Chapter 144
On June 2011, 6, the hustle and bustle of the championship parade of the Dallas people has not yet completely ended, and people's attention has shifted to the Prudential Center Arena in Newark, New Jersey.

The annual talent show is going on like a fire.

Like the original time and space, the Cavaliers who lost James did not know whether it was luck or Stern wanted to compensate Cleveland. In the end, they succeeded in winning the No. 8 pick again after [-] years, and used this No. [-] pick to select Kay The last cultivator of the Li League, Owen.

Klay Thompson was still selected by the Warriors with the 11th overall pick, and Curry, who was alone, finally ushered in his Splash Brothers.

Kawhi Leonard was selected by the Pacers with the 15th pick, and the Pacers then traded Leonard, the 42nd pick and the rights to 2005 rookie Erazam Lobeck from the San Antonio Spurs. Povich's favorite player, George Hill.

At that time, Bird laughed very happily. With this little bargaining chip, he exchanged Popovich's favorite general, and he was almost numb to win.

He didn't know that Popovich looked at it with a reluctant face, but actually laughed in his heart, and both sides felt that they had won!
Maybe this is an alternative so-called win-win situation!
However, what surprised Lip the most was that Reggie Jackson, who should have been selected by the Thunder, was selected by the Chicago Bulls with the 27th overall pick in the first round.

Since the Thunder's record ranks third in the league, their first-round pick also fell from 24th to 28th.

And the Bulls, who held the No. 27 and No. 30 picks in the first round, actually took the first step to intercept the Hu.

However, what is incomprehensible is that the Bulls already have the new Mvp Rose as the starting point guard, and they have a high-quality backup point guard like CJ Watson, why should they choose Gigi King?
However, what surprised Lip even more was that the Thunder backhanded Jimmy Butler with the 28th overall pick.

Good guy, swapping teams belongs to yes.

If you rob me of King Jiji, then I will rob you of Ji... ba?

To be honest, for the current Thunder team, Butler is obviously a better lineup candidate than Reggie Jackson.

After all, the current Thunder team already has Lin Shuhao, Harden, Maynor, and Cook in the backcourt alone, which is enough for a table of mahjong.

And Jimmy Butler can play small forward, making the team's strength on the bench line more substantial.

When Li Pu heard the news, he was naturally more excited. Although Butler still needs to grow, as long as he can increase the team's strength by one point, the team's hope of winning the championship will also increase by one point, and he will retire by one point less The probability of becoming a truck driver.

With the end of the draft, the next step should be the signing of new players and the opening of the free market.

However, on July 7, a bolt from the blue came out like an explosion, and the league announced that the NBA had officially entered a lockout.

During the lockout period, the NBA Summer League is officially cancelled, players will not receive salaries, NBA teams cannot negotiate with players, and cannot sign and trade players.

At the same time, players cannot use the team's training facilities for any reason, and the team cannot hold any summer training camps, exhibitions, team meetings, and coaches' gatherings.

In addition, NBA team websites can no longer use the image of players, and players can no longer be used as representatives of publicity.

So far, two of the country's four major sports leagues have been suspended in 2011.

As early as March this year, the Ugly National Football League NFL announced its suspension, and now the NBA has followed in the footsteps of the NFL.

In fact, this matter was negotiated as early as after this year's All-Star Game, and the labor and management sides had negotiated, but unfortunately it finally broke down.

The league wants to take the player's wages, and will reduce the player's wages, which account for 57% of the league's total revenue, to below 50%. Naturally, the players and the union will not agree and refuse to sign this agreement.

Ever since, this shutdown was inevitable.

Of course, the lockout will cause great losses to both labor and management. Everyone is resisting, wanting to see who can't bear it first!
However, for top stars like Kobe and James who have no worries about food and clothing, even if they don't do anything, they can still live comfortably.

But what about the basic salary players and rookies in the league?
It was almost a disaster.

Not only is there no guarantee of future income, but due to the closure of the team arena and lack of training, it is also difficult for them to maintain their own state!
Therefore, with the announcement of the suspension of the league, a large number of players fell into panic.

"Clang clang clang..."

"Hey, huh huh, here... is Prince!"

"It's me, Jeremy, did you hear?"

Lin Shuhao's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Listen... what did you hear?"

"The alliance is suspended!"

"Then... of course! You are... the fifth... person to call... me!"

"What are you doing? Are you panting for words? Damn it, it's broad daylight!" Lin Shuhao suddenly understood, and quickly cursed into the phone.

"It's nothing, I'm eating hot strips! Hang up first, I'll get back to you later!"

After finishing speaking, Li Pu hung up the phone.

Half an hour later, Li Pu appeared on a balcony. His upper body was bare, and he was leaning on a recliner. Outside was the endless sea, and the salty sea breeze was blowing towards his face.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Lin Shuhao's number.

"Are you finished?" Lin Shuhao's angry voice came from the other end of the phone.


"Aren't you worried at all?" After Lin Shuhao finished asking, he slapped his head and quickly said, "I forgot, you are not afraid at all, you are not short of money at all now, and you have a rich girlfriend !"

"Why do I hear your words so sour?"

"I don't, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

"Okay, don't worry, the league won't be suspended for long, you should eat, sleep, train well, and wait for next season to perform well!"

"Really? But how do we train now? The arena and trainers are not open to us!" For Lin Shuhao, the arena is easy to solve, but a good trainer is too difficult.

"Don't worry, I've already contacted you! I'll let you know when I've settled down in two days! Live your life like hell!"

This time Li Pu did not lie to Lin Shuhao (Lin Shuhao: Wait, why did you say this time?), he did ask his agent to find a trainer in advance, and not one, but three.

Li Pu has known for a long time that this summer will be suspended, and he also knows that the league will be more than a month later than usual.

Therefore, he has already made a plan to accomplish three goals this summer, which are to increase muscle, improve shooting ability and low-post hook skills.

For these three goals, he specially found three coaches.

As for whether he can handle it?

Please don't underestimate Li Pu's body, it has a durability of [-], which is quite resistant!
(End of this chapter)

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