Chapter 29 Together
"What happened just now?"

"Li Pu quarreled with his teammates?"

"Oh my god, in the first game of a rookie, he quarreled with the second leader of the team. Does he not want to hang out with the Thunder?"

In Wang Xing's dormitory, everyone looked confused, wondering why the two were arguing?
Just when everyone was worried about Li Pu, they saw that it was the Thunder's turn to attack, and Li Pu was actually playing a pick-and-roll for Westbrook!

To be honest, Li Pu's pick-and-roll quality is not good.

He is relatively thin, and the pick-and-roll area is not large enough. Rose can easily bypass Li Pu and continue to chase Westbrook.

But that's enough for Westbrook.

Like Rose, Westbrook also went to the basket, faced Noah's defense, flew up, completed a "C" in the air with his body, and dunked the ball into the basket fiercely against Noah.

"Answer ball! Westbrook returned an Answer ball!" The commentator's excited explanation made people's blood boil.

This guy really has a grudge that can't last overnight, and he will avenge it in the next round!
"It's just that I was the one who was detained just now! Why is he excited?" Li Pu looked at Westbrook suspiciously.

Westbrook, who was still shouting after the goal, saw Li Pu's eyes, and quickly explained: "This ball has nothing to do with you. Derek and I are the matchups. Of course, I have to beat him!"

"I didn't say anything, why did you explain to me?"

How the hell does he know what he thinks?

"I'm afraid you'll make a mistake... I don't care, who explained it to you?"

In this way, when returning to defense, Westbrook and Li Pu quarreled again.

Gibson on the side looked at his opponent Green suspiciously, but saw Green spread his hands at him and said: I don't know why they are like this?
It was Rose's turn to attack again.

This time, Li Pu is facing a big enemy!
"Prince, don't worry, according to what the coach said during the intermission, I will help you this time!" At this time, Ibaka's rough voice came from behind.

For some reason, Ibaka's words made Li Pu more at ease.

During the intermission, assistant coach Cheeks proposed that if one person is not enough to limit Rose, then the whole team should play together. Originally, Rose cannot be defended by himself!

Thinking of this, Li Pu is full of fighting spirit, Ross, come on!
I am not alone!
Rose came to the frontcourt looking for Noah's pick-and-roll again.

This pick-and-roll tactic has been tried and tested in this game. No matter who the Thunder is at the center, it doesn't work.

This time, Li Pu didn't follow Noah closely. From the beginning, he knew that he was going to face Rose.

This time Rose is still the same as last time, using speed and sharp breakthrough techniques to force a breakthrough.

The speed was still as fast as lightning, but this time, Li Pu stood in front of Rose tightly, not giving Rose the slightest chance to break into the restricted area.

Seeing Li Pu's astonishing reaction and lateral speed, Rose was also surprised. This was the first time he saw a center forward who could keep up with his speed.

However, Ross has a lot of experience, even if the breakthrough is blocked for a while, it doesn't hinder him, only to see that while he was moving very fast, he suddenly changed direction and successfully deceived Li Pu.

This kind of change of direction seems very simple, as long as the speed is fast, but in fact it is a perfect combination of speed and skill. At the same time, it places an extremely heavy burden on the ankles and knees. one.

So, Li Pu was stunned. Although he tried his best to defend Rose, he was still passed by Rose.

But just as Rose was about to take off, Ibaka suddenly jumped out from the side and blocked Rose.

Ibaka's physical talent is by no means as simple as hiding a microphone in his crotch!
The height is 208cm, the weight is 106kg, and the wingspan has reached an astonishing 221cm. The lateral movement speed and vertical bounce are all NBA ceiling-level existences.

It can be said that it is precisely because of his outstanding physical talent that he can become the king of inside defense and shot blocking in the future!

Ibaka's sudden appearance disrupted Rose's offensive rhythm.

You know, Rose is already in the air at this time, and it is difficult to use his strength. It is as difficult as heaven to force a dunk through Ibaka.

However, Rose's waist and abdomen strength is extremely abnormal. This peerless waist looks no worse than the later "waist king" Morant. It was accurately assigned to Noah's hands.

Rose can not only score, he is a point guard, and he can pass the ball!
How rare!

Noah has scored 16 points today, which is the team's second highest score. At least 4 of them scored, all of which were ended by Noah after Rose attracted the defense.

Just like before, Noah looked at the empty basket and chose to throw it in a calm manner.

But just when the basketball was about to reach its highest point, a big hand slapped the basketball away.

That's right, it was Li Pu who came back to defend.

In terms of defense speed, Li Puke is not slower than Ibaka at all, and even has a larger defensive area.

The basketball flew out of the sideline and was picked up by a little boy on the sidelines. He looked at Li Pu excitedly. His small black face was shiny with oil, the missing front teeth and other white teeth formed a big smile.

After handing over the ball to the staff, he excitedly said to his father beside him: "Dad, I want to be a player like him too!"

"Then you have to train harder!" His father touched his son's little head and smiled.

"Well! I will!"

Most of the audience who can be in the front row are either rich or expensive.

This person is no exception, his name is Jalen Jackson, and he has played in the NBA for 12 years.

With the cooperation of Li Pu and Ibaka, the two successfully defended against the Bulls' attack this time, but the danger has not been lifted, and the ball is still in the hands of the Bulls.

Noah serves the ball from the sideline.

Noah still has lingering fears about Li Pu's blocking just now.

Is that moving speed and jumping height achievable by ordinary humans?
Just then, the referee handed the ball to Noah.

Seeing this, Noah quickly withdrew his mind, saw that Rose had a chance on the court, and immediately passed it to him.

Since they didn't hit the basket just now, the time left for the Bulls to attack is running out, only 5 seconds.

But just when Rose was about to receive the ball, Westbrook took the lead and successfully completed the steal.

Sure enough, serving the sideline is a world problem.

Immediately after the offensive and defensive transition, Westbrook brought the ball to the frontcourt, and Rose desperately returned to the defense. The two were neck and neck, which looked more like a race.

At the critical moment, Westbrook didn't go up, but distributed the ball to Harden on the other side.

After Harden entered the three-point line, he threw the ball into the sky. When he came near the basket, Westbrook had already soared into the air and completed the alley-oop with one hand.

This time, it was Rose's turn to be the backdrop.

(End of this chapter)

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