idol king

Chapter 33 033: Who gave the report name?

Chapter 33 033: Who gave the report name?

"Being an actor?"

Jiang Fei was stunned subconsciously, didn't his mother always want him to be included?
After careful recollection, I realized that my mother is still working in the prose department of the Yangtse Evening News. She is a member of the Provincial Writers Association and a member of the Municipal Art Troupe. She can sing some ditties and write some good words. She is quite famous in Jinling literary circles.

Therefore, Jiang Fei's parents belong to the standard style of two blossoms.

At that time, the two met each other through a blind date. When they met, they didn't know what each other was doing. After dating, they unexpectedly supported and appreciated each other.

The biggest difference between the two after their marriage was Jiang Fei's future direction after his birth.

Jiang Yudong naturally hopes that his son will inherit his basketball blood and fulfill his basketball dream that ended at the age of 30. However, his wish is very simple. He just wants to lead the Jiangsu team to a championship. He never thought that his son's level can play in the NBA.

Hu Chunlai hopes that her son will either develop into an excellent idol in literature and art to complete the Chinese music and entertainment circle, and also satisfy the vanity of her own female circle. Her wish when she was a little girl was also to be an idol singer.

Of course, the public security law + establishment that traditional mothers most hope for is also indispensable, but Jiang Fei has not yet entered college, and Hu Chunlai still hopes that his son will work hard.

Jiang Fei enrolled in singing and dancing basketball training classes since he was 6 years old.

Singing is naturally impossible, this kind of talent is too much.

But don't say it, because Jiang Fei has good genetics, height and physical fitness, but he can dance well. Folk dances, mechanical dance poping and hip-hop dances all danced to get certificates when he was young, so Jiang Fei is still a bit of a three-legged cat.

Basketball is naturally full of talent because of its height.

Once again, Jiang Fei's destiny is in the first day of junior high school.

Because Jiang Fei's grades are very mediocre, if he wants to go to key high schools and key universities in the future, he can only take the path of art students or sports students. Now he really needs to plan training as a future career.

For this reason, the couple had a big disagreement for the second time. The two quarreled all night, and finally, under Jiang Fei's grandfather's persuasion, they used the simplest way of tossing a coin to decide the winner.

As a result, the whole building heard Jiang Yudong's smile. Jiang Fei became a basketball sports student.

Before the third year of high school, relying on his lifelong network, Jiang Fei signed a one-year contract with Sujiang Steel and became a semi-professional player.

In this way, if the cultural performance is not bad, it is really possible to be admitted to a prestigious university by relying on basketball qualifications.

Recalling the past, Jiang Fei could only smile lightly. Who would have thought that in the end he could do nothing, and after graduating from university, he would finally end up at the end of the universe: weaving.

Before crossing, my parents had been shown to smooth out the edges and corners. After Jiang Fei's written test, he never mentioned anything about music, dancing, basketball, and the like.

But this life should be different. I feel like my parents’ expectations of me can be fulfilled together?
This giant kidnapping superstar system can kidnap anything, as long as it has enough popularity, it can even kidnap Michael Jackson!
And no one has stipulated that athletes cannot be idol singers. Singing and dancing rap basketball can theoretically coexist. There is no contradiction between the ideals of parents in this life, and what singing skills are not enough?He can kidnap a professional singer every minute.

By the way, isn't O'Neal still playing discs part-time, and Lillard and Parker both release a music album every year?

Players who don't want to be idols must not become super giants!
But Jiang Fei didn't know that his father was calling himself now because he could only sleep on the sofa after a cold war with his mother.

"What are you doing, you can't have the idea of ​​being an idol now, you know, just focus on basketball! Come over for lunch tomorrow, and dad will cook you a table of good food!"

"By the way, the teacher said that you don't need to go to school until the finals are over, so I will ask you to take a good leave of absence."

"I can't go to school tomorrow, I have to train."

"Son, I'm proud of you!" Jiang Yudong, who knew that his son would not be able to participate in the training match before, was about to burst into tears. This is so upbeat!

You must know that when he signed the contract for his son, he actually wrote that he would not have the opportunity to participate in the team's training game. Now Jiang Fei has earned his status by relying on his own strength. The bitterness in it, he, an old CBA player, can celebrate very much.

"Go to bed early, Dad, I will cook less food tomorrow, and I will lose weight."

the next morning.

From Jiang Fei's point of view, the whole morning training match was just like that. The intensity of training in the team was not as strong as that in the gym.

The only useful thing is the last 1 hour running tactical session.

This is the first time Jiang Fei has come into contact with Hu Weidong's core tactics of coaching the Jiangsu team. Jiang Fei also has an offensive tactical position, that is, he acts as a shooting guard when foreign players are on the court.

Foreign aid is not here?Core point guard!
Hu Weidong's main purpose today is to let Jiang Fei understand the defensive position.

He also knows that the next victory depends on whether Jiang Fei can maintain his offense and defend against so many national players in Dongguang.

Jiang Fei's photographic memory skills are still very useful. He immediately remembered the team's main offensive and defensive areas in the game, so as to avoid repositioning in actual combat.

In the end, the foreign aid Enrique almost went on strike while practicing. The reason was that after being knocked down by Jiang Fei once, he doubted his life. China has such a defender and still needs to find him as a foreign aid?
Jinbei New Village Community.

Jiang Fei put on a crisp white T-shirt and returned home. Jiang Yudong, who was wearing an apron, wiped his hands and hugged his son warmly:
"Our Teacher Xiaofei is back, haha!!"

"Dad, you still surf the Internet."

"I went to work today, and the young man next to me called you that, my son is so awesome, he can be a teacher."

"Dinner is ready." Hu Chunlai glanced at the father and son, and said sourly and coldly on the table.

"Haha, Mom, it's rare for Dad to cook so many good dishes, why isn't he happy?"

Seeing his mother's upright expression, Jiang Fei roughly understood the reason for her stinky face, and sat down to eat.

"Your mother, because I promised her to let you play basketball without affecting the culture class, it's a bit bad not to be able to learn now." Jiang Yudong seemed to be talking to Jiang Fei, but in fact he was trying to appease his wife.

"That's it? Don't worry, I will definitely take the college entrance examination. I won't fail in my studies. It's easy to get into a famous university." Jiang Fei smiled easily.

Now Hu Chunlai and Jiang Yudong both stopped their chopsticks and looked at Jiang Fei who said so freely.

This this?

The son is not crazy, is he?
After entering the door just now, the two felt that there was an indescribable change in their son. His behavior seemed to be more confident and mature, unlike the child who shut himself in the room and didn't talk much when he came home. Hu Chunlai was quite relieved in his heart. It is not bad that he can experience his character while playing on big occasions.

Hu Chunlai touched Jiang Fei's forehead: "Son, why did you become good at bragging after playing a game?"

Jiang Yudong coughed: "Confidence, self-confidence is a good thing!"

Hu Chunlai suddenly said:
"What's so good! Since you are so confident, remember to attend the audition for "The Voice of China" tomorrow afternoon, and show your confidence on stage, don't just sign up and do it!"


Now Jiang Yudong and Jiang Fei's expressions are exactly the same, confused, this old lady turned around too quickly.

"You don't want your son to go to school?" Jiang Yudong said angrily.

"Tomorrow is Saturday." Hu Chunlai gave Jiang Yudong a blank look.

"You! Did it on purpose!"

Jiang Fei reached out his hand to stop the two who were about to quarrel: "Wait, wait... Who gave the name?? I don't know why!"

Hu Chunlai: "Didn't you report it in class yourself? The program team even called me to confirm."


 Please follow up~Thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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