Chapter 258
"Today, the NBA announced the latest MVP rankings. The list that has remained unchanged for thousands of years has finally changed this time. Li Pu airborne the third place on the list, second only to Durant and James..."

On the second day after the Kings defeated the Spurs, the league announced this week's MVP list, and Li Pu went from fifth place to No.3.

The reason why Li Pu was able to make a big improvement this time was mainly due to the team's recent winning streak, which made the team's record improve rapidly.

In terms of statistics, as of now, Li Pu has averaged 29.7 points, 15.1 rebounds and 3.8 blocks per game. He is the league's leading scorer, rebounder and block leader.

With such exaggerated data, even if the team's record is lagging behind, he can still squeeze into the top ten MVPs.

But if he wants to squeeze into the top five or even the top three, without the support of the team's record, it can only prove that he is a data brush and cannot be convincing.

However, all these doubts came to an end with the King's winning streak.

Just after the Kings beat the Spurs 100:95 yesterday, people finally began to compare Li Pu's possibility of winning the MVP with Jandoo.

In this game, Li Pu scored a shocking large triple-double of 60 points, 21 rebounds and 10 blocks. This is the only one in NBA history, and even Chamberlain failed to do it!

What's more, it was scored against the Spurs, which is full of gold!
Therefore, when the media was overwhelmingly promoting Li Pu's god-level statistics, the release of this MVP list made the already lively discussion about Li Pu even more intense. His current popularity is hot!
"60+20+10, I'll ask, who else?"

"Fourteen consecutive victories, the team has a record of 45 wins and 22 losses. It is currently only one win away from the Rockets in the fourth place in the West, and four wins away from the Clippers in the third place in the West. Now there are 12 games left before the end of the season. Hope to hit the top three in the Western Conference!"

"Prince Niubi (broken sound)!"

Since Li Pu's English name Prince was translated into Chinese, it means prince, so Li Pu also got this nickname, but more Chinese people still prefer to call him Pu Shao!

After all, in everyone's eyes, he will always be the "Third Young Master of Thunder"!

Li Pu, who was watching a domestic basketball forum on his mobile phone, heard someone greet him, looked up, but there was no one, looked down again, it turned out to be his teammate Thomas Jr.

"What did you say?" Li Pu was very surprised when he heard this, and had the illusion of deja vu.

"I said, awesome! Is the pronunciation okay?"

"Hahaha, no problem, no problem, I'm just curious, who did you learn from?"

Li Pu put his phone in his pocket with a smile, and put his arms around Thomas's shoulders, just like hugging a child. The height difference is really interesting!
Little Thomas certainly didn't know what Li Pu was thinking, if he knew, he would definitely jump up and hit Li Pu... Knee?
At this time, Little Thomas looked at Li Pu with admiration in his heart.

Thinking back to the beginning of the season, I hadn't given Li Pu a lot of embarrassment.

At that time, Thomas Jr. didn't accept Li Pu, and he didn't even go to the training camp held by Li Pu during the offseason!
In his opinion, Li Pu is a player who relies on his height, what skills can he have?

But after this season, Li Pu's performance not only conquered the fans, but also conquered his teammates, including Thomas Jr. naturally.

Now no matter what Li Pu said, Little Thomas would never say anything else, let him go east, he would never go west, let him touch a dog, he would never catch a chicken!

"Learned from Jimmy, didn't you learn well?"

"Okay, great, but don't learn it next time!"

Well now, Li Pu has finally found the root of all evils. Butler's "Chinese" was taught by Harden all those years ago!

It really is one who dares to teach and one who dares to learn!

"Good morning!"

"yo man?"

"My time, huh?"

When Li Pu walked into the training hall today, he found that both the team staff and teammates greeted him warmly.

Although they would also greet him on weekdays, Li Pu was keenly aware that they seemed much more enthusiastic.

Even before regular training in the morning, Coach Brown grinned and said to the players: "Everyone come and welcome our MVP!"

"Stop teasing me, Mike!"

"Can you score 60+ triple-doubles, who else in NBA history? Now the MVP list ranks you third, which is not fair at all, don't you think?"

"Yes!" coach Brown encouraged, and received a lot of responses from the following.

Although Coach Brown is 44 years old at this time, he is considered young in the coaching industry. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a young coach, although he does not look like him!
In addition, he is very approachable on weekdays, and he can mingle with the players and even train with the players.

"Don't make fooling around! Start training quickly!"

"Have you heard, the superstar has spoken, why don't you act quickly?"

"Screw you!"

Amidst the laughter, the Kings started today's training.





Usually at the end of training, they will conduct additional free throws.

This is because, after a lot of strength training and physical exertion, practice shooting can simulate the situation of the game, which is closer to actual combat training.

Giannis hit the iron with the goal just now, but the sigh was the sigh of everyone in the team.

"Okay, it's all inkblotted, let's get started? MVP, can you set an example for everyone?"

Just when everyone sighed, Coach Brown's voice came from the sidelines again.

This is the rule of the Kings training, that is, if one player fails to make a free throw, the whole team will practice running back and forth together.

In the whole team, Giannis is undoubtedly the worst free thrower, so he often gets the whole team to be punished together.

"If you call me MVP again, I will definitely beat you up, Coach Bread!"

With Brown's mouth open, Li Pu was so angry that he started calling him nicknames.

Because his initials "MB" has the same pinyin as the Chinese "bread", and his English name "MIKE BROWN" has a slightly faster pronunciation, which is also similar to the Chinese "bread", so he got this nickname.

As a representative of 5G Internet access, Li Pu will of course tell everyone about the domestic forum, so everyone in the team slowly began to call him that.

"Hahaha, this is not giving you some motivation. What a shame if you don't get it at the end of the season!"

"You know it's embarrassing and you still say it?"

"It's your embarrassment, not me, why can't I say it?"

Coach Brown is both right and strong.

Li Pu gritted his teeth with hatred, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he was the first to rush out and started to run back and forth across the field.

The other players saw that their boss had started to act, so naturally they didn't say anything, and joined in the switchback run one after another.

Among them, because of his own reasons, Giannis, who caused everyone to be punished together, felt very uncomfortable seeing everyone suffering together.

(End of this chapter)

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