The strongest unicorn in basketball

Chapter 357 Win or Chapter Family

Chapter 357 Win or Go Home
After the two sides returned to the same starting line, the competition became more intense.

Durant made a mid-range jumper.

Butler made a mid-range jumper.

Thompson hit a three-pointer from the outside.

Middleton hit a three-pointer from the outside.

Curry made an empty cut throw.

Giannis made an air cut dunk.

Curry: Huh?It's like who can't dunk?
The two sides fought each other, leading the score alternately, but no one could completely widen the gap.

The competition at this time has already reached a fever pitch, and neither side is willing to give up the victory that is close at hand.

At this time, the two sides have been fighting fiercely for more than three quarters. Obviously, their physical strength is about to be exhausted, and they still have to bear a huge physical confrontation, but the hit rate of both sides is not low.

All kinds of fairy balls, the two teams kept scoring.

Butler slanted his body and shot a three-pointer, and then fell hard off the court, but even so, the basketball still flew into the basket!
The Kings once again overtook the score!

Kerr requested a timeout.

At this time, with the last 35 seconds left before the end of the game, the score was 114:113, and the Kings temporarily led by 1 point.

So far in the game, whoever wins and who loses is a matter of one ball.

At this time, for the Warriors, there are two options. One is to choose a strong attack to fight for one more offensive round for themselves, and the other is to play a full 24 seconds to leave the opponent with the least attack time.

"For the next goal, we have to play fast and use the fastest method to score the next goal!"

Kerr ultimately chose the former.

It's not that Cole chose a more aggressive approach because of his audacity, but that this was Cole's last timeout.

If there is no way to score this goal after 24 seconds, it will be even more difficult to score by sending the king to the free throw line and serving from the backcourt!
Therefore, it is better to use the shortest attack time to score now. Even if you fail to score, as long as you can defend against the king's attack, you can still grasp a sufficient offensive opportunity.

After a timeout, the Warriors serve from the sideline.

As the referee handed the ball to Iguodala who was serving from the sideline, all the Warriors players on the field started running and began to create shooting opportunities.

In the end, Green got the chance to catch the ball with the help of the pick-and-roll.

This is the worst choice for the Warriors. After all, whether it is Curry or Thompson who catches the ball, they can directly attack the basket, and Green has to fall in the middle.

Otherwise, would it be possible for me, the dealer master Green, to throw the lore shot in person?

So what use are you MVPs?

Sure enough, after receiving the ball, Green took two steps towards the weak side. At this time, Durant suddenly stepped forward and made a hand-to-hand pick-and-roll with Green.

Li Pu quickly switched defenses and faced Durant.

Durant broke through and Li Pu retreated.

At this moment, Durant suddenly took the ball and retreated, successfully shaking Li Pu away.

In terms of flexibility, Durant is stronger than Li Pu!
After taking a step back, Durant directly chose to collect the ball and shoot a mid-range jumper!

At this critical moment, Durant didn't even choose a better opportunity, and just shot like this.

What a daring artist!

To be honest, Durant's move was really beyond Li Pu's expectations, which caused him to react a little slower.

When he rushed over, Durant had already completed the shot!
In fact, Durant's shot was still a bit reluctant, and he was not fully prepared for the shot.

However, the basketball still hits the board and shoots into the basket.

The ball is in!
At this moment, the fans on the scene shouted wildly.

Victory is getting closer and closer to them!
The Kings also have only one last timeout left, which has also been used up at this time.

After a timeout, it was the Kings' turn to serve in the frontcourt this time.

Feng Shui took turns, and this time the pressure came to the Kings.

Butler made an outside free throw.

With 29 seconds left in the clock, the Kings also didn't dare to waste the time until the end. They would rather shoot the ball as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if you really leave it until the end, it will really be a one-shot deal.

Because Li Pu was heavily defended, he was not given a chance to catch the ball at all, so Butler finally sent the ball to Bledsoe.

To be honest, Bledsoe is also a big heart, with the ability to handle the ball at critical moments.

Therefore, when he saw that his teammates were strictly guarded and Curry was the only one in front of him, he didn't dare to waste time and directly chose to break through and attack the basket.

Curry reacted quickly and made a defensive move immediately, but Bledsoe broke into the inside.

This is Bledsoe's housekeeping skill, how could he be easily guarded?
However, when he went inside and forced a layup, the Warriors' super elastic defense was fully demonstrated. The basket was empty just now, and suddenly Green and Iguodala both appeared.

Although Bledsoe avoided Green's block, he was blocked by Iguodala behind him.

Bledsoe fell to the ground, but no one paid attention, and everyone looked at the basketball.

During a period of chaos, the basketball was taken by Butler who had just entered the court. He didn't stop much, and directly chose a pull-up jumper.

Thompson immediately stepped forward to block the shot. Although Butler completed the shot, he was still disturbed.

The basketball bounced out of the hoop, but still missed!
The basket was in chaos again, and everyone rushed together. At the critical moment, Giannis stepped forward and slapped the ball to the outside.

Although Middleton received the ball, he was defended by Iguodala and had no chance to make a shot.

Seeing that the time was running out, Li Pu ran out from the inside to meet Middleton.

Middleton saw Lip for the first time and passed the ball.

After Li Pu received the ball, he looked up at the timer. There were 5 seconds left. Before he could make a move, Green immediately stepped forward to block.

Seeing this, Li Pu immediately put on a fake shot, tricked Green and then made a breakthrough with the dribble. At this time, all the Warriors' defensive focus was on Li Pu.

Li Pu observed the situation on the court while dribbling, and found that his teammates did have a good opportunity, but the time was running out.

At this time, pass the ball, and they will adjust their shots again. The time is too tight!

You still have to come by yourself!

Just do what you say, at this time, although Green and Durant are attacking together in front of Li Pu, the average height is not enough.

This is mainly because the Warriors can use five small lineups to open up space in order to ensure that they have another attack after defending, so they did not bring Rooney up during the timeout.

And this is why the Warriors lost consecutive rebounds!
"3, 2, 1..."

Seeing that the time was running out, Li Pu finally chose to get up and make a jump shot.

Although Green and Durant struggled to take off, they still couldn't interfere with Li Pu's shot.

The basketball left Li Pu's fingertips, bypassed Green's and Durant's fingers, and flew straight towards the basket with a strong spin.

For a moment, everyone on the scene held their breath, waiting for the final result.


The basketball hit the rim and bounced high!
Just when everyone thought the goal was missed, the basketball hit the backboard again and bounced into the basket!


The timer rang long before the basketball hit the rim.

Lore, Li Pu completed the lore!

Li Pu refused the tiebreaker, refused the big reversal, and completely smashed Yu Yuyong into the dust!
(End of this chapter)

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