Green Journey

Chapter 504 Come and go!It's a close call!

Chapter 504 Come and go!It's a close call!
In the stands, the Arsenal fans were slightly silent.

The Arsenal fans who were tied in the score were indeed very sad, but now they are more worried that the team's psychological problems will suddenly erupt.

The two matches with Bayern with a total score of 2-10 are actually very similar. They collapsed after kicking and kicking, turning into a group of walking dead with no fighting spirit at all.

Many Arsenal fans actually know that the team's problem is not in tactics, nor in the competitive state of the players, but in psychology.

They are really afraid to see the numbness of the players in the two games against Bayern again.

But it turns out that the worries of Arsenal fans are unnecessary, at least for the current situation on the field, it is unnecessary.

On the field, the Arsenal players still adhered to Wenger's tactical strategy. They pushed forward at high speed after taking the ball, and tried every means to attack Manchester City's goal with fast passes and fast belts.

And Manchester City is not used to Arsenal.

The rhythm of the game's offensive and defensive transitions was surprisingly fast under Chu Zheng's special control.

In the transition stage of Manchester City's offense and defense, Chu Zheng often only needs one kick to increase Manchester City's offensive speed, making it impossible for Arsenal to stop.

Moreover, Chu Zheng rarely left the ball at his feet today, and most of the time he chose to kick the ball.

This made the Arsenal players not to mention restricting Chu Zheng. Sometimes they were transferred by Chu Zheng before they posted the ball.

Although this kind of fast-passing and fast-moving offensive strategy will lead to an increase in turnover rate, it is a threat as long as it is played once.

Obviously, both Arsenal and Manchester City have this in mind today.

For Wenger, he needs a convincing game to help the players regain confidence and stabilize the coaching position.

As for Guardiola, now that Chelsea have taken the initiative to make mistakes, if they cannot seize the opportunity, maybe they will not be so lucky next time.

Sometimes on the road to the championship, it's not that the opponent doesn't give a chance.

In many cases, it is often the opponent who gave the opportunity, but you did not seize it.

Therefore, this is a game that Manchester City cannot lose.

Even a draw is unacceptable to Guardiola.

You have to win, otherwise it is no different from losing.

In the 10th minute of the game, the opportunity appeared again.

Caballero took the goal kick, and Aguero retreated to the left rib of his own center circle to get the ball and immediately turned to the right in a U-shaped bend to the sidewalk, leaving Mustafi behind again.

Chu Zheng inserted in the ribs at high speed, and Ozil, who was behind him, was thrown away by more than one meter.

Sane in front of Aguero also advanced along the side at high speed, holding Bellerin on the side.

Seeing Chu Zheng coming up, he directly drilled into the huge gap between Bellerin and Koscielny in the middle, and Aguero, who was moving at high speed, immediately made a diagonal cross.

As a result, the ball was not given to Chu Zheng, but behind him.

Ozil quickly slowed down and stopped the ball behind Chu Zheng.

But Chu Zheng was faster. He turned around and stretched out his long legs. The moment Ozil stopped the ball, he tiptoed the ball directly to Aguero.

Aguero swung the ball and transferred directly to the outside line of the right rib.

But in a hurry, it was still not accurate.

The ball fell directly to Monreal who was inside the right rib at the top of the arc.

But the funny thing is that Monreal faced Aguero's extremely fast low and long pass, and he stopped directly to Sterling on the outside.

Sterling quickly moved forward after stopping the ball.

At the same time, De Bruyne, who was behind him, quickly rimmed and restrained Monreal.

But Coquelin and Xhaka rushed to Sterling's side in a blink of an eye, and joined forces to completely block the right rib at the top of the arc.

Sterling kept shaking from side to side, seeing that there was no chance to go in, he suddenly turned around and passed back in a straight line, splitting the side directly via Fernandinho.

Outside the penalty area, De Bruyne took the ball and faced Monreal on the sideline of the penalty area.

He continuously changed directions from left to right but didn't even get to Monreal, who had his hands behind his back.

At this moment, De Bruyne saw Chu Zheng go up to the top of the arc in the middle, and he suddenly passed the ball diagonally back.

Chu Zheng ran forward to meet the ball, quickly adjusted his footsteps, and then directly kicked a low, flat ball and heavy artillery.

Bang!The ball passed through the cracks in the penalty area and went straight to the lower corner of the near post.

"Chu!!!!!!!!!!" Seeing Chu Zheng suddenly take a long shot, the voices of Martin and Smith in the commentary booth suddenly became louder.

Near the right side of the post, Ospina fell directly to the left.

But he was still a little slower, and the ball forced his way past him.

But at the moment when Ospina's heart was ashamed, a bang sound pulled his soul back, and this sound was no less than the sound of nature to Ospina.


"Shit!!" Martin exclaimed with wide eyes, "Chu's shot went past the Arsenal goalkeeper and hit the goal frame!"

"Damn it, this damn goalpost, he prevented Chu from a wonderful long-range goal!!!!" Smith also slapped the table angrily.

On the field, Manchester City's offense is not over yet.

The ball hit the outside of the post and bounced back to De Bruyne's feet on the right side of the goal, giving Manchester City a second chance to attack.

Arsenal players in the penalty area raised their hands one after another, but the bent and half-squatting linesman ignored them.

In a blink of an eye, Arsenal's defense quickly retreated into the small penalty area, building a human wall in front of the goal.

De Bruyne brought the ball to the upper corner of the small penalty area. Facing Monreal's attack, he quickly swiped the outside of his left foot to the left and avoided it.

Immediately afterwards, he followed up quickly, swung his left foot and fired another heavy cannon.

Before approaching the post, Ospina swooped to the left again, this time blocking the ball with both hands.


The ball does not go out of the baseline after being blocked, but rolls outward along the baseline.

In a blink of an eye, De Bruyne came to the corner between the baseline and the sideline of the penalty area to take the ball again.

At this time, Arsenal's penalty area has already returned to defense, and there are 9 people standing in the penalty area.

Seeing that the penalty area was almost tightly blocked, De Bruyne knew that the cross pass was useless.

Seeing that he was about to be surrounded and died in front of the baseline from three sides, at this moment, a miraculous scene came. Before the space on the left rear side was completely blocked, he suddenly turned his body to the left forcibly in front of the baseline, and his right foot shoveled directly at the bottom of the ball.

Immediately, the ball flew high and fell again towards Chu Zheng, who was already on the left front of the top of the arc.

"I buy it!!!"

"Amazing Kevin, how did he know Chu's position without turning around!!" In the commentary seat, Martin and Smith wanted to pee again, with extremely surprised tones.

On the court, Chu Zheng was not surprised. He knew De Bruyne, and this kind of passing was a piece of cake for this guy's vision and passing skills.

The next second, at the top of the arc to the left, facing the ball falling in front of him, Chu Zheng adjusted his footsteps and rushed to the free throw arc and jumped up directly.

"call out!!!!"


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the ball soared into the sky like a rainbow across the sky. Before flying towards the goal, it fell rapidly and went in from the upper right corner of the goal.

At this moment, everyone was dumbfounded, including Manchester City fans.

This is a fairy ball, such a short distance, and it has the effect of kicking a falling leaf ball, it is simply miraculous!
"what a goal!!!!!!!!!"

"what a goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

In the commentary booth, Martin and Smith were so excited that their voices broke, and the two shouted one after another, in full tacit understanding, jumping happily in front of the commentary booth!

In the LeTV live broadcast room, Zhan Jun was also cheering.

"Chu Zheng, this is his 40th goal for Manchester City this season!!!!!!!"

"40 goals! 40 goals! Chu Zheng took another crucial step!"

"As a midfielder, scoring so many goals in a single season is something that has never happened before in the history of world football."

"Chu Zheng is continuing to break new records he created himself!"

"This is really a world wave with almost no solution! Arsenal's players have blocked the penalty area, but the ball came from the sky!"

Zhang Lu raised her voice and said a little excitedly: "The ball almost went to the upper right dead corner on the right, and it fell very fast, which caught Ospina by surprise."

"The speed of the ball is actually not very fast, but the angle is too tricky."

"The two super-cores of Manchester City take turns to show their power, even if Ultraman comes, he can't hold it!" Zhan Jun said suddenly.


On the sidelines, seeing Chu Zheng once again helping the team overtake, Guardiola jumped back in joy and punched him.

Wenger, on the other hand, was full of helplessness.

A total of 9 players retreated into the penalty area to defend, almost blocking the front of the goal tightly, but they still made it, what else could he say.

Encountering such an evildoer, I can only admit it.

On the field, Xhaka stood with his hands on his hips and silently looked at Chu Zheng, who was hugging his teammates outside the penalty area, with a complicated look in his eyes.

The media compares him with Chu Zheng from time to time, so as to highlight that he is a parallel importer.

He was very unconvinced at first, but now he is numb.

Humans and monsters, is there any comparison?

come on!He doesn't want to blame himself.

In the stands, the Arsenal fans fell silent again. The smiles on the faces of the fans had completely disappeared, replaced by grimness.

They are scared again!

They are very worried that the unexpected collapse will come suddenly, and they are afraid to see that kind of scene.

Once the team really collapses on its own and its willpower is disintegrated, Manchester City's offensive firepower is much stronger than Bayern's, and it will definitely kill them to the ground.

But with the passage of time, this worry in the hearts of Arsenal fans has gradually let go.

Because the performance of Arsenal players on the field is very stable, it seems that there is not much change.

Not only that, when the game entered 20 minutes, with Wenger's loud command on the sidelines, Arsenal was still accelerating, the pressing in the frontcourt was also strengthening, and the frequency of players taking the ball became faster.

Of course, there were more mistakes.

This desire to win the game displayed by the Arsenal players has satisfied the Gunners fans.

Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is having no fighting spirit and waiting for failure without shame, just like the two games against Bayern, this is the most terrible thing.

As for Manchester City, Chu Zheng didn't go crazy with Arsenal, he firmly controlled his rhythm.

Arsenal's increased speed is a good thing for Manchester City. The faster the speed, the more mistakes they make, and the more mistakes they make, the more opportunities they will have.

Soon, under the urging of the continuous and rapid confrontation between the two sides, the fourth goal of the game came.

In the 39th minute of the game, Arsenal sent a short corner kick from the left.

Sanchez adjusted after taking the ball, and then made a direct cross.

However, it was blocked by Sterling, who went up horizontally in time, and the ball fell in a high parabola to the top of the arc in the middle and bounced off the ground.

Manchester City's defense pressed out in time, and Otamendi took off quickly, but failed to clear the ball.

The ball flew forward to the left and landed three or four meters away from the left front rib, and then Mustafi jumped in front of De Bruyne, who continued to follow up, and pushed the ball back into the penalty area.

Mustafi's top, the effect exploded, and directly hit the Manchester City defense line that had collectively pushed out of the penalty area and was caught off guard.

On the penalty spot, Walcott quickly got in place and stretched out his right foot to unload the ball.

At this moment, every Manchester City fan's heart ached.

At this moment, the huge Emirates Stadium seems to be quiet in an instant.

In the stands, countless gun fans quietly watched the Manchester City penalty area, everyone's eyes were full of desire, they were waiting for the arrival of the goal.

In the penalty area, facing Clichy who came back half a beat from the left side, Walcott raised his right foot and quickly kicked and shot.

As a result, he hastily poked the ball and missed it, instead allowing Chrissy to get stuck in front of him.

But it doesn't matter, the ball is still within his control.

At this point, the ball is in Chrissy's crotch.

Not seeing the ball, Chrissy seemed a little flustered.

At this moment, Walcott kicked again and stabbed the ball under Clichy's crotch directly to the lower left corner of the goal.

On the goal line, Caballero made a timely save.

However, Walcott's stab shot was slow, but the angle was very tricky, almost heading for the lower left corner.

In the next second, seeing the team equalize again, the Emirates Stadium boiled like a frying pan.

"Oh! The ball went in again!!!!!!!!!"

"Did it work?!!!!" Zhang Lu stared at the TV screen with wide eyes, "Just now when Mustafi turned back to the top, Walcott, Welbeck and Koscielny were dragged behind Manchester City's defense line!"

"It might be offside!" Zhan Jun followed suit.

In the camera, inside and outside the top of the arc, Otamendi, Stones, Fernandinho and Caballero are all raising their hands to signal Arsenal to go offside for this goal.

But the lineman made no sign.

At this moment, everything in the camera, the slow motion replay came.

"Oh! It's not offside!" Zhan Jun stared at the TV with wide-eyed eyes. "It's really not offside. The moment Mustafi returned to the top, Chrissy was too slow to push out, just behind Welbeck and the three."

"As long as he goes up a little faster and he steps out with his left leg, the three of Walcott may be in an offside position!" Zhang Lu said.

"Yes, Walcott's shot is not beautiful, but it is very tricky!"

On the sidelines, Wenger kept applauding with a gentlemanly smile on his face to show his satisfaction with the disciples on the field.

In the stands, the gun fans were also very excited. This is the gunman in their hearts.

Anything is possible as long as you don't give up.

Guardiola is very helpless, which is another manifestation of the background of the rich.

But in any case, they must win this game.

(End of this chapter)

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