The strongest unicorn in basketball

Chapter 320 I Can't Fight

Chapter 320 I Can't Fight
On April 4, the playoffs officially started.

There are 4 games on the first game day, namely Wizards vs. Raptors, Kings vs. Mavericks, Bulls vs. Celtics, and Warriors vs. Spurs.

According to pre-match predictions, one of the least suspenseful games is the game between the Kings and the Mavericks.

It's not that the Mavericks are not strong enough, but that the King is too powerful!

This season, the Mavericks once again took the last bus in the playoffs. Although their strength has declined compared to last year, they are also a 50-win team.

However, being able to fight the Spurs to the seventh game last year was a buff added to the battle with the bulls and horses, but this year, it would be a miracle not to be swept away by the king!
After all, that is the Kings team that created 73 wins!

Mavericks starting lineup tonight: Rajon Rondo, Monta Ellis, Chandler Parsons, Dirk Nowitzki and Tyson Chandler.

To be honest, the Mavericks can get 50 wins with this lineup, which is already a miracle in itself.

The team's aging lineup, unreasonable collocation, and the decline of Nowitzki's strength, they have experienced too many difficulties this season, but they have overcome them one by one.

Another very important point is that this year, Nowitzki is no longer the Mavericks' scoring leader for the first time since 2000.

The old driver is old after all.

The Mavericks' team scoring leader this season is Monta Ellis, who has been wandering the league.

Although Ellis has many problems, the offense is too inefficient, unable to drive the team, and his defensive ability is average, but in this Mavericks team, he can really digest the ball.

Nowitzki is getting old, and it is impossible to play the whole game like he did when he was young. He can play at his full strength for 15 to 20 minutes in a game, which is already very good!

After all, he is a 37-year-old veteran, and his playing time has dropped to 29.7 minutes, except for the season with the least playing time in his rookie season.

The average data has also dropped to 17.3 points.

But no one dared to underestimate this old driver on the stage of the playoffs!
No, after the start of the game, the Kings missed their first attack. After getting the rebound, Rondo advanced all the way, and after he came to the frontcourt, he waited for his teammates to settle down.

Then, taking advantage of the King's unsteady footing, a ground pass was passed to Nowitzki. The old driver immediately made a mid-range jumper. Even with Giannis' supplementary defense, he hit the ball steadily!
Although his jumping ability is only as high as a matchbox, his shooting ability is still online.

The Mavericks' offense this season can only be considered mid-range, and their defense is even worse.

The only defensive champions in the team are boxing champion and Rondo.

However, the boxing champion is already 32 years old, and his physical skills have begun to decline. At his peak, he couldn't defend against Li Pu, let alone now!

Although Rondo is not yet 30 years old, he has limited stature and is a guard. In the regular season, he faced Princeton of the Kings and was often misplaced by Li Pu, Giannis and others.

No matter how good his defensive skills are, the difference in size is too big, so he can't defend!

Sure enough, it was Giannis passing the ball from the top of the arc again, and the weak side Li Pu and Butler cooperated in an off-ball pick-and-roll.

After the pick-and-roll, Butler bounced outside and Lip cut in. Although Rondo tried his best to defend, after receiving a pass from Giannis, Lip held the ball high with his arms straight and strolled all the way into the inside lane. Dunk!
That feeling, as if this is not the heavily guarded Mavericks' inside line, but the back garden of his own home.

It was the Mavericks' turn to attack again. Rondo's breakthrough after the pick-and-roll was completely blocked by Li Pu, and he could only distribute the ball to the "Gao Fu Shuai" on the outside. The latter missed a three-pointer and Li Pu easily received the rebound.

The ball was given to Bledsoe, and the Kings' fast break came again.

I only saw Bledsoe on the court, even if he pressed the accelerator button, he passed several people along the way, and then succeeded in a slam dunk!
It is impossible for the Mavericks to defend against the Kings.

It was the Mavericks' turn to attack again, and this time the ball finally came to Ellis' hands.

As the well-deserved offensive arrow figure of this Kings team, Butler is naturally the one who defends him!
This Kings team has a combination of Li Pu + Giannis inside, and the inside defense can almost be said to be the best in the league!
As for perimeter defense, although Bledsoe's physical fitness and defensive skills are very good, but his height is too short, he is only suitable for defensive mobile small guards.

Although Middleton has sufficient size, his physical fitness is poor, and it is inevitable that he will struggle against some heavy forwards.

And Butler is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate. He is not afraid of confrontation, has a tough defense and is very smart, making him the defensive core of the Kings' perimeter.

It can be said that whether it is the media or the fans, the reason why Butler is recognized as the second leader of the team is not only because his scoring is the second highest in the team, but also because of his defense!

Ellis's continuous change of direction is extremely fast, and ordinary people may be wiped out by Ellis only once.

However, when Ellis faced Butler, he changed directions several times in a row, but failed to get past Butler.

So, seeing this, Ellis could only choose to force a breakthrough, but this gave Butler a chance.

He leaned against Ellis with his strong body, and then took the opportunity to successfully steal Ellis.

After completing the steal, Butler quickly stepped forward to pick up the basketball, three steps and two steps, and quickly advanced to the frontcourt, while Ellis fell to the ground in the breakthrough just now.

"Bang!" Another dunk full of energy!


After Butler landed, he roared at the audience, in exchange for even louder cheers. The fans responded to Butler with hideous faces and crazily.

6:2, the game had just started, and the Mavericks were firmly suppressed by the Kings in terms of momentum.

In just 2 minutes of the start, the Mavericks have already used a variety of offensive methods, but except for Nowitzki hitting a ball, the others have returned without success.

So Rondo saw this, and in this offense, he played a pick-and-roll with Nowitzki again, trying to give the ball to Nowitzki again.

However, after this pick-and-roll, the Kings actually chose not to change the pick-and-roll. Bledsoe forced his way past Nowitzki's pick-and-roll and continued to chase Rondo. ball.

Seeing this, Rondo could only continue to dribble the ball into the penalty area, and then chose to layup when Bledsoe was not able to catch up in time!

But it's a pity that the inside line of the Kings is the league's number one center and the number one defensive champion Li Pu. He slapped the ball on the backboard with a slap.

Nail board big hat!

After Bledsoe received the rebound, he wanted to continue to push the fast break, but this time the Mavericks learned well and retreated in time, and did not give Bledsoe a chance to fast break.

But the Kings didn't just play fast breaks. After everyone was in position, Bledsoe handed the ball to Li Pu for support, and then Middleton suddenly bypassed the top of the arc and finished hand-to-hand with Li Pu. hand over.

When the "tall, rich and handsome" Parsons was blocked by Li Pu, Middleton had an excellent shooting space. He was unlucky with the ball and directly chose a three-point shot!

The basketball is hollow into the net, 9:0, the game is underway, the Mavericks really can't play!
 I'm sorry, the number of chapters is written wrong, it's very troublesome to modify, just do it like this!

(End of this chapter)

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