idol king

Chapter 72 072: Super Layup Winner!Irving's sense of sight when he beat Leonard!

Chapter 72 072: Super Layup Winner!Irving's sense of sight when he beat Leonard!

"What is this Meng Da playing?"

"I performed so well in the first half today, and made crazy mistakes in the second half?"

"I can do it too!"

At this time in the Ninth Middle School Gymnasium, the students in Class 2 were called to watch the game with the members of the basketball team. After seeing Meng Da’s continuous outrageous mistakes, not only the basketball team members were filled with righteous indignation, but even Jiang Yudong couldn’t help but put his nose on his hips. up.

In the eyes of professional basketball players like them, this kind of continuous mistakes may ruin the efforts of other players in a game!
"If you can't, just pass it on to your teammates, why not compete with yourself!"

Jiang Yudong clapped his hands angrily, and Ding Jianguo who was sitting next to him quickly said, "Uncle, don't be angry, there is still time."

"No, there is definitely something wrong with the ball, it's not his normal level."

Jiang Yudong paced around angrily, and he had a very bad idea, that is to "play", someone started a show! !
The main reason is that those who have played professionally know too well that this kind of bad luck will be transported to their ass? ?
And pretending to look left and right to find the ball? ?
There are many fans who understand the same thinking as him.

Guo Ailun had a violent temper at the scene, so he jumped up and shouted:

"Fix the match, isn't this!!"

"Meng Da get down!"

At this time, he was not a professional player. As a fan watching the scene, he felt that the ball was too low-level, that is, the other 9 players on the court were playing well, and suddenly one of them picked his feet.

But he, who played against Meng Da, knew what level of athlete Meng Da was, so he directly complained about match-fixing.

Fortunately, after this timeout, Meng Da was no longer seen, but Su Jiang was 4 points behind.

Jiang Fei, who returned to the court, did not choose to complain about giving money to Su Jiang. This kind of talk is not what he said now. By this time, it will be the same whether he says it or not. He can't play a rematch tonight, right? ? ?

On the contrary, it affects the morale of his own army, so he doesn't care if there are any traitors in the future, he is the most secure in controlling the ball.

Also use the fiercest way to tell all those who want to disrupt the normal game to say goodbye to basketball!
"Jiang Fei has scored almost 50 points!"

"Yi Jianlian is crazy too!"

With Jiang Fei's crazy impact after the timeout, Hongyuan had to use fouls again and again to send Jiang Fei to the free throw line, but Hongyuan's success rate is also very good, that is, using the strengths of the UAE and the double foreign aid to play 1 against 1, If you can't score, there are two super rebounders grabbing rebounds.

In the last 34 seconds of the game,
91:92, Iron and Steel fell behind by one point, Sujiang got the ball!

This is also the last 34 seconds of the entire series.

Everyone at the scene, everyone in front of the TV stood up and watched.

After Tang Zhengdong served the ball, Hu Weidong cautiously called the penultimate timeout.

Everyone is so nervous.

Only the CBA organizers were smiling. The heat of this game was higher than that of the regular season. Such a fierce game made them lose their reputation and money.

Jiang Fei, on the other hand, while drinking an energy drink, signaled his teammates to play the ball calmly, preferably with a 24-second success rate.

"Tang Zhengdong went up to pick and roll for Jiang Fei, and then went down to the free throw line and didn't go in. Let Xiao Fei get out inside."

"Others are also waiting to respond in their familiar shooting positions, don't panic!"

Hu Weidong sweated profusely and arranged the most important tactic of his career.

back to the scene.

Jiang Fei, who is likely to execute the most important offense of his career so far, put a smear of magnesium powder on his hands. He is not nervous, he just thinks that the opponent played really well today. The 3-double data is already there, and the other team has already been beaten to pieces.

But the opponent has kept shooting, and 6 players scored in double figures. This game has been played so far, and no one wants to lose, and it seems normal for anyone to lose.

Fight to no regrets! ! !

This tactic is a breakthrough tactic for him, and he must score.

Zhou Peng, who was guarding him on the opposite side, didn't say much. Before the referee blew his whistle, he clung to Jiang Fei. Both Ah Lian and Jones leaned on Jiang Fei's side.

Needless to say, the whole world knows that Jiang Fei is going to play the key ball.

Hu Xuefeng served, and Jiang Fei ran back to catch the ball.

Zhou Peng was entangled in death, using his height and wingspan to entangle him tightly.

Tang Zhengdong brought it up quickly.

Jiang Feisan threatened to drop the ball, and continued to look for opportunities with his crotch. At the moment when Tang Zhengdong's body blocked him, he suddenly put the ball with his left hand and went to the inside to kill! !

Zhou Peng could only rush forward with half of his body sideways. He actually wanted to let Jiang Fei take a long shot on purpose. After all, as long as he can't make a shot at this time, the game is basically won.

And 9 of Jiang Fei's previous 9 goals were all scored within the free throw line, including free throws, so Li Chunjiang is also very smart, just want to give him half a step to give him room to shoot.

I will not vote if I am behind! !
Jiang Fei's step was really fast, but when Zhou Peng found out, it was slow to start.

However, Hongyuan's tactical quality is still excellent. Yi Jianlian gave up defending Louis in an instant, and directly contracted the inside line to help defend.

Jiang Fei naturally saw that Louis took an empty shot over there.

But now I can't trust anyone.

Go ahead to dangers! ! !
Jiang Fei dribbled the ball with his left hand and slammed it to the left. When Ah Lian took off, he also took off directly. Zhou Peng also jumped behind to chase the cap.

1 against 2! !
Play Hongyuan's two strongest defenders inside and outside!

With a height of 2 meters and a wingspan of 13 meters, Space Yi covers Jiang Fei's entire shooting space like an iron tower.

In the back, Zhou Peng, who is 206 cm tall, weighs 104 kg, and has a wingspan of 214 cm, completely blocked the space for Jiang Fei to jump out and pass the ball.


Under the exclamation of the fans at the scene, Jiang Fei took the initiative to choose to move forward in the air and collided with Yi Jianlian's muscles. Ah Lian, who had committed 4 offenses, did not dare to make a move, but when he realized that he was falling, Jiang Fei was still in the air ? ? ? ?

Haven't shot yet? ? ?

I saw Jiang Fei stiffly hanging in the air and pulling his waist to protect the ball. At the same time, he twisted and hit the ball towards the backboard when the area of ​​Ah Lian was exposed to the basket. Lian and Zhou Peng have already landed! !

96:97! !
Jiangsu overtakes by one point! !

Meng Da, who was on the Sujiang bench, slapped his forehead in obvious annoyance.

On the other hand, Jiang Fei fell heavily on the ground. With this ball, he completely threw himself into the air to complete a twisted and folded layup, just like Irving who passed through the former Lone Ranger in the later generations hit Leonard's ball. The power is displayed to the extreme! ! !
"With 21 seconds left, Jiang Fei saved the team again!"

"Hongyuan didn't play a fast break just to be on the safe side, but called a timeout directly."

"A wise choice. Although Jiang Fei fell to the ground, he returned to defense very quickly."

"China's good waist!"

"Peerless waist!"

"The rich women's eyes are shining, haha."

The fans of Sujiang boiled instantly, and howls of slaughtering pigs came from the major Internet cafes. Jiang Fei, who was lying on the ground, was pulled up by Hou Yifan and others after being questioned by the team doctor, and greeted the few Sujiang fans on the scene like a god of war. MVP cheers.

"Participate in the show at will!! Respect the strong!"

"After winning this game, I never watch variety shows, and I will definitely follow "The Voice" all the time!"

And Ah Lian, who was about to serve, was a little moved and didn't dare to look at the man on the ground.

This kind of destroyed his defensive confidence.

This can also enter? ? ?

You must know that this is already a full-fledged Arab United, and you, a defender, forced a layup in front of me? ?

Even if you accelerate to take off, it won't work!
But there is no other way, what we need to consider now is how to use 21 seconds to recover! !
Complete the lore!

"Can Su Jiang, who scored the winning goal, defend the last round!!"

"The defensive end depends on everyone!"

"To be honest, Dongguang has a big chance of winning."

"Pure passerby, this is the most exciting finals I have ever seen in the history of the CBA, none of them!!!!"

 Ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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