The strongest unicorn in basketball

Chapter 353 Dinghai God Needle

Chapter 353 Dinghai God Needle
Li Pu received the ball outside.

Considering that entering the inside line will be defended around the front, this time Li Pu chose to receive the ball outside the three-point line at the top of the arc.

Li Pu's threat from the outside is also great, but it's better than letting him wreak havoc on the inside of the restricted area!
For Li Pu holding the ball on the outside, Green will of course not go around the front to defend, so that Li Pu can easily catch the ball.

After successfully catching the ball, Li Pu can finally attack freely.

This kind of carefree feeling is like using chrysanthemums with Kaisailu, and it is a thousand miles away!
Although he was much taller than Green, Li Pu still easily swayed Green away with a crossover.

In terms of speed, Green really can't take advantage of it.

However, breaking through Green is only the first step. When Li Pu only needs to break into the three-point line, the Warriors' ultra-fast defensive rotation is quickly in place, and the flanking attack follows.

Faced with this situation, the method Li Pu adopted was a mid-range jumper.

It is said that the middle distance is the last hole card exclusive to superstars, which is not bad at all!
This is true for Jordan, Kobe, Durant, etc., um, except for one superstar.

This is because mid-range, as an offensive method with the lowest scoring efficiency, is generally the weak point of the opponent's defense, which is where the opponent deliberately puts it.

Therefore, often at the end of the game, the least efficient middle distance becomes the easiest way to score.

Just like Li Pu right now, his three-point shooting rate cannot be guaranteed, and the basket is easy to be flanked, so only the middle distance is the easiest to shoot.

And Li Pu's current middle-distance ability is not inferior to those mentioned above, and it is also at the top level in history.

And he has a bigger advantage over them, that is his height, which makes it difficult for his shooting to be disturbed.


So, the basketball is hollow into the net!
With this goal scored, the point difference returned to 1 point.

In addition to the continuous efforts on the offensive end, Li Pu also worked hard on the defensive end!
The Warriors relied on the Splash Brothers' perimeter containment. Durant ran an air cut, threw off Giannis and went to the basket. However, just as he was about to dunk, Lip suddenly broke out and covered the basketball with his hand from the front.

The two teammates who had been close to each other collided face to face in the air at this time. The two slender arms kept exerting force, and the basketball even changed its shape under mutual squeezing.

At this moment, the distance between the faces of the two people is almost only a fingertip, and they can even see the fine hairs on each other's faces.

"I want to win!"

"Sorry, I am the winner!"

Although the two didn't say a word, their eyes were full of fighting spirit, and every hair on their bodies was competing with each other.


In the end, it was Li Pu who was superior. He was condescending and had superior strength, and finally hit the ball on the ground.

Li Pu blocked Durant!

Butler reacted the fastest. Regardless of his own safety, he directly chased the basketball and flew out of the court.

Almost at the moment when his body was parallel to the ground, he saved the ball back to the field.

The basketball came to Li Pu's hands, and Li Pu ran with the ball all the way.

Durant immediately stood in front of Li Pu, and the two switched offense and defense, and now Durant is defending Li Pu.

However, Li Pu used a simple back dribble to pass Durant in one step!

The serious injury has affected Durant. Although his scoring ability does not seem to have declined, his lateral movement speed during defense is significantly slower.

After passing Durant, Li Pu continued to dribble the ball all the way!
When Li Pu is up to speed, he is almost unstoppable!
I saw him take the ball all the way to the frontcourt, receive the ball from outside the three-point line, take one step, two steps, and take off...

The whole person is like a big roc spreading its wings, overwhelming towards the basket.


Li Pu's long-lost three-step slam dunk was staged again, and the entire Oracle Arena was suddenly silent.

With this goal scored, the Kings overtook the score again!
Obviously, the Kings were able to overtake the score at this time, relying on Li Pu's performance on both ends of the offense and defense.

Today's Kings team is full of talents, and there seem to be countless talents in the team. However, whenever the Kings team is in the most dangerous time, the first thing people think of is Li Pu!

He is like the pinnacle of the team, as long as he is there, no matter what difficulties the team encounters, they can solve them easily.

Although the score was overtaken, the Warriors obviously did not give up.

Curry and Durant ran a pick-and-roll again, and after breaking through, they passed the ball to Iguodala in the corner.

The pass was not good, Iguodala received it very uncomfortable, and Middleton defended well.

But Iguodala really made the shot, and he really scored!


With this goal, the Warriors once again overtook the score.

It is said that a desperate situation depends on the first brother, this is really true!

He usually pretends to be dead, but he can always help the Warriors when they are desperate!

However, even though Iguodala made this miraculous three-pointer, Li Pu has already activated the dominance mode at this time, let alone Iguodala, even if five Iguodala are standing hand in hand No one can stop him!
I saw Li Pu once again holding the ball and going inside, facing the pincer attack, he decisively chose to turn around and hook.

But this time, the basketball bounced out of the frame and didn't go in!
Just when the Warriors were overjoyed, they saw Li Pu jumping up and down the tree, jumping high under the basket, and dunking the ball that flew out of everyone's heads into the basket again!

Everyone was confused by Li Pu's kaleidoscope-like offense, forgetting that he has always been the best offensive rebounder in the league!

In the following games, although the scores of the two teams were very tight, the Kings always led the Warriors by one goal or one offensive round, and never let the Warriors overtake the score.

Time passed bit by bit, and the Warriors' anxiety began to spread.

They were behind by a big score, and they fell behind again in tonight's game. Under the double pressure, they became more and more worried about the outcome of the game.

Curry held the ball from the outside, faced Bledsoe's defense, and made a butterfly-like change of direction to pass Bledsoe.

Immediately after encountering Giannis' help defense, Curry gave the ball to Durant, who made a mid-range jumper.

At this moment, it was Li Pu again, who jumped in front of Durant.

However, this time Durant took a step faster and avoided Li Pu's block, but it's a pity that the ball was missed!
Lip's interference and long playing time exhausted Durant, and the ball hit the front of the basket.

With Li Pu receiving the rebound and Durant stepping up to foul, the game was basically won by the Kings.

In this way, as Li Pu made two free throws and Curry missed a three-pointer, the Warriors lost this crucial home court.

At 108:104, the Kings won an away game, rewriting the big score of the series to 3:1, only one step away from victory.

(End of this chapter)

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