Green Journey

Chapter 72 Dream Start!Being crushed and beaten!

Chapter 72 Dream Start!Being crushed and beaten! (Ask for the first order!)
On the right side, three or four meters away from the center line, Kalijuli received Chu Zheng's kick.

Chu Zheng gave the ball just the right amount of strength, so that Calijuri didn't have to slow down.

At this time, Dante has moved quickly from the center to the side to intercept, and Bernat is also rapidly approaching behind Caligiuri.

Once Kalijuli let the two attack back and forth to reduce the speed, then the chance of the counterattack planned by Chu Zheng could be said to be gone.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Caligiuri quickly made his choice.

He slowed down suddenly after crossing the center line of the wing, and then sent a rib through ball.

At the same time, De Bruyne and Dorst in the center and ribs went hand in hand.

In the right rib channel, De Bruyne successfully stuck Boateng behind him and received Caligiuri's through ball in the right rib area at the top of the arc.

De Bruyne didn't take it himself, but crossed the ball directly with his right foot at the moment of touching the ball.

On the left side of the top of the arc, Dost is in an unmarked position.

Seeing the ball coming, he adjusted calmly and pushed with his right foot very calmly.

On the end line of the small penalty area, Neuer thought that Dost was going to push his lower right corner.

It turned out to be his left side. This misjudgment made him unable to make a save, and he could only watch the ball roll into the goal.


"Goal!!! Goal!!! Goal!!!!!! Goal!!!!!!!!!"

At the commentary seat, Stevenson held his head in his hands and shouted with emotion, his blue eyes were round and full of disbelief.

"Buzz Dorst!!!"


The live DJ also extended the voice to broadcast the goal player!






Under the leadership of the live DJ, the goal called all the participants of this attack together.

Especially Chu Zheng, the behind-the-scenes hero who successfully intercepted the ball and quickly launched a counterattack, the Wolfsburg fans' calls were obviously louder.

On the sidelines, after Dieter Heijin celebrated, there was still a bit of disbelief in his eyes.

He never expected that the first attack in the opening game would be the first shot.

Judging from the team's previous offensive performance, this efficiency is very different from Wolfsburg.

Guardiola next to him was also very surprised by the arrival of this goal.

But he could see that Wolfsburg's attack was almost doomed from the moment it was launched.

Whether it is Chu Zheng, Caligiuri, De Bruyne, etc., the timing of their transition of the ball is handled just right.

It can almost be said that every kick hits the weakness of their defense.

"A perfect counterattack!!"

At this time, Zhang Lu on the sports channel also made a conclusion for Wolfsburg's goal.

Fan Zhiyi nodded and answered with a smile, "Chu Zheng's quick counterattack planned this time is as perfect as a classic half-court counterattack case in a textbook!"

"After the opening, in fact, Guardiola's game strategy on Bayern's side has been very clear, which is to keep hanging behind Wolfsburg with high balls."

"As for Wolfsburg, Dieter Heiking's tactical strategy is similar. He also wants to play behind Bayern."

On the court, seeing De Bruyne's 12th assist this season, Chu Zheng was not only envious, but also happy for his friend.

Not long after, Wolfsburg celebrated and the game resumed.

Although Bayern conceded the ball, they are a Bundesliga giant with a deep foundation, and their players are not in a hurry.

Bayern's tactical strike target is still very clear.

The offense is mainly on the left, constantly attacking Vierinha, who played the right back in this game, through the ground and the air.

On Wolfsburg's side, the players on the field mainly focus on solid defense.

The scenes of crowds and attacks in previous games disappeared without a trace.

Today's Wolfsburg is more like a pack of wolves lurking in the grass.

But with the passage of time, part of Dieter Heiking's tactics and ultimate intentions have gradually been exposed.

The first is Wolfsburg's high-position pressing tactics.

After scoring the goal, the players on the Wolfsburg field stepped up their pressing.

Let Bayern's players start to frequently fall into hand-to-hand combat in the midfield.

At the beginning, many fans and commentators could not see clearly Wolfsburg's tactical intentions.

Because although Wolfsburg's high-position press can continuously compress the space of Bayern's midfielder and support players, forcing Bayern's midfielders to keep passing the ball backwards, it is useless if they cannot break the ball. .

But when the game entered the 30th minute, more and more football-savvy fans saw Wolfsburg's back move.

Combined with this back move, it immediately made countless fans and commentators applaud.

Wolfsburg's back move is to pinch Harvey Alonso, Bayern's single midfielder.

The running positions of Dost, De Bruyne and Perisic are very targeted to Harvey Alonso.

For Bayern, although Schweinsteiger and Alaba will retreat from time to time to help Alonso sort out the midfield.

But as long as these two press up and participate in the offense, they will be too far away from Harvey Alonso's position.

At this time, Harvey Alonso will be flanked by the three-person team headed by De Bruyne.

These three people have a clear division of labor. The farther one cuts off Harvey Alonso's passing line. Lonso couldn't calmly change the direction of attack and play the ball.

This is why Bayern has been unable to threaten Wolfsburg's goal after gaining possession.

On the sidelines, Guardiola also discovered Alonso's dilemma.

But in the eyes of the world's famous coaches, Wolfsburg's tactics are not limited to the above two tactics.

There are third and fourth tricks.

Dieter Heiking's third move was to divide their midfield.

In this game, Bayern's formation on the field was switched between 4141 and 4321.

But Guardiola didn't expect Dieter Heijin to come up with an extremely weird set of 4231.

Now it directly leads to their three midfielders and Robben being far apart, and it is impossible to establish a connection at all.

As for the fourth tactic, there is nothing to say, it is easy to understand at a glance.

After doing the first three points well, seize every opportunity to launch a fast and efficient side counterattack, just like the goal just now.

After seeing through Dieter Heijin's tactical arrangement, Guardiola touched his bald head and felt a little headache.

In the 33rd minute of the game, after six or seven consecutive long passes could not threaten Wolfsburg's goal, Bayern suddenly changed their offensive line.

Schweinsteiger returned to the center circle to take the ball, and with a seemingly clumsy turn to the right, he cleverly got rid of Arnold behind him, and then quickly sent the ball forward.

Three or four meters away, Muller, who was standing between Gustavo and Caligiuri, knocked the rolling ball directly across and quickly diverted the ball from Wolfsburg's rib encirclement.

On the arc of the middle circle in the middle, Robben got the ball.

Standing in front of him were Chu Zheng and Rodriguez.

On Chu Zheng's side, he saw Lewand behind him, and he instantly realized what Bayern was going to do.

Chu Zheng didn't turn around to stare at Lewand immediately, but stepped back while pointing his left finger at Rodriguez on the left.

The next second, at the moment Robben took the ball, Chu Zheng rushed forward instead of retreating to the right.

At the same time, Robben's through ball arrived, and Chu Zheng once again intercepted it.

After Chu Zheng stopped the ball, he quickly pushed it with his right foot to De Bruyne, who retreated from the left front center.

De Bruyne turned the ball around and saw Perisic sprinting on the left side, so he quickly sent a kick from the side.

But it's a pity that this time he used too much strength, which caused the ball to be given a bit deep.

When Perisic caught up with the ball, he was already near the bottom line on the left side of the penalty area, leaving Bayern right back Rhodes blocked on the outside.

"The interception of the ball is so beautiful! The timing is so accurate to the second!"

"That's right, Chu Zheng didn't even look at Lewandowski who was sneaking behind him, because he knew that Naldo and Rodriguez had a high probability of blocking Lewandowski, so he made up his mind and deliberately let go of this line. For the straight line, Robben is waiting!"

In the live broadcast room of the sports channel, the four of He Wei were amazed at Chu Zheng's upsurge.

In a professional football game, the most easily overlooked by fans is the intellectual confrontation between the two sides.

Sometimes this contest between golfers is even more exciting.

Of course, the premise is that you have to understand.

Soon, the game entered the 40th minute, and Bayern also ushered in the last wave of offensive in the first half.

The Bayern players, who have realized that their midfielders are in trouble, have reduced the number of passes to Xavi Alonso.

Although this made Bayern's transfer of the ball a little smoother, it was nothing more than that.

Without Alonso's scheduling, Bayern's midfielder couldn't turn around at all.

In the 42nd minute of the game, Boateng got the ball on the right side of the half behind the center line.

Seeing that Alonso, who was five or six meters in front of the center line, was in the triangle encirclement again, he immediately gave up his plan to give the ball and passed a diagonal pass to Lewandowski in the middle.

Chu Zheng immediately pressed on, but Lewandowski didn't stop the ball at all, and moved the ball laterally to Rhodes on the right.

Chu Zheng quickly turned around and retreated after flying into the air, running towards the rib on the right side of the top of the arc.

On the wing, Rhodes confronted Rodriguez on the sideline of the penalty area.

Looking at Rodriguez who was two meters away, Rhodes wanted to imitate Robben, but unfortunately he didn't have the ability and courage.

So he chose a half-high pass.

In the end line of the penalty area on the right side of the top of the arc, Robben has turned sideways to catch the ball.

However, in the next second, Chu Zheng returned to his position in time and rubbed the ball out of the penalty area with his right heel.

Then Chu Zheng quickly turned around, facing Lewand in his ribs again.

After Lewandowski dribbled the ball into the penalty area, he suddenly made a trip to the right, and then immediately took a shot.

But his choice still did not escape Chu Zheng's prediction.

Chu Zheng directly bent his knees and brought his knees together, blocked the wicket while twisting his body to the left, and blocked the ball out of the baseline with a right step.

Lewand turned and shook his head to leave. He could hardly remember how many times Chu Zheng blocked his shots in the first half.

Guardiola on the sidelines also shook his head.

Chu Zheng's performance during this time surprised him very much.

He hasn't seen such an excellent young defender for many years, even Kimmich, who they just signed from Stuttgart, can't compare to Chu Zheng.

Their attack on Chu Zheng's side in the first half was almost useless.

Neither the right flank nor the right rib attack was successful once, and they were all destroyed by Chu Zheng.

Just when everyone thought that the first half of the game was about to end like this, a dazzling offensive and defensive battle suddenly took place.

 (Seek the first order!) (Seek the first order!) (Seek the first order!) (Seek the first order!)

(End of this chapter)

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