Green Journey

Chapter 56 Signing Ceremony!

Chapter 56 Signing Ceremony!

After the Europa League group stage, the next game will be on December 12th, and the Wolfsburg team also ushered in a rare two-day holiday.

But the next day Chu Zheng and Mario appeared at the Wolfsburg club.

"Chu, you should have received training sessions on media interviews at Chelsea!" Mario asked suddenly on the way from the parking lot to the press conference.

Chu Zheng nodded and said with a smile, "Yes!"

At Chelsea, in addition to training sessions and cultural lessons, players also need to spend time learning how to deal with the media.

When Chu Zheng learned how to deal with the media for the first time, he was really stunned. He never expected that foreign youth training would even consider this aspect, and even taught players how to communicate with the media, and how to deal with the media. Ask questions about various pitfalls.

After a while, Chu Zheng and Mario walked into the press conference hall in Wolfsburg.

Today's signing with Wolfsburg specially organized a signing ceremony for him.

Today's Chu Zheng is no longer an unknown person, and Wolfsburg dare not take it lightly.

Of course, they also took the opportunity to announce to the outside world that they had given Chu Zheng a very lucrative contract, and told those bastards who wanted to poach people to give up as soon as possible.

When Chu Zheng and Mario walked into the press conference, dozens of guns and short cannons suddenly turned around and shot wildly at Chu Zheng and Mario.

There was a faint smile on Chu Zheng's face, but soon Chu Zheng's eyes became a little surprised.

Because he found many Chinese faces among these reporters.

"Wow! So handsome!!" In the group of reporters, a Chinese female reporter with a ponytail and a lady's professional suit with a good face shouted while taking pictures.

"Oh! Woman!" Lin Fan, who was carrying the camera beside him, rolled his eyes.

But he had to admit that Chu Zheng, who was wearing a tight black suit today, was really eye-catching.

Especially the well-proportioned face with three courts and five eyes, and the pair of eyes that look extraordinarily deep and attractive against the backdrop of high brow bones, are really eye-catching.

After a while, the signing ceremony began. Chu Zheng and Wolfsburg club director Allofs sat on the stage, holding a pen to sign the contract.

After signing the contract, Chu Zheng and Alofs were photographed and interviewed by reporters.

"Chu! Can you tell me what your annual salary is?"

"Sorry! No!" Chu Zheng smiled and refused directly.

There was a burst of laughter from the reporters present, which made the female reporter a little embarrassed.

At this moment, the unshaven middle-aged white man stood up and asked: "Chu, Guardiola mentioned you in the post-match media conference a few days ago, and he said that you left him a very deep impression. , What do you think about this!"

"I'm very honored!" Chu Zheng's answer was still very short.

"Chu! May I ask if you have any plans to transfer in the future? For example, to Bayern, or to other leagues!" Suddenly, a 1.5-meter tall, slightly abstract Japanese girl stood up and asked with a little playfulness in her eyes.

Hearing such a sharp question suddenly, more than a dozen Chinese reporters off the field raised their hearts, and even Allofs on the field showed dissatisfaction.

Standing under the stage, Mario frowned instantly. He was a little worried about Chu Zheng.

Once this question is not answered well, it will immediately fall into public opinion.

Once Chu Zheng answered badly, he would immediately be suspected of having a problem with his loyalty to the team.

At that time, it will arouse the resentment of Wolfsburg fans and the club, which will be very detrimental to Chu Zheng.

Fortunately, Chu Zheng received interview training from the media during his youth training. He must have learned how to answer or avoid such sharp questions.

Chu Zheng on the stage still had a calm smile on his face, and said: "The future is full of uncertainties, but I think if the team needs me, then I will stay!"

"Hehe!" Hearing Chu Zheng's still short answer, Mario suddenly grinned happily.

Chu Zheng's answer can be said to be full of wisdom.

What does it mean that he will not leave as long as the club needs him? The key point is the need for two words.

Chu Zheng threw this question to the Wolfsburg club.

In today's increasingly gold-dollarized football world, there are actually no players who are indispensable to the team, even Messi and Ronaldo.

The legendary stories of one man, one city like Wolf King Totti, Giggs, Maldini, etc. are already a thing of the past.

Although each club has its own operating model, they all have a common goal, which is to pursue interests.

When a player doesn't bring them enough benefit, or selling the player can bring them a huge benefit, there is only one ending.


Mario is very clear that with Chu Zheng's current development trend, he will leave Wolfsburg one day and go to a wealthy club in another league.

And Wolfsburg certainly knows that too.

Although Wolfsburg is not a small club, it is not that big.

In the football pyramid, Wolfsburg is just a middle and lower club, and their salary cannot support a big-name star in the team.

They are like a barren soil.

And in this barren soil, no big tree can grow!
Especially here is the Bundesliga, the operation of the club is very particular about financial health, what they pursue is a strong youth training ability, they can't give players high annual salaries.

Even the powerful Bayern is subject to the restrictions of the German Football Association's policies, not to mention other clubs in the Bundesliga.

So what Chu Zheng said now can almost be said to be paving the way for his future departure.

Not long after, the signing ceremony officially ended.

Just as the media crowd was leaving, Lin Fan suddenly stretched out his foot and stepped on the heel of the little Japanese reporter who was submerged in the crowd and couldn't see the end.


"Bagaya Road!!"

"Who tripped me!!!"

The little Japanese fell to the ground, his face flushed with anger, he got up in a panic and turned his head to search for the culprit.


The crowd of reporters suddenly burst into laughter, but no one paid any attention to him.

Lin Fan, who was carrying the camera, walked past him nonchalantly, and Chen Jiao, who was following closely behind him, pursed her lips tightly, for fear of laughing herself.

"Brother Lin! You are so courageous!" After leaving the venue, after the two of them got away from the crowd, Chen Jiao immediately laughed and gave Lin Fan a thumbs up.

Lin Fan shook his hand, curled his lips and said, "If this is outside, I must put him in a sack!"

Chen Jiao nodded, and said, "It's true that people hate you, but when you hear that question, you feel uneasy and well-intentioned!"

Lin Fan nodded. Ever since Chu Zheng rose strongly in the Bundesliga and crushed Uchida Atsuto, Gan Guishi and other Japanese players studying abroad in the Bundesliga with great strength, these Japanese journalists always looked at them every time they met them. A nose is not a nose.

Lin Fan has been upset with these Japanese and Korean reporters for a long time.

He thought that he could only silently watch these Japanese and Korean reporters show their sense of superiority in front of him and tout their country's stars for the rest of his life, but he didn't expect that he would also be proud of this day.

The appearance of Chu Zheng made Lin Fan, who has stayed in Europe for many years and knows the European league very well, feel extremely miraculous.

There are also Niu Benben, Hao Xiao, and Jiang Lai.

Especially Jiang Lai, who has now become the main member of Ajax U21, and performed very well in the Dutch youth competition.

Sometimes when Lin Fan thinks about the four of them, Chu Zheng, it feels like a dream.

Unknowingly, the visiting European youth training team, which was labeled as shameful, weird, and absurd by the domestic media, has quietly accomplished a very remarkable event.

Leaving aside the others, Chuzheng alone is enough to make people remember this youth training team.

Over the years, China has been threatening to catch up with European football.

But Lin Fan felt that the country has been chasing in the opposite direction these years, and it has become farther and farther away, so far that he can't see any hope.

The more he understands European football, the more desperate he is!
In 2002, there were still tens of thousands of elementary and middle school students playing football all the year round in China.

But now, Lin Fan is very pessimistic. He thinks that he is about to die in half.

The number of teenagers playing in a country determines the level of the national team more than ten years later!
According to the analysis of the current situation, Lin Fan feels that what Fan Zhiyi said last year is likely to become a cruel reality.

But when he thought of Chu Zheng, Niu Benben, Hao Xiao, and Jiang Lai, and especially Chu Zheng's phenomenal performance in the past three months, he suddenly felt boundless hope.

Maybe it won't be so bad!

"Brother Lin, hurry up and call Chu Zheng's manager, why are you still standing there!"

"Oh! That's right!" Lin Fan came back to his senses and immediately took out his phone and dialed it.

After his unremitting efforts during this period, he finally contacted Chu Zheng's agent Mario, and got the opportunity to interview Chu Zheng alone.

 Thank you Yangyang Yanhan for your reward! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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