idol king

Chapter 30 030: System Rewards, Developing towards the All-Round Idol

Chapter 30 030: System Rewards, Developing towards the All-Round Idol

Just now, Jiang Fei's homeroom teacher received a call from not only the vice principal, but also a leader in charge of sports from the Education Bureau, the director of the CBA Development Department of the Sujiang Basketball Association, and even the top leader of Gulou District.

Although they don't say it explicitly, they all express the same meaning:

Don't let him come to school for the next week.

As long as Jiang Fei can lead the team to reverse two more rounds, for the glory of Jiangsu basketball, this study is a big deal! !
Naturally, the homeroom teacher hurriedly conveyed the news to Jiang Fei's home. She, the homeroom teacher, didn't even know Jiang Fei's cell phone number.

So Jiang Yudong and Hu Chunlai, who were happily dancing at home to celebrate their son's high score, had a disagreement...

"My wife, you don't know what it means to score 45 points in this kind of game? When I was playing for the Jiangsu team, the highest score in a single game was only 28 points!"

Jiang Yudong was so excited for the first time, and his son's competition really inspired his long-silent blood.

He has been nurturing his son silently for so long, isn't he waiting for such a day! !
But talking to his wife who doesn't know how to play these things is simply playing the piano to the cow, and his whole mentality exploded:
"Don't worry, I'll call my son to congratulate him first."


"Young Hooligan! "

"God Flies from the Sky!" "

"Fly, fly, fly! "

"Sujiang is Flying! "

Jiang Fei, who just arrived at the airport waiting hall, took out his mobile phone to watch the feedback after the game like all the children his age.

"Jiang Fei 45 points" was ranked 12th in the real-time hot search, the third in the hot search was Sujiang Shengdongguang, and the 3th in the hot search was Yi Jianlian was detained.

Sure enough, the United Arab Emirates is the real big traffic player. In China, players who are related to the NBA are obviously more topical. At this time in 2011, the number of CBA fans was only a fraction of that of NBA fans. You must know that Dayao is still sitting on the bench of the Rockets! (Note: Injured season reimbursement)

But Jiang Fei did explode overnight.

From a towel-waving machine to a veritable CBA star, many fans who love him still nicknamed him "Mr. Xiaofei" on Tieba and Weibo.

It means that he has been teaching the defenders of the Dongguang team to be human.

Or there are names like Brother Xiao Fei, Ah Fei, Jiang Shen, and Sao Fei, all of which sound good to Jiang Fei.

Then I clicked on the main page of my Weibo, and saw some posts that seemed embarrassing now.

For example, in the first year of high school in 09, the photo of bangs covering eyes and dunking dunk:

"Don't be obsessed with brother, brother is just a legend!"

There are also complaints about academics and some shady posts about playing games, which are rarely posted, but now the comments are gradually rising, and it feels a bit like being turned over to black history.

But Jiang Fei didn't delete it, this is all about my youth!
In later generations, he even forgot his account password. His current Weibo name is a traditional Chinese character Fei interspersed with various characters... It is full of sense of age. No wonder later generations can't find it. Who can type this character?

Take another look at fan value.

Before today, I had more than 500 fans. This is due to my last garbage time score when I got involved with the Sujiang team and G4.

And now... it has soared to 14, and it is still increasing by three or four at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Hot search bonus!

Jiang Fei couldn't see the Weibo comment he posted before.

They are all born monkeys, so handsome, so cool, so good to kill, so fond of, love, love, tall, handsome, mighty and other words, which are occupied by girls on Weibo, and there are not many comments about basketball.

Jiang Fei didn't look any more, but lay comfortably on the business massage chair arranged for him by the team and counted the "trophies" of winning tonight:
"Congratulations to the host for scoring 40+ points in a single CBA game and winning the game, 10 points will be rewarded!"

"Congratulations to the host for dunking an NBA-level player and rewarding him with 10 points!"

"It seems that the level of CBA is still low."

The kidnapping superstar card that Jiang Fei was looking forward to did not appear easily this time, and scoring 45 points in the CBA turned out to be the same reward as deduction of Yi Jianlian. Maybe the latter is more difficult? ?

It is also true that this year's CBA foreign players have not been dunked too easily. Even in the NBA, the UAE has not been used as a background board several times.

Flying guards as strong as JR Smith and DeRozan have been suppressed by the United Arab League hat if they want to take off in front of him.

And the increase in popularity is also more because the deduction is too easy.

Now Jiang Fei's popularity has instantly changed from more than 500 points during school to 12349. This is not the kind of Weibo fans with 10,000+ fans, but it is composed of die-hard fans like Li Qing! !

The popularity of these 1 fans can be exchanged for 12 points!
Adding the original remaining 8 points, now there are almost 40 points? ?
Very comfortable!
This point is still very useful after the actual test of Jiang Fei.

Before 1 point kidnapped Wang Xizhi and Wu Xiaobang, even if it was only 10 minutes and a half an hour, it was a very wonderful feeling.

With this point, it is very useful at critical moments!

And if there are more points in the future, if he wants to keep cultivating his sentiments, he can also be permanently bound.

He had seen the system mall before, and basically 10 points could buy a Kidnapping Superstar Card, but it couldn't be guaranteed to be permanent after opening it.

The permanent kidnapping superstar gold card is 50-1000 points to buy one, and the superstars in it need to be permanently kidnapped. To kidnap Michael Jordan, it is estimated that 1000 points are required!

There are other items in the system store.

For example, kidnapping skill cards, Curry’s three-point skills, Carter’s dunk bag, Kobe’s post-up skills, etc., these can also be permanently bound or rented for a day with low points.

However, Jiang Fei will not be able to use it for the time being, and the CBA can still do a job with ease with the current two star cards.

Jiang Fei also found that the physical fitness and continuous confrontation ability he lacked today cannot be permanently bound. At most, points can be used to buy one-time physical cards, speed cards, absolute strength cards, etc., 2-5 points per card, which can be bound to 1 hours to 24 hours.

So in the future, physical fitness, strength, and speed will have to be practiced hard by yourself.

It’s okay to find the system to take drugs to give it a boost when necessary. After all, the system’s things don’t have side effects like stimulants. Jiang Fei is still very interested in the Indian King Kong’s long-lasting hardcore 12h physical fitness card. He really wants to ask How many women can this system control?
The system directly responded to the question in Jiang Fei's mind:

"If you use this card, Kardashian will cry, and if you add Beyoncé, you will have to kneel and call Dad."


Jiang Fei blushed slightly, and closed the page, maybe it will be useful when he really becomes a super idol in the carnival with many people.

12 hours...that's crazy...

He is now completely at the peak, and does not need this kind of cyber bonus at all.

Apart from these physical bonus cards, there are all kinds of interesting things in the system mall.

Guitar master ability card, Jiang Fei is already a beginner when it comes to guitar, and he can become a master with more practice.

However, there are also kidnapping cards for saxophone, keyboard, cello, piano and other skills from beginner to master level. This kind of card is cheaper than the points needed to kidnap Lang Lang, Beethoven and other music superstar cards, and they are all permanent, which is cost-effective. cards.

At the bottom, there are lucky cards, curse cards, imitation cards and other weird one-time consumables.

Anyway, points can be exchanged for everything, the more you want to get, the more points you need.

And if he wants more points, Jiang Fei has to work hard, otherwise he can lie flat now, and the abilities he possesses are definitely enough to eat and drink in this life, but Jiang Fei is not a person who does not seek to make progress.

There are so many interesting things in the system, why do you have to make yourself an all-around idol for all people!

Go, it's over!

 Let's follow up and look forward to the wonderful time when the young A Fei uses the Donkey Kong durable hard core 12h physical card~~
(End of this chapter)

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