Chapter 173
Wade broke through Kobe's defense one-on-one, went inside and gave the ball to Deron on the outside. After Deron received the ball, he made a three-pointer and hit it again!
This is Deron's third three-pointer tonight.

With the ball hit, the point difference is only 1 point away.

It has to be said that the strength of the Eastern team is still very strong. Although the Western team has shown all its strength, it is still being approached by the Eastern team.

The next round is very important for the Western team. Once they fail to score, the next round will give the Eastern team the possibility to overtake.

After Westbrook brought the ball to the frontcourt, this time he handed the ball to Kobe.

This is no longer the time to handicap. If you lose the game, you will not be able to win the AMVP no matter how many points you have.

Both sides are already red-eyed. Not only Kobe's eyes are red, but his nose is already red.

Due to the clotted blood, the nose was blocked, so Kobe could only breathe through his mouth.

Facing Kobe, Wade didn't dare to relax in the slightest. After all, this guy in front of him was not something he could kill with a single elbow.

At this moment, Kobe suddenly changed direction and broke through from Wade's left side.

But Wade's defense was not blocked, and his lateral movement speed was very fast, and he actually kept up with Kobe.

But Kobe would not be so easily blocked, he decisively changed direction again, threw Wade away, and immediately chose a fadeaway jumper.

The reason why he didn't rush in was because Howard's defense had already caught up.

Howard at this time is not the happy beast who has been reduced to playing in the Wanchai League and messing with the stomachs of big Taiwanese girls. Howard, who is really at his peak, possesses a defensive strength that is definitely at the level of a half-step historical master.

The speed of the defense is unmatched in the entire NBA arena. It really depends on one person to support the defense of the entire Magic.

Everyone was playing for real at the moment, and Howard also tried his best to help defend Kobe. Both Howard and Wade were first-class shot-blockers.

In the face of the blocks blocked by these two, Kobe was under a lot of pressure, but he still threw the ball.

To be honest, passing the ball at this time is actually a better choice, after all, Li Pu is empty at the basket.

But... that's Kobe!

Needless to say, it would be nice to be able to throw the ball out in this situation, and you still expect to score?

However, at this time, Li Pu was on the left side of the basket, Griffin was on the right side, and Anthony was caught in the middle alone. How could he beat them both?

Li Pu didn't even have to jump, he put the ball in his arms, and tiptoed to dunk easily!

I have to say that Kobe's "assist" is indeed better than ordinary assists, and the effect is better!
At 149:146, the West led by three points.

Eastern team coach Spoelstra immediately called a timeout.

At this time, he finally had a place to use. In this way, with 32 seconds left before the end of the game, he entered the timeout time.

"Dwyane, you're the first bait, start right of the free throw line, cut to the basket with Cameron's screen in the paint, and Cameron, you're the second bait, with LeBron and Dwight Two people double-screening, running 45 degrees to the left, creating the illusion of a catch-and-shoot…”

When did coach Spoelstra ever play such a rich account? The starting five players, even Deron, who serves, can hit key shots.

It's a pity that Coach Spoelstra's shortcomings were revealed at this time. After setting up two baits in succession, he chose to let James catch the ball.

This is really...why bother?

Sure enough, after the timeout came back, the Heat served in the frontcourt.

Both Wade and Anthony performed the task of being a bait perfectly. The key ball ability of the two naturally attracted a lot of defense, so after the pick-and-roll, James easily received the sideline ball.

But what's the use of receiving it?The key is to score this goal!
Facing Durant's defense, James can use the tank to break through and easily crush into the penalty area, but what's the use?The team is now three points behind.

Unless two plus one, it is meaningless to rush in and get two points.

But do you think the West will make such a mistake?I didn't see Durant sticking close to James, preventing him from shooting, and letting him break through.

Of course, James is also very aware of this. After receiving the ball, he began to dribble and retreat, and he couldn't tell whether he was going to shoot or break through, but time was really wasted!
Just when James reached the three-point line, James finally started to act. He changed direction twice in a row, which startled Durant. He quickly concentrated on James and covered James with two arms to prevent him from shooting.

However, after two dribbles, James didn't even make a shot, and put on a dribble looking for opportunities.


Durant was silent for a while.

No, brother, what on earth are you going to do?

Just when Durant looked puzzled, James suddenly threw a cat, and then dribbled the ball under his crotch.

Durant quickly became nervous again, and repeated the previous action.

But at this moment, James suddenly made a cross pass, and he actually passed the ball.

Well, James, you are so good at playing around!
The basketball passed to Anthony who ran out of the arc.

After Anthony received the ball, he clicked first, sent Griffin flying, and then dribbled a calm three-pointer.

The basket was in a mess at this time, and Howard pushed Li Pu out.

It has to be said that although Li Pu's strength has improved rapidly, he is still not as good as Howard.

Li Pu is anxious. Anthony didn't feel good tonight. He made 3 of 0 three-pointers before, and his defensive strength at that time was not as good as it is now.

Therefore, this rebound is very critical!


But when Li Pu was desperate, the basketball went into the net!
Now Li Pu was even more desperate!

Hard, the hands are really hard!

Anthony is such a big heart!
These stars are more terrifying than each other!
The West team called a timeout. With Anthony's three-pointer, the score has reached 149, with 16 seconds left.

During the timeout, Brooks was also arranging tactics, but in terms of tactical arrangements, he was obviously not as meticulous as Coach Spoelstra. After all, he was a coach trained by the magician Riley.

Back from the timeout, the Western team served in the frontcourt.

Unlike the Eastern team, the Western team simply screens to create opportunities for Kobe or Durant to receive the ball.

However, the two of them were being chased so tightly that neither could give.

At this time, Westbrook saw Li Pu, and after the pick-and-roll, Li Pu was empty.

Westbrook immediately passed the ball to Li Pu, and then quickly ran towards Li Pu, intending to play hand-to-hand with Li Pu.

But Deron saw through and immediately stepped forward to defend, not giving them a chance to pass the ball.

Li Pu had to hold the ball high, let Westbrook run past him, and then face Howard himself.

For a while, Li Pu started dribbling the ball and motioned for everyone to pull away.

Otherwise, if he is flanked at this time, he will be easily intercepted.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and the time was also being consumed. Seeing that there were five seconds left, the audience was ready to watch the extra time.

Li Pu finally started.

Howard stepped back immediately, but he knew Li Pu's three-step slam dunk stunt.

However, at this moment, Li Pu was outside the three-point line, and after taking a step, he directly chose a three-point shot.

Pull the sun and the moon with one finger, and pick the stars with ten fingers!

The light is on, the goal is scored, and Li Pu makes a three-pointer!

(End of this chapter)

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