Chapter 4 A Chance

Inside the arena.

Faced with Lin Shuhao's defense, Li Pu chose a back-and-forth jumper.

This move was once his bottom-of-the-box killer move. Using this move, he allowed him to dominate the field and join the school team.

Right now, relying on this body, Li Pu can turn around faster, lean back more, and have a higher shot point.

With such a high release point, even if Lin Shuhao struggled to take off, he could not interfere with Li Pu at all.

Li Pu shot easily, and the basketball flew across a high arc and flew towards the basket.

After landing, Lin Shuhao turned his head subconsciously, eager to know whether the goal was scored or not.

Immediately afterwards, he saw that the basketball flew above the backboard with a very high parabola, and just hit the timer.


For a while, Li Pu and Lin Shuhao were silent.

"Cough cough, I used too much energy, I made a mistake, I made a mistake!" Li Pu quickly regained his face.

However, Lin Shuhao must believe what he said!
What are you doing wrong?Who are you kidding?
Who can throw the ball to the timer on a missed shot?

Hey, it seems that there are!
It's just that with his strength, how can he have such an optimistic attitude?Can you still play in the NBA like this?

"The ball is out of bounds, it's you next time!"

Li Pu didn't give Lin Shuhao a chance to complain.

Lin Shuhao curled his lips, then trotted all the way to the sidelines and picked up the ball.

How far it was thrown!

The offense and defense switched, and it was Lin Shuhao's turn to make a move.

To be honest, due to the height difference, Lin Shuhao thought it would be difficult to defend Li Pu, but he didn't expect Li Pu to be too good at it.

He doesn't use low-post techniques at all, and doesn't rely on his body to dominate, but plays like an outside line. Can he play a ball?
Coupled with the fact that his shooting is so unpredictable, it is difficult for Lin Shuhao to lose.

And when it was Lin Shuhao's turn to attack, he was even more relaxed. After all, Lin Shuhao had a lot of experience in playing small games.

Sure enough, in the first offensive round, Lin Shuhao easily broke through Li Pu's defense and made a layup.

Presti came to the entrance of the stadium and heard a sound of balls being shot in the arena.

"Strange, isn't the training camp already over? Why are there still people playing?"

Out of curiosity, Presti walked out of the aisle and came to the auditorium, where he immediately saw Li Pu and Lin Shuhao who were fighting fiercely.

Lin Shuhao once again easily broke through Li Pu's defense.

At this time, Lin Shuhao and Li Pu had been singled out for 10 minutes, and Li Pu hadn't even won a game.

Don't look at Li Pu's height advantage, but the gap between amateur players and professional players is bigger than you think.

Although in the confrontation with Lin Shuhao, Li Pu has gradually become familiar with his own body, running, jumping, sudden stops and quick starts have become more and more proficient, and he has gradually mastered this body.

However, relying on these alone, he is still no match for Lin Shuhao.

Basketball has never been a sport that only relies on the body, and technology cannot be ignored.

Just like the historical-level monster centers O'Neal and Chamberlain, these stars who people think can only play with their bodies, actually their inside skills are still at the top level of the league at that time.

"Basketball is not that simple!"

Thinking about it in his heart, Lin Shuhao broke through again, just a simple change of direction in front of his body and under his crotch, combined with his extremely fast first step, he easily passed Li Pu.

Leaving Li Pu behind, facing the empty basket, Lin Shuhao used a simple pick like he did several times before, ready to put the ball into the basket easily.

However, at this moment, he found that a slender arm and a huge palm appeared in his sight, and he pressed the ball accurately on the backboard.

Nail board big hat!

Because Li Pu's arms are too long and his jumping height is very high, even though Li Pu completed the pegboard hat, he didn't even touch Lin Shuhao's body.

However, because of this, Lin Shuhao was able to land smoothly and picked up a rebound.

Although he regained the offensive round, Lin Shuhao couldn't help but stare at the monster-like Li Pu and said, "Why are you so fast?"

"Hey, men can't say fast!" At this time, Li Pu, who was getting better, was in a much better mood, and couldn't help joking with Lin Shuhao.

"Fuck you! Come again!"

Lin Shuhao attacked with the ball again, and Li Pu continued to defend.

This time, Lin Shuhao didn't attack eagerly. After receiving the pass from Li Pu, he didn't dribble immediately, but first tried with three threats.

It has to be said that Li Pu's defensive skills are also poor enough, and the block just now relied entirely on his physical fitness.

For example, now, in Lin Shuhao's eyes, Li Pu's defense is flawed from posture to timing, and he has a hundred ways to get past him.

However, Lin Shuhao felt lingering fears when he recalled that he had been beaten by Li Pu when he had obviously thrown off Li Pu just now.

Obviously Li Pu's physical fitness has exceeded Lin Shuhao's imagination.

Therefore, this time Lin Shuhao played with extreme caution. First, he only took a tentative step forward with his right foot, and Li Pu couldn't help but take a big step back with just this feint.

It's now!

After fully feeling Li Pu's center of gravity shifting backward, Lin Shuhao started again.

His first step is still very sharp.

Although Lin Shuhao is a loser, but in terms of the first step, in this draft, he should be second only to future No. [-] pick John Wall.

Li Pu had sensed Lin Shuhao's sharp breakthrough speed long before that, so he quickly took two steps back, ready to block Lin Shuhao's breakthrough.

However, at this moment, Lin Shuhao suddenly made an emergency stop, and then took a step back and chose a three-point shot.

Although Lin Shuhao's three-pointer is not his strong point, his shooting percentage is still good when the basket is empty.

Li Pu's block made Lin Shuhao dare not enter the penalty area easily. Yes, he was persuaded and chose to shoot from outside.

However, when Lin Shuhao, who was full of confidence, just finished his shot, he found that Li Pu, who was two meters away from him, suddenly came to him in an instant.

Leaping high, Li Pu's outstretched right hand was just in the way of his shot.


Li Pu gave Lin Shuhao a volleyball-style hot pot.

The basketball collided with the palm, making a loud noise, and then flew towards the sidelines.

Coincidentally, it happened to fall into the hands of Presti in the auditorium.

Presti stared blankly at the basketball in his hand, and then at Li Pu in front of him, with a look of surprise in his eyes hiding behind the glasses.

To be honest, before that, Presti had already given up on Li Pu. After all, Li Pu's skills were so bad that he couldn't reach the level of the NBA. .

But at this moment, the defense brought by Li Pu's physical talent still makes Presti full of fantasy.

In today's Thunder team, there are already enough offensive talents.

Nonsense, the three scoring champions are on the same team, which team in history has had this treatment?
Therefore, what the team needs now is a center who can defend and protect rebounds. If the kid in front of him can really practice defense and put some muscles on his body, wouldn't that be the answer to the Thunder's fifth position?

"Sorry, Mr. Presti, are you okay?" Li Pu came to Presti with some embarrassment and apologized.

"You know me?" Presti was slightly taken aback.

"Saw it on TV!"

Li Pu's words really didn't lie.

Li Pu, a seasoned fan, has often seen Presti's appearance on the news.

"Before you came to this training camp, have you been to any other team's training camp?" Presti asked.

"No! I just came to America not long ago." According to the memory of this body, Li Pu replied truthfully.

"That's really unfortunate. The first performance in North America was a mess. With your performance today, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get a trial training from other teams."

"This..." Hearing Presti's straightforward words, Li Pu couldn't help but want to scold her.

No, is the general manager so incapable of talking?
"However, the Thunder can give you a chance, are you willing?"

Hearing what Presti said, Li Pu's mood was like riding a roller coaster, and he immediately went from the trough to the peak, and said happily: "Of course!"

"Today is May 5, and there is still one month before the draft on June 17. I will test your ability again before the draft. If you can meet my requirements by then, I will Consider signing you with a first-round pick, how about that?"

The first-round pick means a four-year guarantee contract, which means tens of millions of dollars!
This is a condition that any poor boy can hardly refuse.

Of course Li Pu is no exception!

"Really? It's a deal!" Li Pu said without thinking.

"I look forward to your performance then!" Presti said while handing the basketball back to Li Pu.

"Thank you, Mr. Presti!"

Although such a verbal agreement has no legal effect at all, Li Pu is very clear that if Presti is not interested in him, he will not talk nonsense with him.

This is probably my last chance to enter the NBA this year, so I must not miss it!
Hervey, who was waiting anxiously at the entrance of the Wintrust Arena, finally saw Presti.

"Why have you been here for so long? Did you find it?"

"I found it, not only found the wallet, but also found our target!" Presti rarely showed a smile.

"Target?" Hervey asked in surprise.

"In that list, add Prince's name!"

"Prince? That parallel player with chopsticks?"


"Sam... you should quit gambling!"

"Next time definitely!"

(End of this chapter)

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