Green Journey

Chapter 372 Dream Start!

Chapter 372 Dream Start!

"Die Meister!!!"

“Die Besten!!!”

“Les grandes équipes!!!!!!!!!”

“The champions!!!!!!”


The passionate theme song of the UEFA Champions League resounded throughout Celtic Park, and Chu Zheng on the court once again felt the blood-thumping atmosphere of the UEFA Champions League.

This is the second time that Chu Zheng heard the theme song of the Champions League before the game, and he still couldn't help feeling excited and looking forward to the next game.

Coupled with the cheers of the fans at the scene, Chu Zheng felt a unique game atmosphere of the Champions League.

When he played in the Europa League in Wolfsburg, Chu Zheng felt that the Champions League was nothing more than that.

As a result, he has personally experienced it now, and he has personally felt the charm of the Champions League. This atmosphere is absolutely the best in any kind of competition in today's football.

Perhaps only the World Cup can match the atmosphere of the Champions League.

Not long after, the UEFA Champions League theme song played live ended, and the starting lineups of both sides were also listed on the live broadcast screen.

Celtic: (4231)

Goalkeeper: Craig Gordon
Defenders: Lustig, Kolo Touré, Sviachenko, Tierney
Defenders: Scott Brown, Neil Beaton

Attacking midfielder: Forrester, Rogic, Sinclair
Forward: Moussa Dembele
"The Celtics have dominated the Scottish Super League in recent seasons, but have failed to win the triple crown again." As soon as the match lineup appeared, Zhan Jun, who had been waiting for a long time in the LeTV live broadcast room, immediately began to introduce the lineup.

"With the decline of the rival Glasgow Rangers, Celtic's strength has actually declined in recent years."

"In fact, although the Celtics won the championship last season, they did not perform well in the European war because of defensive problems."

"So this season, the top management of the Celtic club invited former Liverpool coach Rodgers, hoping to improve the strength of the team."

"But judging from the performance of the new season, the Celtics' defense has not improved."

"In the first round against Barcelona, ​​the Celtics lost 0-7 in the away game, exposing the team's serious shortcomings in away games,"

"If the Celtics want to get a place in the promotion, then they have to go all out to win all the home games, which makes the pressure on the Celtics to win at home."

"So this game is against Manchester City, whose style is very similar to Barcelona. With Rodgers' personality, he may choose to strike hard, play the momentum of home court, and fight Manchester City for that chance of life."

"Of course, with the strength of the Celtics' defensive line, maybe Rogers, who has a headache, can only rely on his offensive strength to replace defense with offense."

Manchester City: (4141)

Forward: Aguero
Midfielders: Nolito, David Silva, Chu Zheng, Sterling

Defender: Fernandinho

Defenders: Clichy, Kolarov, Otamendi, Zabaleta

Goalkeeper: Bravo
"For Manchester City, Guardiola has won all 10 games of the new season since Guardiola coached Manchester City. Not counting friendly matches, Manchester City scored 35 goals in total. The strength of the offensive end is very scary."

"In this game, Guardiola is expected to break the 10-game winning streak created by the previous coach Manuel Pellegrini."

"But there's also a flaw in City's squad, and that's their defence."

"Manchester City have conceded goals in 6 of the 4 Premier League games, and almost every game has exposed the hidden dangers of their defense."

"But Manchester City's 10-game winning streak somewhat conceals the problems on the defensive end, which is the biggest unstable factor for Manchester City!"

"In this game, Guardiola also lost a frontcourt attacker."

"De Bruyne was injured and retired in the last round of the Premier League. Guardiola said before the game that De Bruyne needs a month to recover."

"It's another blow to Manchester City's attacking side."

"So Chu Zheng appeared in the position of right central midfielder today, probably to replace De Bruyne's role in the frontcourt."

"And David Silva has taken over the authority of the Manchester City commander from Chu Zheng. The offensive organization and control of the rhythm are probably under the control of this veteran."

At 9:29 am on September 02th, BJ time, with a whistle from the famous Italian whistler Rizzoli, the game officially started.

On the field, the Celtics quickly moved the ball to the right to start the attack after taking the ball out.

Manchester City's formation is fast, and they take advantage of the number of people in the midfield to carry out high-intensity pressing on the Celtic players.

The Celtics lost the ball in less than 10 seconds.

However, after the Celtics lost the ball, the formation did not retreat but advanced, and quickly counter-robbed Manchester City.

For a while, the two sides broke out an extremely fierce competition for the ball in the midfield, and they completed an offensive and defensive transition with each other in less than 1 minute.

But it is a pity that the offensive of both sides came to an abrupt end when they reached the front of the opponent's penalty area.

Soon, the Celtics at home took control of the ball and passed the ball back for controlled transmission.

At 1 minute and 38 seconds of the game, Aguero pressed the Celtics right center back Kolo Touré in the middle of the frontcourt.

Kolo Touré quickly kicked a long pass to his front right.

But Clichy reacted very quickly, and rushed forward in time to seize the position, blocked the Celtics' right midfielder Forrester, and kicked the ball to the center circle.

The center circle area continued to fight for the top, and the ball returned to the Celtics.

After the Celtics left back Tierney got the ball from the midfielder Neil Beaton, he immediately speeded up and moved to the side.

But Chu Zheng was faster, and chased back along the inside line in a blink of an eye.

With the tacit cooperation of Fernandinho on the side and Zabaleta on the wing, Chu Zheng directly locked Tierney on the sideline.

Di Neil didn't hesitate when he saw that there was no ball to pass, and quickly returned the pass to the side of the backcourt before Chu Zheng came close to him.

Chu Zheng turned around and pressed forward, but he didn't run a few steps. The ball passed through the Celtics' backcourt quickly and fell back to Tierney's feet.

This time it was Sterling who defended Tierney.

Tierney didn't stop the ball and passed the ball directly to the ribs.

Sinclair, who received the ball with his back, had already observed Moussa Dembele lurking between City's two centre-backs.

As long as he turns around and sends the ball forward, with Moussa Dembele's extremely fast speed, he can definitely penetrate Manchester City's over-raised defense line in an instant, allowing Moussa Dembele to get a precious grain. One-handed ball.

But at the moment when he completed a half-turn and formed a good passing opportunity with Dembele, Zabaleta rushed to him at the moment he took the ball, and blocked the ball back with one kick.

The ball bounced off Sinclair and hit Zabaleta.

Before Sinclair signaled, the referee Rizzoli blew his whistle and awarded the Celtics a free kick in the frontcourt.

"Manchester City should be careful! Try to avoid giving the Celtics the opportunity to attack with a set ball in the frontcourt!" Zhang Lu laughed.

Zhan Jun shook his head and said, "The ball is about 45 meters away from the goal, so it's not a big threat."

"Manchester City's high-altitude defense is not good, but it's not that bad."

"If this kind of ball can be scored, I will eat the table!" Zhan Jun seemed to be in a very good mood today, and he dared to make such a joke.

"Haha!" Zhang Lu was amused.

On the field, facing the Celtics' frontcourt free kick, Manchester City is like an enemy, and all 10 players are lined up at the front of the penalty area.

The Celtics' five offensive players are lined up in the area to the right of the top of the arc, making it unclear what their true intentions are.

The referee Rizzoli blew his whistle and Sinclair on the left side of the ball ran up.

But before the ball he stopped suddenly.

At this time, five Celtic players advanced at the same time.

On Manchester City's side, Otamendi, Stones, Clichy and others saw the Celtics all advancing, and quickly retreated to cause offside.

The result is that I never expected the Celtics to have a routine for this set kick.

Sinclair paused in front of the ball and kicked again, but still missed the pass.

Standing on the left side of the top of the arc, Chu Zheng's talent warning sounded instantly, smelling danger.

Chu Zheng turned his head and looked back, and saw that Forest had already killed along the sidewalk to the upper right corner of the restricted area.

Immediately, Chu Zheng guessed what tricks the Celtics were trying to play.

At this moment, Sinclair swung his right foot on the spot and drew the ball directly to the rear point on the right side of the penalty area.

Forrest rushed from the upper right corner of the penalty area to the landing point, and there was no one around him to mark him. Krishner was too strong.

"Plug in the back! Manchester City missed someone in the back!!!!" Seeing this sudden scene, Zhan Jun raised his voice instantly.

Outside the right sideline of the small penalty area, Forrester rushed to the landing point, raised the ball with his right foot without stopping the ball, and directly pointed the ball towards the middle of the large penalty area.

At this time, Manchester City's defense failed to create an offside, resulting in Moussa Dembele, Sviachenko and Kolo Touré being surrounded by no one at all.

The tragic Bravo suffered a three-on-one.

In the end line of the small penalty area, facing the ball, Moussa Dembele, who has scored 10 goals for the Celtics in the new season, shook his head, and the ball flew to the left of the goal.

When the ball crossed the goal line, the Celtic Park Stadium instantly set off a terrible sound wave like a fighter plane taking off.

"Ouch!" Zhang Lu exclaimed.

"The goal has been scored!" Zhan Jun shouted, "The Celtics scored at home in less than two and a half minutes!"

"Moussa Dembele Jr., a 20-year-old French striker, this is also his first Champions League goal after joining Celtic this year!"

On the sidelines, Rogers threw a punch at the moment of scoring, with an extremely excited expression.

On the coaching bench of the visiting team behind him, the corner of Guardiola's mouth twitched, and then he looked at the field expressionlessly.

On the field, Chu Zheng also stared blankly at the Celtic players who were celebrating collectively next to the flagpole in the right corner.

There is nothing to say about this ball.

Obviously, the Celtics saw through their offside tactic and used this tactic in turn.

At this moment, Chu Zheng experienced the cruelty of the Champions League firsthand, and he really couldn't underestimate any team.

Even a little-known and well-recognized underdog in the European War can explode with superhuman strength after entering the Champions League, the world's top stage.

"Clichy is responsible for this ball!"

"You can see that he and Fernandinho squeezed together without looking behind him at all, allowing Forest, who came in behind, to take advantage of a big loophole."

Seeing that Zhan Jun glanced at the barrage with a weird expression on his face, Zhang Lu pointed it out directly, and said with a smile: "You should eat the table first!"

"Haha!" Zhan Jun burst out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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