Learning in the NBA can make you a god

Chapter 134 Three-Point Shootout Contest

Chapter 134 Three-Point Shootout Contest

The three-point contest started, and everyone started the warm-up exercise.

The players participating in the three-point contest are: Li Tian, ​​Richard Hamilton, Jason Kapono, Steve Nash, Dirk Nowitzki, Peja Stojakovic.

Dirk was unable to participate in the three-point contest because of Kobe's injury and replaced Kobe in the game.

Peja is the most vocal of the fans. After all, it is their home stadium. If there is no voice, then what is the game?One of the favorable contenders for this three-point contest, Peja is also a player who has won two consecutive three-point contests.

Kapono participated in the three-point contest this time with only one purpose, that is to defend the title, and he dismissed Li Tian, ​​a rookie.

Nash also participated in several times, but did not win a championship.

That is to say, Hamilton and him are rookies in the three-point contest, and he is a rookie among rookies.

However, I could still vaguely hear someone calling Li Tian's name, all of them were of familiar skin color, and there were also many fans wearing the No. 0 jersey.

"Reggie, who do you think is the most likely to win the three-point contest?" Barkley explained the three-point contest with Reggie Miller today.

"Let's go with Kapono. He won a three-point shot contest last season. Although defending the title is difficult, I'm still optimistic about him," Miller said.

"Reggie, how can you ignore the existence of the second Larry? He made a bold statement before the game that he wants to win the championship. Do you think it is possible for him?" Barkley started the rhythm.

"Haha, you said that this rookie, although he said that he shot a good three-pointer this season, but he has not encountered too many top defenses. Because he is a rookie, many people will ignore his existence, so that he can make such a hit. Rate.

He has not participated in this kind of competition and has relatively little experience. I am not very optimistic about him. "Miller is somewhat pessimistic about Li Tian.

"No, I think he has a chance."

"Is it because he has the same big mouth as you, which is why you support him?" Miller teased Barkley. "You really have a big mouth, but he has a big mouth because he can't control it."

"Fuck, let's wait and see?" Barkley responded stiffly.

"Why don't we gamble on the donkey's ass? It just so happens that Yao is also watching the game from the sidelines today." Mi Li continued to irritate Barkley.

"Damn it, I'm not going to be fooled, but I still think there's hope for him."

The two started a daily bickering and betting mode.

I started to prepare for the three-point contest, moved my whole body, and started to practice three-point shooting.

Soon everyone completed the warm-up activities.

The host began to introduce every player participating in the three-point contest.

Everyone has a long list of prefixes, but when it comes to Li Tian, ​​the host is silent.

Looking at the cue card, I was a little confused. There is nothing here, so I can only play it on the spot.

"Let us welcome the No. 0 player of the Lakers. His honor is the MVP of the rookie game (just won yesterday, and it is still hot). The most important thing is that he released the same rhetoric as Larry Bird before the game , let us wait and see.

That's all I can say, since I don't have the vocabulary to introduce him, let's welcome him with a big round of applause. "

Immediately afterwards, he introduced others, all of which were a long series of introductions, and each honor was much more than him. I felt like a clown, and it seemed that honors needed to be increased.

Thinking of this, I began to look forward to it. Winning more championships and championships is the way to become a god.

The first player to play was Hamilton. Hamilton is not this kind of player, and his touch today is average.The first shot was good, 5 out of 4 and 5 points, because the first shot was too slow and took a long time.

The shots in the next few points were obviously much faster than the first point, the rhythm of the three-point shooting was affected, and the shooting rate dropped, but fortunately, the shooting rate of the 2-pointers was good, and all of them were scored.

In the end, I got 17 points. According to previous competitions, this score is not low, but it is not particularly high. It is hard to say whether I can enter the final.

Peja played next, and his appearance aroused enthusiastic cheers from the fans, giving people the illusion that this arena could no longer stop Peja from taking the championship.

I don't know if it's because the home team wanted to win too much. The first point at the beginning was too fast, and the rhythm was a bit messy. They only hit two 1-pointers and scored 2 points.

Peja took a deep breath, and the fans kept cheering him on. Maybe the fans gave him motivation. The next three points were very steady, and he scored 4 points in each point. At one point, because the adjustment time in the middle was too long, there was also the phenomenon of speeding up the pace. Only 1 point was scored, and the total score was 15 points, which was lower than that of Hamilton who played first, and the chance of entering the final was slim.

Next came Li Tian, ​​who raised his hands to welcome the cheers of the fans.

The friends came forward and clapped their hands one after another, cheering for him.

"I look forward to your winning the three-point shot contest." Conley said, looking up.

"The bull has already blown it out for you. Whether you can win the championship depends on yourself." Encouraged by Kobe's resolute eyes.

"Bringing the championship back, I'm already looking forward to your three consecutive championships. I'm optimistic about you." Yao Ming cheered.

"Haha, little rookie, I hate the Lakers, but I hope you can complete the same bragging path as me." Larry Bird also sent his blessings.

I gave these bigwigs a high five and thanked them one after another.

The first shot was a bit strong, and it bounced out of the frame.Continue to shoot, make some adjustments in strength, hit the shot, and then hit consecutively.

Seeing Li Tian hit 4 goals in a row and scored 5 points, the fans cheered even harder.

Kobe could only wave his healthy hand stiffly. The team doctor asked him to move his injured arm as little as possible, otherwise it would affect his recovery.

Yao Ming was laughing all the time, thinking, 'Finally someone outside the Olympic Games can help contain the outside line, Alexander. '

The second point, hit consecutively, and get another 6 points.

"Reggie, what's the matter, am I right? Lee will definitely win the three-point shootout contest." Buckley waved his arms vigorously.

"It's a good shot, but it's a bit slow. In this kind of game, it's barely okay. It won't be so easy in the playoffs." Miller didn't have much affection for Li Tian.

"Look, he hit 11 in a row. It's a pity that he missed the 12th shot. He started to hit consecutively again." Barkley became more and more excited.

Yao Ming's grin widened, as if he couldn't take it back.

In the last two points, the feel dropped a bit, and finally scored 23 points.With this score in previous years, he would definitely enter the finals.

After voting for the first round, I turned around and took a look at my score. I felt that the final was stable, and I was very excited. I clapped hands with my friends to celebrate.

"It hurts, take it easy," Kobe yelled.

I was so excited that I forgot that Kobe's hand was still hurt.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I'm so excited." Li Tian smiled.

"If you don't bring back the champion of the three-point shooting contest, see how I deal with you." After finishing speaking, he shut up and didn't say another word, just so arrogant.

The next step is Nash's appearance. Nash has won two MVPs. In addition to not having a championship, the hard honor is much better than Kobe.

It's a pity that he is not this kind of performer. He has participated in the three-point shooting competition several times, but he has not won the three-point shooting competition.

This time, I don't know if I paid too much attention to Li Tian, ​​or I was thinking about something else, but there was a continuous strike on iron.A few three-pointers were shot, and only 9 points were scored, which was almost going to be shoulder to shoulder with Jordan's three-pointer contest.

But it doesn't affect Nash's mood. I feel that he came to this competition purely to deal with the league, and it doesn't matter whether he can win the championship.

After throwing the ball, he glanced at the score and knew that he had missed the final, so he walked towards Li Tian.

Unexpectedly, Nash would come to his side, thinking that he was greeting Corvo, and didn't pay much attention to it.

"Li, I hope you can win this three-point contest." Nash said.

I was confused by Nash, and I didn't understand it. I have no connection with Nash, so how could I take the initiative to say hello to myself, and I can't be unreasonable.

"Steve, thank you for your blessing. The champion must belong to me." After the first round of voting, Li Tian became more confident.

"If I had known that there was such a crazy rookie, I should have been like Kobe, and I would have retired directly if I knew something interesting." Nash talked happily.

"Steve, I'm injured because of my right hand. Otherwise, the rookie of the team will be rampant." Although the excuse is a bit bad, it is true. Since I often practiced with Li Tian and saw his three-point shooting percentage , has already sprouted to withdraw from the three-point contest, how can he lose to the rookie of his own team?
"Haha, so your injury is still very good for you." Nash said jokingly.

Turning around, "Are you interested in coming to the Suns? My assists are many times stronger than Kobe's. I even win the assist king." This aspect of self-confidence can be said to be the best in the league, and hard honors are Kobe's weakness, except for the championship.

"Shet, Steve, I'm still here." Kobe didn't allow anyone to poach his younger brother in front of him.

"Think about it, Lee, you are the most perfect piece of the puzzle in D'Antoni's tactics." Nash left after speaking.

Kobe looked at Li Tian coldly, "The team will not let you go. You have no chance to leave the Lakers. My assists are also very good. It's just that the team didn't have a scorer like you before."

Barbara, Kobe said a lot, he didn't want Li Tian to be poached.

"I won't leave the Lakers. As long as Kupchak doesn't send me away, I have a contract and I can't leave." I also have no plans to leave the Lakers for the time being. I haven't learned anything from Kobe's side. How could I leave? , with the opportunity of whoring for nothing, I can't bear to give up my grandma.

Kobe nodded happily, like you did the right thing.

Immediately after Nowitzki played, he played a big own goal when he came up, and the first shot was a three-point shot. The audience exclaimed, which is rare.

It is understandable not to make a shot, but it is a bit of a joke to say that it is not sticky. Fortunately, it was adjusted quickly. The second point was 5 shots, and finally scored 18 points.Has firmly entered the finals, no matter how many points Kapono gets, he will enter the finals.

The last one to play was Kapono, last year's champion of the three-point shootout contest, and this time he aims to defend his title.There were still a few missed shots in the first few points, and the last point also made all 5 shots, scored 20 points, and entered the finals.

After a round of fierce competition, Nowitzki, Kapono and Li Tian finally entered the final round.

(End of this chapter)

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