Chapter 128

With Kobe's free throw, the score came to 98:96, the Lakers led by 2 points, and there were 1 minute and 17 seconds left before the end of the game.

This kind of feeling after chasing the whole game, finally overtaking the score, and now being overtaken by the Lakers, is really too bad.

Westbrook has the ball, and Blake is guarding him in front of him.

Since the second half of the fourth quarter, the entire Lakers team pointed at Kobe to attack alone, so Jackson chose to let Blake defend Westbrook on the court.

However, it is not easy for Kobe to defend, because what he has to defend is Harden, who also has super offensive firepower.

As for why not Fisher, the old fish is already 36, with his old arms and legs, how can he keep up with Westbrook at this moment?

Of course, Blake couldn't keep up either!

Between the flashes, Westbrook and Ibaka picked and rolled, and after creating space, they directly chose the zombie jumper.

To be honest, there was nothing wrong with this shot.

Westbrook has a good mid-range pitch tonight and has hit many good shots.

But it's a pity that he failed to score this goal!

What a familiar sound of iron strikes!
Just when everyone was about to grab a rebound, Li Pu had already jumped up.

After playing with Westbrook for a year, he is too familiar with Westbrook's playing style.

When everyone thinks he can't do it, often he can do it.

When everyone thinks he can do it, he often can't!

It's very metaphysical!

Moreover, he can always show you some new tricks on the court and challenge your nerves.

To play with Westbrook, Suxiao Jiuxin Pill is a must!
Therefore, when he saw Westbrook shooting the ball the first time, Li Pu judged that the ball had a high probability of not being scored!

"Get in!" Just as the basketball left the hoop, Li Pu's big hand appeared above everyone's heads and pushed the basketball back into the hoop.

"Prince made a successful dunk! The goal is scored! The Thunder equalized the score!"

The Lakers' on-site commentator Bill McDonald, although he wanted to curse at the moment, still had to report it truthfully.

As a Lakers fan, he has been screaming crazily in his heart: The Lakers dare not lose!

At this time, the Lakers fans on the scene and in front of the TV all had the same feeling as McDonald, that is, the Lakers really might lose this game!

Thinking of losing this game and falling behind 0:3 in the series, everyone felt desperate.

Is the road to three consecutive championships really going to end like this?

Blake took the ball to the frontcourt and handed it to Kobe.

When Kobe faced Harden's defense, he was completely different from Sefolosha.

Sefolosha is bigger, but lighter, suitable for being punched by Kobe.

Although Harden is shorter in height, he weighs a lot and is more suitable for playing with face-to-face techniques.

Therefore, for this ball, Kobe did not drop low, but held the ball at 45 degrees on the right to face Harden.

To be honest, although Harden was often criticized on the defensive end at this time, his defensive attitude is no problem, and it is completely different from the later Rockets.

Of course, it may be that Artest hasn't had that elbow yet, but everything has changed now, and I don't know if Harden still has a chance to suffer?

Kobe's triple threat is one of the few triple threats in the league that can truly threaten defenders.

However, Harden can confirm one thing at this time, that is, Kobe's three threats should only be two threats. At this moment, it is impossible for him to pass the ball!

At this time, what the Thunder have to do is naturally double-team Kobe and force him to pass the ball.

Kobe, who had been double-teamed all his life, saw what Westbrook wanted to do at a glance, so he immediately broke through from Harden's left side and walked towards the baseline.

Westbrook came very quickly, and when he was about to catch up with Kobe, Kobe had two choices at this time, either pass the ball to Blake who was unattended, or choose to shoot himself.

But Kobe's choice is guesswork?
Of course I voted for it myself!
While walking, Kobe directly tilted his body and threw the ball. Harden jumped hard and didn't touch the basketball.

For a moment, he quickly looked at the basket.


Shot hit the iron, didn't make it!
The rebound was protected by Li Pu.

Harden breathed a sigh of relief, Kobe's shot just now was too scary.

With the Lakers missing, the Thunder once again ushered in a chance to overtake.

When Westbrook asked for the ball, Li Pu hesitated. In fact, it might be better to give the ball to Harden at this time, because the next attack requires stability.

But considering that Harden is defended by Kobe, and Westbrook is the team's second leader after all, and the second leader is also the leader, so we can't lose face.

So Li Pu handed the ball to Westbrook.

This decision almost didn't make Li Pu regret it to death!
Westbrook quickly moved forward with the ball, and the Lakers hadn't completely retreated at this time.

Seeing this, Blake immediately stepped forward to delay, hoping to slow down the speed of Westbrook's advancement.

But at this moment, the accident happened.

When Westbrook changed direction, he accidentally hit his foot, and the rebound of the basketball fell into Blake's hands.

And this good thing?
Happiness came too suddenly, and Blake made an extra steal without any preparation.

Everyone was confused by this turn of events. The players who had been running in the Lakers halfcourt even forgot to turn back and run.

It was Kobe who reacted the fastest. After seeing Blake get the ball, he immediately reached out for the ball.

This kind of action like a teammate asking for the ball has already penetrated into Kobe's bone marrow, and almost formed a conditional launch, so he was the first to wake up before everyone reacted.

When Blake saw Kobe asking for the ball, he didn't think much about it at the moment. After all, can you refuse to give Kobe the ball?

So, Blake passed the ball along the way.

But when the basketball flew halfway, a big hand blocked the way of the basketball, and it was Li Pu's hand.

Li Pu, who had already started to retreat, happened to appear in the path of the basketball flight and intercepted the ball.

Steal +1!Sending warmth to each other belongs to yes!
Li Pu, who regained the possession of the ball, was naturally overjoyed, but when he saw Westbrook asking for the ball again, he immediately scolded: "I want NM! Give it back to you, am I stupid?"

After all, Li Pu dribbled the ball towards the frontcourt of the Lakers.

In fact, Li Pu's dribbling skills at this time are worse than Westbrook's. During normal training, he often hits his feet.

Therefore, when he dribbled towards the frontcourt of the Lakers, all the Thunder players panicked.

Fortunately, Bynum was still in the penalty area of ​​the frontcourt at this time, and did not come to defend at all, which allowed Li Pu to dribble the ball to the frontcourt unharmed.

After coming to the front court, it is naturally impossible for Li Pu to dribble so comfortably. After all, he will soon reach the three-point line. By then, this guy can make a three-step layup!
Artest, who was closest to Li Pu, rushed over immediately, trying to steal it.

Fortunately, Li Pu has quick eyes and quick hands. Seeing Artest defending himself, he immediately passed the ball to Durant who was unwatched.

Durant outside the three-point line, no one guards me, is there such a good thing?

So, Durant doesn't care about delaying time!Just pull it up and cast!

"Will hold the eagle bow like a full moon, look northwest, and shoot Sirius!"

Durant made a three-pointer into the basket, killing people!
(End of this chapter)

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