idol king

Chapter 28 028: Chen Duoling, who let himself go, the beautiful teacher fell!

Chapter 28 028: Chen Duoling, who let himself go, the beautiful teacher fell!

However, his speed was considered slow. The post bar of Ninth High School was instantly occupied by a group of netizens who were not from the school. 99.9% of the new posts were about basketball and Jiang Fei.

The academic masters who came to the post bar to discuss difficult problems thought they entered the wrong post bar. It’s almost 10 o’clock and it’s so lively?
"Super sports student in Class [-], Grade [-], respect!! Ninth Middle School, Jinling, and Jiangsu are proud!"

"The headline on the Nine Middle School's official website is congratulations to Jiang Fei for getting 40+ and leading the team to victory, handsome!"

"It's really cool! I've been watching CBA since junior high school. I didn't expect that in high school, CBA players would be by my side. When he returned to school, I would go on a pilgrimage to the gate of Class 2 after every class!"

"Me too, pay homage to the Great God!"

And the QQ group of the second class of the third year has already exploded. With the class flower Ding Jianguo posting a picture of Jiang Fei and Yi Jianlian’s photo in the QQ space, after the accompanying text praised Jiang Fei, all the QQ groups were "licking" Jiang Fei boys and girls who secretly admire Jiang Fei.

Ding Jianguo: "Tonight, Jiang Fei's children's shoes are taking off!!!"

She actually didn't come home until this time from bass practice tonight. As soon as she got home, she saw her father dancing and drinking beer at home. Dad was serious, and carefully framed the "I stand on the bridge to see the scenery" written by Jiang Fei with transparent wrapping paper.

The girls all chat privately in their own private cohorts.

Jiang Fei at the front table:

"I didn't realize he was so handsome before, why does he look more and more pleasing to the eye today?"

English class representative:
"Yeah, I used to think that he was so annoying that we had to write a special copy of his homework and sort out the test papers for him."

Disciplinary Committee:

"Well, he still likes to talk loudly in class, and he doesn't tell me when he arrives late or leaves early. He's so mad. So he's doing such a big thing!!"

Veteran monitor:
"His current achievements are beyond our reach in another 10 years of growth. He can even graduate directly without going to university."

"Hey, he's making money now, and we've got 4 years of college to go."

"Don't think too much, the college entrance examination is coming soon, take the exam well, and if you get into a good university, maybe Jiang Fei will date me!"

"Don't even think about it, didn't you see that the relationship between him and Ding Jianguo suddenly became so good?"

"Don't say... the school belle Chen Duoling has been saved by him, and there are beauties around her."

"I heard that the dance captain of the South Korean delegation met him late at night, maybe the two of them are already young..."

"Yeah, the little foxes in South Korea will seduce men!"

"Is the CBA looking so good now?"

"I remember that Dongguangping used to push and torture violently, and we have nothing to do with Sujiang." The fifth class sports committee sent an embarrassed expression.

"It's not that the CBA is good-looking, it's that Jiang Fei from Class 2 is so good-looking!"

"Yes, flamboyance is useful. If I were a girl, I would go after her too! I don't know if he will come to school tomorrow!"

At this time, Chen Duoling, who was in class 5, was actually more grand than class 2.

Tonight, this is equivalent to the emergence of a superstar in Ninth High School, can we not discuss it.

Instead, Chen Duoling didn't say a word. Although she watched the entire four quarters, her heart is still pounding:

"Is this the kind of blood-boiling feeling that boys have!"

Chen Duoling looks like a queen of icebergs, but in fact she has a very sensitive and subtle mind, and it can be said that she has a love-minded personality.

Because of Jiang Fei avoiding disfigurement of her face and pointing out her shortcomings in dancing afterwards, she completely developed a strong interest in this boy whom she didn't know very well.

You must know that my dance teacher never said anything about her shortcomings and room for improvement because of her family. Jiang Fei's words were of great benefit to her, and she practiced in the dance studio until the early morning that night.

The next day, she even deliberately passed by the door of the second class a few times. Later, Baidu found that Jiang Fei watched the CBA game 10 minutes earlier in front of the plasma TV.

And because of the ups and downs of the game, she stayed up for 2 hours without going to the bathroom, and her view of basketball was completely changed.

It turns out that the sport of basketball can be so handsome, a game is like a movie, and Jiang Fei is obviously the protagonist today!
It would be terrible if the schoolmates found out about this. The school belle was secretly watching a boy's game at home, and she didn't dare to go to the toilet? ?
You must know that in the eyes of her suitors, it is not only impossible for a fairy goddess to go to the bathroom, but her homework is as glamorous as writing with a brush.

It's hard to imagine her slender figure wearing messy pajamas, biting her fingers, bouncing up and down on the sofa to celebrate Jiang Fei's goals every time...

Jazz Internet Cafe.

Xie Jifei looked at some celebratory basketball fans in the Internet cafe holding beer to celebrate, and then saw all kinds of words licked by the girls in their class, and thought viciously:
"You kid, just wait until the day after tomorrow to be embarrassed! Then I will post anonymously to hack you to death, you bastard!"

The representative of the Chinese class next to him also had sinister eyes:
"It's done, don't worry!! Let's go, play a wave of dungeon dungeons to have fun."

"I want the goblins to feel the anger of my blue Gatling!" Xie Jifei, with a cigarette in his mouth, irritatedly dropped the CBA news that popped up from Jiangsu News. Now he is annoyed when he sees the word Jiang Fei.

"Isn't Jiang Fei's mother? I'm here to convey a message..."

Jiang Fei doesn't have to go to school these days, because the homeroom math teacher will ask Jiang Fei for a long vacation tomorrow under the bombardment of phone calls from several parents and the vice principal.

The parents are afraid that Jiang Fei will delay his studies and lead the Jiangsu men's basketball team to win the team's first championship. The vice principal also thinks the same. If Jiang Fei can really win two more games, what's the point of not going to class for a week?
So what if you don't even take the college entrance examination? ? ?

This resume, even if you pass the blue and white sports exam, you can't meet it!

This is the glory of the school.

The Chinese teacher, Mr. Yao, was dragging his chin at his desk to share with other lesson preparation teachers, "When love taps on the shoulder, even a man who usually dismisses poetry and painting will become a poet." This sentence came.

Then I saw that the main page of the school's official website had posted a headline at such a late hour.

"Ah? Is it him?"

"This boy will fascinate women to death in the future."

"Wow, capable of writing and martial arts? Teacher Yao, don't let yourself fall."

"Haha, with this muscle and literary talent, if our beauty Yao is 4 years younger, wouldn't it be a match made in heaven?"

The Chinese teacher in the class next door was stunned. Could this sentence be written by a third-year physical education student?
"Hey, we are all old aunts." Teacher Yao rolled her eyes and sighed slightly.

"Did you scold him in class, haha?"

"Tomorrow I will ask the sports students in our class if they can write poetry!"

Hongyuan visiting team locker room.

"The hero drinks water!"

"Xiao Fei, oh no, Teacher Da Fei is tasting tea!" The son of the vice chairman and the third-team guard in the team danced around Jiang Fei's locker.

After Jiang Fei came out of the shower, he was greeted with warm applause from his teammates again. Only his peers really know what it means to score 45 points and 8 assists in a game of this level. Hou Yifan and others are outrageous now thinking about it.

You must know that even if they want to single Yi Jian in the training match, it is difficult for them to score goals. They can't see the frame at all, but Jiang Fei keeps scoring easily on the nine-time champion Hongyuan!
Although Jiang Fei doesn't know how lively the outside world is, he can basically guess it.

Just like the later generation Zhao Jiwei made 9 of 8 three-pointers and made 29 points and was able to boast the first domestic point guard news for a week. This is already the second highest score in Zhao Jiwei's career playoffs.

Jiang Fei's 45 points will definitely be popular on the Internet in 10 years. Although WeChat is not developed yet, it is not too far behind.

"It's a pity that Lao Hu didn't bring you along at the press conference."

 It is very important to catch up with the new book period, everyone remember to read it every day.I hope this book can also be put on the shelves of Sanjiang, rush!
  Thank you Yuzu for falling in love with winter for the reward of 500 points!
(End of this chapter)

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