Chapter 87
This year's All-Star Game is the 60th All-Star Game in NBA history. It just so happens that this year's All-Star Game is held in the star-studded Los Angeles, which is very appropriate.

Los Angeles International Airport T4 terminal, the originally busy exit, now has a group of people stuck there.

These people were either holding microphones or carrying cameras. Just by looking at their attire, it was clear that these people should be reporters.

"Hey Sue, are you here too?"

"Jared? Long time no see!"

Among the crowd, someone was greeting Su Qun. Su Qun turned around and found that it was TNT sports reporter Jared Greenberg.

"When did you come to Los Angeles?"

"Just arrived yesterday!"

"Prince from your country is doing great! Presumably you have to conduct interviews throughout the All-Stars?" Jared laughed.

"Thank you, of course, but why are you here?"

"Me? Of course it's for the Thunder! You don't know how popular the Thunder is in our country now!"

Su Qun shook her head, I don't know how popular it is in your country, but it's already very popular in our country.

Due to the season reimbursement of the female Zhao Riyue this season, Dakongyi continued to be in the Wizards' downturn, regardless of playing time or various statistics, it was the lowest in his career, and the Wizards' record continued to pull his hips.

Therefore, domestic fans turned their attention to the Thunder one after another. Li Pu's love for his house and blacks also caused the Thunder's fans to skyrocket, faintly becoming the second favorite team in China after the Rockets.

"How popular is that?" Since the owner didn't arrive at this time, Su Qun could just learn about the situation of the Thunder team in Ugly Country.

"Of course it is..."

"I'm coming!"

Just when Jared was about to explain, there was a sudden commotion at the scene. It turned out that the Thunder players had arrived.

Su Qun also hurried forward, hoping to get a good interview position.

I saw five people suddenly walking out of the airport exit, wearing suits of various colors, red orange yellow green... black?

Wearing uniform sunglasses, lined up, very cool.

The visitors are naturally Durant, Westbrook, Li Pu, Harden and Ibaka.

The reason why only five of them came was because all five of them were going to participate in the All-Star Weekend.

Among them, Durant needs to participate in the All-Star Game and the three-point contest.

Westbrook will also participate in the All-Star Game and the Skills Challenge.

That's right, Westbrook was selected as an All-Star for the first time in his life as a substitute for the Western Conference All-Star.

Originally, this was something to be happy about, but when Westbrook saw that Li Pu entered as an All-Star starter, he suddenly felt less happy.

In addition, although Harden was not selected as an All-Star, due to Eric Evans' injury, Harden took his place in the Rookie Challenge.

In addition to taking part in the rookie challenge, Ibaka will also participate in the dunk contest.

For this, Li Pu sympathized with him very much. This year he will meet "Tyrannosaurus" Griffin and "All Star Below the Neck" McGee. I am afraid the result will not be much better.

As for Li Pu, in addition to participating in the All-Star Game, he also had to participate in the Rookie Challenge. He didn't participate in any of the other individual events.

The All-Star Weekend is for rest. If I participate in it for three consecutive days, wouldn't it be more tiring than going to work?

The key is not to give money!

"Li Pu, Li Pu, here!"

Among them, Durant and Westbrook were undoubtedly the most popular. Therefore, Su Qun easily squeezed beside Li Pu and stopped him.

When Li Pu came back and saw Teacher Su, he took the initiative to greet him and said, "Hey, Teacher Su, why are you also at the airport?"

"Isn't this the first time I want to interview you? I have to say, your team is really hot now!" Su Qun said with emotion.

"Hahaha, thanks to the hard work of everyone in the team!" Li Pu was naturally honored. After all, he also contributed his own strength to achieve such a good result.

"Do you have anything to say about being selected as an All-Star this time?" Su Qun asked.

"Of course I'm grateful. I know that if it weren't for the support of domestic fans, I wouldn't be able to make it to the All-Star this year!" Li Pu laughed.

"By the way, this time because you, Durant and Westbrook entered the All-Star team together, domestic netizens called you the 'Third Thunder'. What do you think about this?"

Hearing what Su Qun said, Li Pu raised his eyebrows slightly, and couldn't help but glance at Harden who was following Durant not far away, feeling inexplicably funny.

Did you replace Harden and become one of the "Three Young Masters"?
"Young refers to the young master, it describes you young and promising..."

"I understand, Teacher Su, thank you for your explanation, but I have objections to this statement!" Li Pu interrupted Su Qun's words.

"Ah? Are you dissatisfied?" Hearing Li Pu's objection, Su Qun felt nervous. After all, if Li Pu couldn't give a reasonable explanation, it would definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of domestic fans.

"I think Harden and Ibaka have the same great potential. Fans must not ignore them. So it should not be the 'Thunder Three', but the 'Thunder Five'!"

Hearing Li Pu's explanation, the expression on Su Qun's face immediately changed from cloudy to sunny, and she even praised Li Pu's high EQ in her heart.

Saying this, it was clearly for the purpose of uniting the teammates, specially pulling the other two teammates together so as not to embarrass them.

Li Pu saw what Su Qun was thinking, so he quickly said: "There is an allusion here!"

"Oh? What allusion?" Su Qun asked curiously.

Lip pointed to Durant who was being interviewed: "Brother, put your arms above your knees!"

Then he pointed to Westbrook again: "Second brother is loyal and unparalleled!"

Pointing to Harden again: "The third brother has a beard all over his face!"

Finally pointing to Ibaka: "Fourth brother has a long gun!"

Originally, Su Qun didn't understand what it meant, but when she heard the third brother, she already understood that Li Pu was relying on Liu Guanzhang of the Three Kingdoms!

But when he heard Ibaka, he knew it was Zhao Yun, but...

"Why a long gun?"

Regarding Su Qun's question, Li Pu smiled and said nothing, "I'll leave this to domestic netizens to find out!"

Seeing that Li Pu refused to say anything, Su Qun didn't press too much, but asked again: "You mentioned the four of them, what about you?"

"Me? Of course I have great looks!" Li Pu said confidently.

"Rong... looks great?" Su Qun was a little confused for a moment.

Seeing that Su Qun didn't understand his stalk, Li Pu secretly thought it was a pity, and had to explain: "Zhuge Liang described it in "Three Kingdoms": "There is a talent out of the crowd, a weapon of the hero, eight feet in length, It looks great'."

"..." After listening to Li Pu's explanation, Su Qun admired Li Pusheng's ability to push things hard and his extremely thick skin.

(End of this chapter)

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