idol king

Chapter 2 002: Youth Team Dominance?

Chapter 2 002: Youth Team Dominance?

Then do it! ! ! !

Jiang Fei came out of the system, and didn't study points and malls for the time being. Just glanced at it just now, and 10 points are useless, and they can't be exchanged for anything good.

The technical station showed that Sujiang Iron and Steel replaced Mao Yang with No. 14 Jiang Fei, and the commentary didn't even introduce it, because it wasn't worth introducing.

Jiang Fei's CBA scouting report on the table of the DJ host on the scene is: Jinling No. [-] High School sports specialty student, related household contract.

It means that it is the kind of purely occupying a spot to get some money or mixing up CBA qualifications.

Fans who were a little familiar with the team's lineup booed everywhere. They naturally knew that this was a high school player and questioned the home team's attitude towards the game.

Jiang Fei doesn't think about these things, he just wants to see if the system works, and find a place for his hometown by the way!
The score was 91:66, 25 points behind.

With 3 minutes and 21 seconds left, the game ended.

It is difficult to chase, but you have to chase!

The game resumed, and Chen Xiuyuan dribbled the ball to Jiang Fei for halftime.

Jiang Fei dribbled the ball with five fingers familiarly, felt the feeling of the ball, and then changed his crotch and slammed behind his back. The teammates who watched after 8 seconds of the buzzer frowned.


Jiang Fei, on the other hand, felt a sense of smoothness that the player has never experienced before. Coupled with the bonus of physical toughness given by the system, every dribble was very smooth.

"OK, speed up and try!"

At the moment when his teammates were about to come out to catch the ball, Jiang Fei faced Shi Hongfei, who was staring at him from half-court, and directly accelerated, blasting the ball vigorously with his right hand to mislead him to the left.

The moment Shi Hongfei dodged to catch the ball, he quickly pulled back his left hand, leaned forward, and made a big change to pull the ball from the right to pass the opponent directly! !

This is not over yet.

Jiang Fei, who passed Dongguang's point guard, rushed to the inside without slowing down. The opposing center hesitated to attack, and Jiang Fei made a silky free throw line with a low hand and a small throw! !
Completed 2 goals in a blink of an eye!
And Shi Hongfei was still at the 3-point line! ! !

"A little... handsome?"

The fans in the front row were stunned for a moment, wondering if they should applaud, but his movements... are so handsome!

While Jiang Fei quickly returned to the defense, he also lamented that Wenzi's control skills are great. If he had done this set of misleading + big changes just now, Shi Hongfei would definitely be cut off by Shi Hongfei because of the speed problem.

This show is the right way to play! !
Especially for him, who can only be asked to play guard because he is not too tall in the basketball specialty, he hopes to quickly dribble smoothly.

And now it's as if the arms and basketball have been lubricated, and it's silky smooth at the moment!
Several teammates stood in place for a moment, but they had the same thought as their opponent Shi Hongfei himself:
Underestimated the enemy!
I was careless and didn't concentrate, so he stepped over me.

Want to know who Shi Hongfei is?Scored 157 points in a single game, the CBA Beverly is famous for his close defense!
At 1 meters, he was stepped over?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!
Sujiang's coaching staff didn't see it at all. They all lowered their heads and reflected, thinking about how not to be tortured in the next game.

But Sujiang's two foreign aids, Enrique and Luis, have been watching the field because they can't understand Chinese. They have a bright feeling when they see Jiang Fei's one-stop operation.

From their point of view, especially from the perspective of the European defender Luis, the young man on their team seems to be able to do it!

Dribbling, as well as the power control of throwing shots, this is just on the field, and he can score goals without looking for it. Compared with other Chinese defenders, he is still very good.

They read it right. In the next round, Jiang Fei did not choose to pass the ball after dribbling. He repeated the same trick and simply changed direction and passed Shi Hongfei in an instant. He rushed straight to the basket. Watching Jiang Fei easily lick the basket and score from the other side like a white flash.

"It's still spinning?" Dong Hanlin thought he was wrong. He saw that Jiang Fei seemed to be spinning the ball into the basket.

He read it right, Jiang Fei was laying up from Little Jelly. While laying up, he twisted his wrist and added a little rotation to his fingertips, but no one could see clearly because it was too fast.

If there is a slow-motion playback, you can see how handsome this action is. You can go straight up but it’s not necessary. You just want to lay up like a jelly!
When the fans still wanted to watch the replay, Dongguang played positional tactics in the next round. Dong Hanlin completed the dunk, and the defense at the basket was like paper.

This has to make complaints about the CBA broadcast technology.

When Jiang Fei scored a goal, because the point difference was too large, the director directly played back the scene where Mao Yang was injured just now.

When Dongguang dunked, he switched back to the screen, and the TV audience didn't know who got the 4 points that Su Jiang just added, and how he got it.

On the contrary, after being dunked by Dong Hanlin, there was a burst of booing, and being so brutally abused at home, even facing a three-peat champion team, it shouldn't be so unbearable.

"In this loss, the Sujiang men's basketball team will fall behind 3-1. Congratulations to the Dongguang men's basketball team for winning the fourth consecutive home championship!" Weilai Sports' broad-spectrum commentary has begun to celebrate the Dongguang men's basketball team in advance.

Yang Ma commented on Xu Weiping:
"Sujiang Iron and Steel House happened to be raining all night. Starting point guard Hu Xuefeng is a veteran and absolute main force. It is impossible to play again. The backup point guard Meng Da has a minor injury. This Mao Yang series will only be played for 1 minute. Injured, I believe there is no point guard available, no one would have thought of this situation before the finals!"

Partner Yu Jia:

"Yeah, it seems that the millennium number two Sujiang men's basketball team will become the second child again in the playoffs. Sujiang Iron and Steel seems to be a team cursed by God. It has been second in the regular season for seven consecutive years. As a result, it has failed every time in the playoffs. To win the championship, after this season, this record will be second in the playoffs again, hey, I feel sad for the fans of Jiangsu! Can anyone stand up?"

Xu Weiping:
"Just look forward to the X factor."

As he said, Sujiang Iron and Steel's lineup on paper has not been bad in recent years, and it is not just talking about the second place in the regular season for seven consecutive years.

This year is the second time in the history of the Sujiang team to enter the finals. The first time was also against Dongguang Hongyuan, but that time it was defeated 2:4.

Originally, the Jiangsu men's basketball team won the first game away in the first game of the finals, making the fans think they were backing up.

The "Uncrowned King" and "Millennium Second" will finally realize their dream of becoming a champion this time.

Then with Yi Jianlian's comeback and coach Li Chunjiang's quick adjustment.

As a result, they were about to lose three games in a row! !
If you lose this game, go to the Dongguan Basketball Center to play the devil's home court of the Dongguang team, and win first! !
But just when they were complaining about the boring finals, they saw a handsome young man in a pile of black jerseys in the broadcast screen, twisting his body and miraculously scoring the ball. The DJ with the microphone on the scene even said directly :
"Jiang Fei scored 8 points in a row!! Sujiang Steel did not fall!!"

"?" Yu Jia and Xu Wei looked at each other flatly, wondering who this person is.

Dongguang Hongyuan's veteran Du Feng, who was sitting on the bench, gritted his teeth:

"Who the hell is this kid, the top ball player of the Jiangsu Youth Team? The whole fucking one hit three balls!"

 The new book is ready for collection~
(End of this chapter)

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