The strongest unicorn in basketball

Chapter 167: Gong Xi Fa Cai

Chapter 167: Gong Xi Fa Cai
The morning of the second day of the Lunar New Year, logically speaking, should be a good time for Wang Xing to sleep in.

Today, however, he got up early.

However, he didn't leave the bedroom, but quietly turned on the computer.

At this time, the time is 8:56, 4 minutes before the nine o'clock that Li Pu said.

Wang Xing logged on to Weibo. Although he had registered before, he didn't like playing games. Compared with Weibo, he preferred the professional and sand sculptures on Weibo.

He didn't know that Li Pu was on Weibo before, so he didn't pay attention to it. When he found Li Pu, he found that his number of fans had exceeded 500 million.

Is this number too exaggerated?
Wang Xing believes that unlike many entertainment stars who have zombie fans, these numbers of fans of Li Pu should be real.

After all, he is now an international star!

Li Pu didn't post many Weibos before, only a few, but each one had hundreds of thousands of likes and tens of thousands of comments.

Wang Xing flipped through, Li Pu's first Weibo was posted three months ago, it was a video of his training.

Wang Xing was a little moved, but he still restrained his inner impulse. After all, it was already 59 points, and he wanted to see Li Pu's gift first.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Time is up!"

Wang Xing refreshed the webpage with electric shock, but it actually got stuck!

Good guy, can this work?

Fortunately, it was only a few seconds, which made Wang Xing think that it was because he couldn't use the Internet!
After re-refreshing, there was an additional video on Li Pu's Weibo, and Wang Xing quickly clicked on it.

After clicking on it, a piece of beaming music played immediately. Li Pu lined up with a group of Thunder teammates, all dressed in red Tang suits, looking beaming, except that their skin color was a bit inconsistent.

Li Pu, who was standing in the C seat, said: "To congratulate everyone on the new year, my teammates and I rehearsed for several days and sang "Gong Xi Fa Cai" for everyone. I wish everyone a happy new year!"

As soon as Li Pu's voice fell, he began to sing.

"I congratulate you on getting rich! Congratulations on getting rich~~"

"Hold Gong Qi mud and step on it, Gong Qi mud and step on it~~"

At the beginning of the song, it is a chorus.

This group of people sang not only beautifully, but also with tone deafness!

If it is said that the tune of the song is on the second ring, then their tune is on the fifth ring for a while, and they are around the city for a while, anyway, they go off in various ways.

What's more important is that you can sing as soon as you sing, how can you still move, it's still the kind of eye-catching moves!
Really, your singing pollutes my eyes!

"... the best please come here

bad please go away
Oh, it’s not surprising that there are many people

May you be happy and prosperous! "

After enduring the video with hot ears and hot eyes for more than 3 minutes, the video finally came to the end.

Wang Xing turned off the video in a daze, what did he watch?Co-author of getting up so early, just watched this?

At this point there are already thousands of comments below.

"Hahaha, this group of people is so funny, are you planning to form a boy group? Thunder Boys?"

"Oh my God, my eyes!"

"My Adu, why on earth did you want to participate in this performance? Are you threatened by Li Pu? If you are threatened, just blink!"

"I'm curious, how did Li Pu convince them?"

The comments below are different, but most of them are full of joy. Everyone is so happy to see such a down-to-earth performance of a group of big stars who are usually out of reach.

Looking at the comments, Wang Xing also went crazy with joy. After reading it, he also wondered, how did Li Pu do it?Isn't he afraid of being beaten by his teammates?
"Prince, isn't my performance great? How do my fans praise me? Can you translate for me?"

In the locker room, Durant didn't care about changing clothes at this time, put down his phone and asked Li Pu eagerly.

"Of course, the fans praised your pronunciation!"

"That's necessary. I've studied it for a long time, so I'm sure!" Durant proudly patted his thin chest.

"Prince, where is the Tang suit shop? Give me the contact information. I think that dress is cool!" Westbrook said while changing his jersey.

"no problem!"

The entire locker room was peaceful, without the violent scene that Wang Xing was worried about.

Only Lin Shuhao in the corner had a strange expression on his face, feeling like he was about to be constipated.

He held back his stomach and wanted to say something, but he didn't dare to say it!
Especially seeing Li Pu looking at him with his sharp eyes, Lin Shuhao knew that once he said it, he would die miserably!
After defeating the Heat, the Thunder ushered in a challenge from the Warriors in the arena the next day.

The last time the two teams played against each other in Oakland, the Thunder won, but tonight, they will go all out to prepare for revenge.

At the beginning of the game, Curry used a floater to give the Warriors the lead. Then Westbrook made a mistake and Monta Ellis broke through to the basket and scored against Ibaka.

Ellis's speed is very fast, his skillful dribbling and amazing speed make his breakthrough very sharp. This is not over yet. In the next round, Ellis actually hit a three-pointer.

Obviously, Ellis is on fire tonight.

The Thunder really just finished the new year. They got off to a slow start and were chased by the Warriors.

Soon, the Warriors played a wave of 14:4 and were forced to call a timeout.

However, fortunately, the Thunder team has a good adjustment ability. After returning from a timeout, Westbrook made two consecutive breakthroughs to Curry and successfully stabilized the situation.

At this time, Curry was still very thin and had a baby face. He looked harmless to humans and animals, as if he was easy to bully.

You said that he could become an MVP in the future, a historical superstar, maybe others will think you are out of your mind!

The Thunder trailed the Warriors by 29 points at 35:6 in the first quarter.

On the whole, the Thunder played relatively passively in this quarter, and the only person full of energy may be Westbrook.

Driven by Westbrook, in the second quarter, the Thunder finally showed signs of recovery.

First, Durant fired continuously from the outside, then Li Pu turned the tide on the inside, and Biedrins received 3 fouls early in the second quarter and went to rest.

In this way, the Thunder beat the Warriors 30:22 in the second quarter and 59:57 in the half, overtaking the score.

After entering the second half, Ellis of the Warriors was still in a hot state. Sefolosha, Harden, and Westbrook, whoever came to defend, couldn't defend, and Ellis couldn't make any shots!
Relying on Ellis' performance, the Warriors scored 36 points in a single quarter and successfully entered the fourth quarter with a 2-point lead.

However, in the fourth quarter, the Thunder's overall defense began to take effect. Coupled with the decline in Ellis' physical strength and the decrease in outside touch, the Thunder finally overtook the score.

But the Warriors didn't give up, they clung to the score and had a stalemate with the Thunder until the end.

In the end, with Durant's mid-range shot, the Thunder sealed the victory.

119:116, the Thunder won the victory at home without any risk.

In this game, Ellis made 29 of 18 shots and scored 48 points, but he still couldn't lead the team to win.

Because Dewey's two juniors scored 64 points together tonight, the Warriors' defense was overwhelmed.

As for Li Pu, he played fairly well, with 16 points and 18 rebounds, and another large double-double.

Today's Li Pu is completely transformed into a double-pair machine, and getting two pairs is as easy as eating and drinking water!
(End of this chapter)

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