Green Journey

Chapter 370 Guardiola fires the cannon!

Chapter 370 Guardiola fires the cannon! (two in one)

On the field, like the Manchester City players, many of the Manchester United players were too tired to stand up and sat on the lawn.

This game was so exhausting, so tired that they didn't even want to move a finger after hearing the whistle for the end of the game, and wished they could fall asleep on the spot.

Pogba and Martial sat together, silently looking at Chu Zheng who was still lying on the lawn not far away, feeling very complicated.

Pogba, who returned to Manchester United this summer with the title of No. 1 in football transfer value from Juventus for nearly [-] million euros, is extremely enjoying the media's flattery.

It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. In just one week, Manchester City broke the news that Chu Zheng had transferred to Manchester City for [-] million pounds.

He became Barbie Q overnight, the No.1 title in football transfer value was gone, and the media's attention also went to Chu Zheng's side. The huge sense of loss made Pogba, who has always liked the limelight, feel extremely depressed. uncomfortable.

Pogba once confided her depression to her agent Mino Raiola.

Raiola's consolation was simple and rude.

The fat man told Pogba directly that the media attention, the No. 1 football transfer value, etc. are all false and nothingness.

For players, honors and outstanding performance data are real.

Therefore, Pogba only needs to defeat Chu Zheng in the game to prove that he is better than Chu Zheng, and all the praise will return at that time.

And defeating the enemy starts with knowing your enemy.

Raiola suggested that Pogba can go to the Internet to see the highlights of Chu Zheng's excellent offensive and defensive performances in Wolfsburg and Leicester City.

But Pogba didn't look.

For Pogba's character, it is impossible for him to admit that others are better than him.

Even if Chu Zheng's terrifying double stats of goals and assists in Leicester City are in front of him, it won't work.

In today's game, Pogba has been waiting and looking forward to since his transfer at the beginning of July and was deprived of the No.7 title of transfer value.

He hopes to defeat Chu Zheng in the game and prove to the media and fans that he is the best.

It's a pity that as the game progressed, Pogba was stunned, really stunned, completely stunned.

Before Chu Zheng's strong midfield control ability, Pogba couldn't get rid of Chu Zheng's rhythm control no matter what he did. He could only watch the team's game rhythm follow Manchester City, completely helpless.

But Pogba didn't dig into the horns, and felt that it was okay to be inferior to Chu Zheng in this aspect, because he was not very good at these things in the first place.

His strengths are in the frontcourt, on the offensive end.

But after the entire game today, Pogba felt that he was blown out.

He couldn't match Chu Zheng's speed, and was completely crushed.

Body, this is one of his most powerful weapons. Today, he had four head-to-head confrontations with Chu Zheng, but he didn't win any of them.

Of course, he didn't lose, and he fought Chu Zheng [-]-[-], that's what he thought.

But for Pogba, who is one size bigger than Chu Zheng, he can actually be said to have lost.

In terms of personal skills, Chu Zheng's feet are as well-balanced as him, and he is even more fancy than him.

When Chu Zheng played with their entire line of defense, even Pogba, who was not the party involved, could feel the strong sense of humiliation.

His defensive skills were even more scumbags in seconds.

At this moment, Pogba recalled Chu Zheng's series of performances at both ends of Manchester City's offense and defense in the past 90 minutes, and he couldn't help but feel incredible.

How could any player be so comprehensive.

In the Manchester City penalty area, Fernandinho sat cross-legged in front of the goal, looked at Chu Zheng who was resting with his eyes closed, and said with a smile, "Chu, your running distance today should be 15KM, right?"

He fell in love with Chu Zheng in today's game.

If it wasn't for Chu Zheng's immediate reaction to the bad situation and quickly retreating to help him, he might not be able to withstand the pressure exerted by Manchester United.

At the same time, Fernandinho also saw Chu Zheng's strength in the midfielder position.

Thinking of the time when he partnered with Yaya Toure in the past, he felt a little tired and disgusted in his heart.

Yaya Toure is about the same age as him, only two years older than him, but in the past two years, he has become more and more lazy in the game, acting like an old man on the court.

As far as Yaya Toure's current tactical execution and game attitude are concerned, it is completely self-inflicted to be pressed to death by Guardiola on the bench.

In Fernanio's eyes, Chu Zheng was just a caring little padded jacket.

At this moment, Fernandinho is very fortunate that Guardiola has arranged Chu Zheng to participate in the attack in the frontcourt.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to win the competition with Chu Zheng if he stayed in the backcourt.

Because Chu Zheng is not only capable of what he can do, but also better.

But what Chu Zheng could do, he couldn't.

For example, perfect control of the rhythm of the game like today, cracking Manchester United's miraculous position selection when pressing high.

"It should be almost there!" Chu Zheng sat up weakly, "This game is the most intense game I have ever played!"

"Haha!" Fernandinho laughed, got up and pulled Chu Zheng up, and then stopped Chu Zheng's shoulder, "This is the Manchester Derby! You will get used to it soon."

"Hey! Boy, give me your jersey!" The two were about to walk to the locker room when they heard voices behind them.

Chu Zheng stopped and turned around, only to see a red jersey flying over.

Chu Zheng subconsciously reached out to catch it, and then looked at the man standing a few meters away who was looking at him with a smile.

Good guy, this is the first time I saw someone changing his jersey like this, and he just threw the jersey over, as if he was sure he would agree.

But for Ibrahimovic, Chu Zheng didn't feel disgusted. He was a very characterful player.

Some people say that he is a family slave with three surnames, some say that he is the greatest striker in today's football, and some say that he is a homeless player.

Fans and the media have mixed reviews of Ibrahimovic, each with their own rhetoric.

But the only thing that remains the same is that Ibrahimovic has always stood at the top of the world football pyramid over the years.

Although many people don't like his arrogance, arrogance, and arrogance, this is Ibrahimovic, a real him, which makes fans who like him crazy and shout for him.

Chu Zheng smiled at Ibrahimovic, took off his jersey and threw it over.

After getting Chu Zheng's jersey, Ibrahimovic waved his hand with a smile, turned and left.

But after walking a few steps, he looked back at Chu Zheng's back again, and thought of the several head-to-head confrontations in the game when he was intercepted by Chu Zheng.

There was a smile on the corner of Ibrahimovic's mouth. It can't be said that there are no ones who have been able to prevent him from all aspects these years, but they are really rare.

Chu Zheng gave Ibrahimovic a strange feeling.

Ibrahimovic thought about his career for more than 20 years, as if he was meeting a player like Chu Zheng for the first time.

Especially that magical sense of position, every time Ibrahimovic is defending him, he always has a sense of horror of being seen through.

If it wasn't for the unsuitable venue, Ibrahimovic really wanted to sit down and chat with Chu Zheng.

Because he was very curious about how Chu Zheng managed to ensure that his body had great strength without losing its flexibility.

Ibrahimovic also thought about it when he was young, but unfortunately he failed in the end. Strength and flexibility, he will lose the other when he cares about one, and it is difficult to have both.

Unexpectedly, when he came to the Premier League this time, he actually saw a successful example, which made Ibrahimovic quite excited.

It's a pity that Chu Zheng is not a Manchester United player, otherwise he thinks he might be able to become good friends with Chu Zheng.

At this time, at the post-match media conference at Old Trafford, Mourinho and Guardiola were being interviewed by the media.

Mourinho was as candid as ever.

He admitted that Manchester City's performance in the first half was better than that of Manchester United, and the team paid the price for their abnormal performance.

He also admitted that some Manchester City players performed poorly in the first half, but he took the responsibility on himself.

Because he was the one who chose to start, so the responsibility should be borne by him.

In addition, Mourinho also mentioned Manchester United's performance in the second half. He said that they played a good halftime goal, but unfortunately Manchester United's second goal did not come.

Of course, Mourinho did not let referee Clattenburg go.

He believes Clattenburg should have awarded United a penalty and that Bravo should have been sent off.

In fact, according to the rules of the game, Bravo should indeed be punished for flashing his studs towards Rooney.

But if you consider the intensity of the game and the usual penalty scale in the Premier League, it's okay for Clattenburg not to make a penalty, and Bravo's tackle is indeed very clean.

On Guardiola's side, this time he and Mourinho have the same point of view.

That is he conceded that Manchester United played a good half-time goal.

In addition, Guardiola also reiterated that Manchester City will definitely adhere to the game style of multi-possession in the future.

As for Bravo, who made many mistakes in this game, Guardiola was also very tolerant and did not criticize.

Instead, he protected Bravo everywhere in the interview, saying that although Bravo made mistakes, he also made several key saves.

But when the media mentioned Chu Zheng, who was selected as the best player of the game, Guardiola fired.

"I always thought Messi was probably the best player I've ever seen in my life!"

"Messi plays on the field, he makes me feel like a hungry beast!"

"But now, I have met a second beast!"

"He is Chu!"

"Chu is also a beast in the game. He is always looking for opportunities to attack. You can't see the slightest emotion on his face when handling the ball and shooting. He is as calm as a cold machine. He and Like Messi, he can also smell goals!"

"It's just that in Leicester City, Chu was suppressed by Ranieri's defensive counterattack tactics to suppress his offensive nature!"

"What I have to do now is to restore Chu's nature, so that he no longer has to worry about what's behind him, and he can devote himself to the offense in the frontcourt, to display his offensive talent, to become a real beast, to bite the opponent frantically, until the prey dies!"

Guardiola's words were sent to fans all over the world by major media platforms in less than half an hour, instantly arousing huge public opinion.

Because many people in football know Messi's position in Guardiola's heart.

Therefore, Guardiola's evaluation of Chu Zheng is tantamount to comparing Chu Zheng with the same height as Messi. It is a very high evaluation, which makes the fans all over the world boil. .

And the first ones to quit were the Barcelona fans.

Because in the eyes of Messi's fan base, Guardiola is touching porcelain.

In the eyes of these Barcelona fans, Messi is the strongest player on the planet, not one of them, and no refutation is accepted.

Off the court, Mario, who has always had a keen sense of smell in this area, immediately took advantage of the situation and helped Chu Zheng launch another wave of online promotion.

But it's a pity that the best results were not achieved, because today's Manchester Derby is too hot and the attention is too high.

With the emergence of reports and comments on the derby by major European media and famous football figures, although Chu Zheng's popularity did not decline rapidly, it did not meet the expectations of Project Mario.

"This is a super high-level duel!Manchester City and Manchester United each played a good half! "

"The first half was a complete disgrace, a mess. Lingard is the epitome of Manchester United's performance. Although Mourinho made timely adjustments in the second half, Manchester United only played good goals for 15 minutes. In these 15 minutes Manchester United suppressed Manchester City, but unfortunately there is still no good way to attack. After Manchester City reacted, this suppression disappeared, and then the ball kept flying meaninglessly in the sky. Mourinho did not score very well. Method. - Neville
Manchester United star Neville was the first to bombard Manchester United. His remarks on INS were recognized by some Manchester United fans.

The psychology of some other Manchester United fans is actually complicated.

Manchester United's performance in the first half can indeed be said to be a mess. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a shame to be kicked by Manchester City.

But Mourinho's strong error correction in the second half changed this situation.

Although this advantage was only 15 minutes, it was quickly suppressed by Guardiola's substitution adjustment, but the spirit shown by the players in the second half made the eyes of countless Manchester United fans shine, because this is exactly what has been lost since the Ferguson era. The spirit of the Red Devils.

Therefore, many Manchester United fans really saw the hope of the Red Devils' revival in Mourinho.

Therefore, this part of the fans retorted at Neville, and directly let Neville criticize Manchester United less and hit the players' self-confidence less.

Neville is also a violent temper, and directly scolded these fans on the Internet.

Such a scolding battle between the two sides directly blasted out a heavyweight Manchester United star.

Sir Sir Alex Ferguson.

Sir Alex Ferguson was very pertinent, saying that after Manchester United's change of head coaches such as him, Moyes, Van Gaal and the current Mourinho, the team's tradition has disappeared.

Every head coach has his own football philosophy, tactical ideas, and style requirements are also inconsistent.

In this case of inconsistency and inconsistency, the team completely lost its way forward.

In addition, the current coaching style of Mourinho is quite different from that of the previous coaches, so it is inevitable for the team to have the problems in the first half of today.

Ferguson's words revealed that he would give Mourinho time to integrate his tactical style and system into Manchester United.

To this end, Ferguson also cited a contrary example.

This example is Manchester United's arch-enemy Manchester City!
He said that Manchester City has come all the way over the years, no matter what head coach they change, they have always insisted on the pass-and-control style of play.

And Guardiola is well versed in tiki-taka, and used this tactic to the extreme during his coaching at Barcelona.

That's why Manchester City is a perfect fit with Guardiola.

Therefore, the tactical system that Guardiola brought to Manchester City is integrated with each other faster. In his opinion, it is a very normal thing. It does not mean that Guardiola is better than Mourinho, and Manchester City is better than Manchester United. A victory proves nothing.

With the words of the old man, the scolding battle between the fans and the celebrities disappeared immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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