Chapter 99
19:30 p.m., AT&T Center.

The game was about to start, Li Pu stood in the middle circle, looking at the slightly dazed Duncan with big dull eyes, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

At this time, Duncan was about to turn 35 years old. The flying devil of the year had been affected by plantar fasciitis in recent years and had degenerated into an old Dengtou.

But don't really think that he is old, this bad old man is the best at deceiving people.

Look at James, what a smart man, he was fooled by Duncan for a while, and even his own Heat dynasty was tricked into a nomadic dynasty.

What's more, the Spurs are number one in the Western Conference this season!And even after suffering a three-game losing streak, they are still number one, leading the West second by a cliff. Can you say that the Spurs are old?

Therefore, Li Pu would not be deceived by Duncan's appearance, and he was extremely vigilant from the first moment they met.

"Come on, fight hard!" Duncan stretched out his hand and smiled.

It's a monster, Shi Buddha actually laughed, referee, why don't you give it a T?

Li Pu turned his head to look, and secretly thought it was a pity that today's referee was not bald Crawford.

Li Pu shook hands with Duncan, felt the rough texture of Duncan's palm, and looked at Ginobili's hair that had begun to bald not far away. The hair contributed, right?
The Spurs' starters tonight are: Tony Parker, Manu Ginobili, Richard Jefferson, DeJuan Blair, Tim Duncan.

GDP actually started with all the staff.

In fact, Ginobili has already played a season's starter this season.

And because there is George Hill on the bench, Popovich is also very relieved that Ginobili will start, and he is not worried about weakening the strength of the bench.

The referee threw the ball into the sky, and Li Pu and Duncan took off at the same time.

However, today's Duncan is far worse than when he was young, whether it is explosive power or jumping.

Therefore, Li Pu easily jumped to the ball.

To be honest, this season Li Pu is almost the league's jump ball king. Relying on his height, wingspan and bounce, he has almost never lost a jump ball.

After Westbrook got the ball, he quickly dribbled the ball to the frontcourt.

Parker wanted to step forward to defend, but was passed by Westbrook with an acceleration, and then flew into the air, before the others arrived, and succeeded in one-handed dunking.

I have to say that Westbrook at this time is really fierce, all kinds of flying and escaping, you know that he is going to break through, but you just can't keep up, and you can't guard against it.

However, this ball also has the factor of the Spurs' defensive mistakes.

Since 2007, the Spurs began to transform. Three years have passed. The Spurs' offense is indeed not what it used to be.

Especially the perimeter defense, whether it is Parker, Ginobili or Jefferson, is not a defensive gate. It is often really difficult to defend against the opponent's players with perimeter firepower.

The reason why their current defense can still maintain the top level of the league is still relying on the defensive system built by Popovich.

When it comes to offense, though, it's a whole different story.

After Parker came to the front court, with the help of Duncan's pick-and-roll, he quickly broke into the penalty area.

Li Pu stepped forward to help defend, but Parker turned around without slowing down to complete the breakthrough.

After the breakthrough, Parker didn't stay for a second, and directly chose a throw.

Li Pu was caught off guard and failed to block the shot. The basketball hit the backboard and went into the net.

2: 2.

The small French sports car is now at its peak, and the Spurs have also shifted the burden of offense from the inside out, from Duncan to Parker and Ginobili, which allows Parker's offensive talents to be displayed.

The ball just now was just a small test.

Then it was the Thunder's turn to attack.

After Westbrook came to the frontcourt, Li Pu and Durant performed an off-ball pick-and-roll, Li Pu cut inside, and Durant bounced outside. This is one of the most common tactics of the Thunder.

Due to the great power of Li Pu's inward cut, the Spurs did not dare to defend too far, which gave Durant room to catch the ball.

The Spurs did not choose to switch defenses, causing Durant to complete the shot after receiving the ball, and Jefferson was belatedly coming to Durant.

When defending Durant, if you put your hand in Durant's face, you may not be able to prevent him, let alone give him such a large space?


The basketball hits the net hollow and hits a three-pointer!
Although on the defensive end, Jefferson made mistakes, but on the offensive end, Jefferson can make up for his mistakes.

As a former trident of the Nets, Li (you) Cha (plug) De () Jie (sister) Fo (fu) Sen (deep) offensive ability should not be underestimated. After receiving Ginobili's pass, With a feint, he successfully tricked Durant, then went to the basket, attracted Ibaka to defend, and gave the ball to Blair, who made a mid-range shot.

5: 4.

The Thunder attacked again, and Westbrook chose to play a pick-and-roll with Li Pu this time. Although Parker failed to complete the rotation in time, Duncan's defensive experience was in place. change direction.

After Parker caught up, he retreated quickly and chased after Li Pu.

However, Li Pu is not a vegetarian. Although Duncan's defense is fine, Westbrook directly throws the ball high, making it impossible for Duncan to reach the ball even if he jumps with all his strength.

The basketball bypasses Duncan's defense and looks like it's heading out of bounds.

At this moment, Li Pu jumped up and caught Westbrook's seemingly mistaken ball with his big hand.

Not only that, Li Pu who was in the air didn't stop for a moment, directly in the air with his strong core ability, he controlled the basketball and smashed it into the basket.

Another super basket dunk!
Even at the Spurs home court, the audience still exclaimed after seeing this dunk.

After landing, Li Pu glanced at Duncan, but saw him blinking his big eyes and staring at himself blankly, as if saying affectionately: Wow, how do you jump so high?
It gave Li Pu a chill, and he turned around and ran back.

A lot of age, why are you so cute?
It was the Spurs' turn to attack, and this time the man with the ball was replaced by Ginobili.

Although Ginobili has become bald, he has also become stronger.

Although he is 33 years old now, he is getting more and more demonic as he gets older, and it is impossible to see that his strength has declined at all.

Facing the Swiss Army Knife Sefolosha, Ginobili relied on his weird rhythm to easily complete the breakthrough.

Immediately afterwards, a flamboyant pass behind the back deceived all the defensive players, and even Jefferson, who connected the ball, was almost deceived and almost let go.

It's a pity that Durant was a little far away, and when he rushed over, Jefferson had already completed his shot.

A three-pointer hit from the bottom corner, 7:7 tie.

The two teams started the game without missing a beat. They were obviously two strong defensive teams, but they turned into a confrontational battle at the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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