocked the ball with his right foot to his left foot, and then pushed forward with his left foot, and even dribbled the ball and wiped Bailey away.

Near the penalty spot, De Bruyne easily pushed the lower left corner of the goal with his left foot.

De Gea was beyond his reach, and could only watch the ball cross the goal line and get into the goal again.



The moment the goal was scored, Martin and Smith yelled out at the same time, their faces turned red at the top of their lungs!
Dream Theater, this moment is really a sweet dream for Manchester City fans.

too strong!
Guardiola is too strong!
Chu Zheng and De Blau are too strong!
Before that, all Manchester City fans thought that today would be a fierce battle, but they didn't expect that the team could beat Manchester United's counterattack beyond halftime, and staged a unilateral crushing scene for them.

"The two stars are shining, perfect cooperation, Chu Zheng's backward move is really a stroke of genius!" Zhan Jun said with a smile.

"De Bruyne scored twice! This is his third Premier League goal of the new season!"

"Chu Zheng also received his fourth Premier League assist in the new season!!"

"Chu Zheng and De Bruyne are in great shape today!" Zhang Lu also spoke up, not saying anything, "Especially Chu Zheng's consecutive breakthroughs are so wonderful, it can be said that they are playing tricks." Manchester United's entire defense!"

In the coaching area on the sidelines, Guardiola was as happy as a pony, and ran back to the coach's bench to celebrate with Arteta and Torrent.

And Mourinho is exuding an aura that no one should enter!

On the field, the Manchester United players looked lonely, completely unaware of why the game played like this.

At this moment, all Manchester United players are even more confused.

Soon, Manchester United kicked off again and the game continued.

But after Manchester United's possession of the ball came to the midfield, it would soon be intercepted by Manchester City's aggressive and swift force, and then the Manchester United players were slipped away by Manchester City's pass.

With two goals in hand, Chu Zheng slowed down the pace of Manchester City's game again, allowing his teammates to rest well for the second half.

Chu Zheng had already seen that De Bruyne was breathing heavily, which was caused by excessive physical exertion.

The others and Chu Zheng himself were not much better.

They have been running since the start of the race, rarely stopping for a walk.

Guardiola knew Chu Zheng's intentions, so he stood in the coach's area and kept gesturing towards the Manchester City players on the field, signaling to pass the ball and control it, so as not to let Manchester United get the ball.

However, neither Chu Zheng nor Guardiola expected that the unstable factors in the team's defense would suddenly erupt near the end of the first half.

The person who made a big mistake turned out to be Bravo, who Guardiola placed high hopes on.

In the 43rd minute of the game, Manchester United was halftime, on the right side of the center circle, Valencia received a long pass from the right rib at the top of the arc, and immediately wanted to make a solo breakthrough.

But Kolarov quickly stepped up and blocked him in place.

But in a blink of an eye, Kolarov was easily pierced by Valencia.

After Chu Zheng saw it, he quickly started chasing him.

After crossing the center line, Chu Zheng saw that Otamendi had pulled over to block the front. Chu Zheng quickly guessed the huge gap between Otamendi and Stones based on Fernandinho's previous position. No one to block.

So Chu Zheng quickly leaned over, finding the right opportunity and decisively shoveling.

But Valencia is not a good stubble.

Valencia is 31 years old this year, which is not too young for a professional football player.

When he was young, Valencia had speed and impact, and he killed the Quartet for Manchester United.

Even at the age of 30, he still has the ability to level the opponent's entire wing, and he will work hard without complaint.

In the Ferguson era, the essence of Manchester United's survival is the spirit of the Red Devils.

What we are proud of at Old Trafford in Dream Theater is the spirit of going all out and never giving up until the last second.

And Valencia, a former veteran of the Ferguson era, has performed at Manchester United in recent years, perfectly interpreting the essence of the spirit of the Manchester United Red Devils.

The moment Chu Zheng let go of the shovel, Valencia flicked his right foot outwards, and then Chu Zheng fell ill.

Seeing that he was about to shovel Valencia's left ankle, Chu Zheng quickly retracted his foot, but still tripped Valencia.

"Aw! Oh!!!!!!"

After Valencia fell to the ground, he rolled several times, screaming miserably.

Chu Zheng patted his buttocks and stood up, looking helplessly at Valencia, who was an actor, what a f*cking actor!
Obviously missed the kick, called a hammer!
But after thinking about it, if it was him, it would probably be even worse.

There is no way, the youth training academy not only has to learn football skills, but also has to learn acting skills.

"Beep beep beep!!!"

The referee Clattenburg blew his whistle, ran over, took out a yellow card from his pocket, and awarded it to Chu Zheng.

Chu Zheng smiled, and didn't go up to argue with Clattenburg, and there was nothing to argue about.

Seeing Chu Zheng's helpless expression, Zhang Lu and Zhan Jun laughed happily.

"Valencia's biggest feature is that he will always use that move. He goes to the end on the wing, and then crosses the ball. This move is popular all over the world!"

"His left foot is bad!" Zhan Jun added.

"Yes." Zhang Lu nodded, "Perhaps Ferguson hired him from Wigan Athletic to see if he could replace Ronaldo on the right."

"But it is clear that Ronaldo cannot be replaced by anyone. Valencia's severely unbalanced feet prevent him from being able to cut inside and hit the goal like Ronaldo!"

On the field, this wing free kick is not very far from the center line, and the position is at least 50 meters away from the goal.

Rooney stands behind the ball and prepares to drive.

This is a rare opportunity to threaten Manchester United's goal for the difficult offensive Manchester United.

Therefore, Manchester United gathered seven players at the front of the penalty area.

A whistle, Rooney kicked the ball.

The ball is like a rainbow across the sky, and the landing point is just outside the upper left corner of the small penalty area at the back point.

Manchester United have two high points in this area, Ibrahimovic and Fellaini.

The two saw the ball fall and quickly squeezed forward.

But Sania and Stones were faster and quickly blocked in front of them.

Stones retreated three steps and took off directly, attempting to head the ball directly to clear the siege.

Unexpectedly, Bravo chose to attack.

So Stones and Bravo collided in the air.

What's even more speechless is that Bravo didn't catch the ball after being hit like this and let it go.After the ball touched the ground, it bounced to Ibrahimovic behind Fellaini.

Faced with such a god-given opportunity, Da Fengxian didn't have to hesitate at all.

I saw Ibrahimovic quickly turned sideways, raised his right foot, and kicked the ball into the empty goal directly sideways.


Witnessing Ibrahimovic's volley, the Theater of Dreams exploded.

An unprecedented violent cheer burst into the sky, which was deafening. Many people with sensitive hearing instantly covered their ears.

At this moment, Old Trafford ushered in a long-lost tremor!
In the stands, although the goal was caused by Manchester City's mistakes, Sir Alex, who was chewing gum, was still extremely excited.

Ferguson jumped up from his seat, not at all seeing that he was 75 years old.

"The suspense is back! The suspense is back!!"


"Ibrahimovic! At the critical moment, this man who claims to be God on the football field stood up!"

"This time the game will be more intense. This is the Manchester Derby. Everything is so sudden and surprising!"

The calm emotions of Zhan Jun and Zhang Lu in the LeTV live broadcast room were instantly aroused by Ibrahimovic's sideways volley goal.

In the sideline coaching area, Mourinho's depression accumulated in the first half was vented at this moment.

He turned around suddenly, faced the stands, and swung his fist upwards.

And Guardiola looked helpless.

On the field, after Ibrahimovic scored a goal, he made that God's celebration in the left corner, and was quickly surrounded by Manchester United players in a short while.

The appearance of this goal was obviously a shot in the arm for the low morale of Manchester United, which immediately boosted the low morale of the Manchester United players.

However, the first four and 10 minutes have proved that Manchester United was rubbed on the ground by Manchester City because Mourinho made a wrong tactical choice, so even if Manchester United's morale rose in the last few minutes, they were still extremely embarrassed by Manchester City in the midfield.

Not long after, the referee Clattenburg glanced at his watch and blew the whistle to end the first half.

And Ibrahimovic's goal at the last moment of the first half not only left the suspense of the game, but also disappointed many Manchester United fans. The Manchester United fans who were about to leave the field stopped, arousing Manchester United fans. The anticipation and desire to win.

On the sidelines, just after the first half, Guardiola and Mourinho quickly turned and walked to the locker room.

Mourinho does not need to think about it, and there will definitely be a huge change in tactics and strategies in the second half.

And what Guardiola needs to do is to guess Mourinho's tactical strategy, and then make targeted arrangements.

In the second half, it may be a game of offense and defense, a contest of strategy and decision.

(End of this chapter)

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