idol king

Chapter 75 075: The Magic Boy

Chapter 75 075: The Magic Boy


Li Qing's house.

"Su Jiang, the championship!!!!!!"

A cute sound spread throughout the living room.

This was the loudest voice Li Qing's younger sister Li Xin could make.

When she saw the last goal Jiang Fei almost flew off the screen and scored on the TV screen, for some reason, as a girl from Jinling, she burst into tears.

"My brother didn't even see this match! Hahaha."

Then excitedly ran around the house with little feet. Tonight, Li Qing was dragged to the training class for preparing for the sophomore and primary school entrance examination. He could only let his sister watch it. It was also the first time Li Xin experienced the joy of basketball. The last game was much more exciting.

And Chen Duoling in the villa area also behaved the same way, she yelled frantically directly in the villa:
"Awesome!! Awesome!!!!!!"

"It's amazing!!!"

The only silk pajamas left in her body was happy together, she thought about hugging Jiang Fei like a player on the field, so excited! !
at the same time.

Internet cafes.

University student dormitories.

Following Jiang Fei's lore hit, almost all the boys stood up in front of the computer.

"The god of the Sujiang team!"

"Wait for Zhou Peng to land in the air! This ball is so cool!"

"Ah Lian went to space, did he jump into a black hole?"

"Too high!"

"Lore Hongyuan!! Comfortable!!"

"Guo Ailun seems to be watching the ball off the court, look at others!! Learn more!!"

The men in the Internet cafe lit up cigarettes and beers one after another.

The students in the dormitory shouted one by one from the balcony.

The Chinese men's basketball team has a successor! ! !
This is the happiest thought of these NBA fans.

too strong!
The most coquettish is the Nine Middle School post bar, the hot post is:
"Although I used Jordan's moves, I want to say that Jordan may not be able to hit this three-pointer, because his three-pointer is rubbish!!!"

The lore was 5 minutes ago.

Imperial Capital Olympic Sports Center.

After bigbang sang a song, the back-up dancer Kim Ji-soo rushed to the front and was the first to end in a shiny competition suit.

After the game, I went directly to find the TV in the corridor just now, and found that many staff members gathered in front of the TV with coffee, and it happened to be Yangma's five sports channels.

After all, most of the staff at the Olympic Sports Center are fond of sports, and after Wang Shipeng Zhun's kill, everyone applauded and said that the Dynasty team is the Dynasty team, and the background is really good.

When Jin Zhixiu was out of breath and sent it to the front, he saw that the score was behind by 2 points, and then Jiang Fei looked on the screen with a murderous look, completely lacking the relaxed atmosphere in school before.

"Fighting, classmate Jiang Fei!"

Before she could react, she saw Jiang Fei in a blue jersey come out to catch the ball, took a step back and shot, and then scored! ! ! !

In the eyes of Jin Zhixiu, a fake fan, the goal was so easy and simple.

But looking at the expressions of the concert staff behind them, you can see that it is not easy or simple at all, and they are all excitedly shouting something awesome.

And when Jin Zhixiu finally saw the score rewritten, Sujiang Iron and Steel finally took a lead of 1 point to win, and finally reacted, bouncing and bouncing with the Chinese backup dancers.

"You are so lucky, you saw the lore just after you came down."

"This is fate!" Kim Ji-soo answered the Korean drama fan beautifully in Korean.

"It's fate not to meet the handsome Oppa!! Jiang Fei is mine!!"

Immediately, Kim Ji-soo ostentatiously shared with his former SM Entertainment colleague O’Neil Bae Joo-hyun:
"I saw that classmate Jiang Fei is the lore! In the CBA!" Huan Xiaren pig heartily sent a photo of the back-up dancers and the staff watching the TV screen together.

Pei Zhuxuan was furious when she received the news in the dormitory. As she was surfing the Internet just now, she naturally saw the news about the tiebreaker in the CBA Finals. There is a pop-up window on the sports news page.

Therefore, Pei Zhuxuan, who was watching Jiang Fei's G6 Avatar's performance on YouTube, was reminded by the Up news when he saw half of it.

You Jin Zhixiu likes Xiu, right? Although Pei Zhuxuan was angry that she couldn't watch the live TV, she absolutely couldn't show her anger in front of Jin Zhixiu. Instead, she compared each other:

"I know, I also know that Jiang Fei has participated in a music variety show!"

"I watched the live broadcast, a little bit!"

"There's another girlfriend!"

"I watched the live broadcast, a little bit!"

"The Chen Duoling we know still likes Jiang Fei!"

"I watched the live broadcast, a little bit!"

Kim Ji-soo looks like a child, but Pei Zhuxuan wanted to pinch this little sister's fleshy arm because of the repeated words that hit the point. This is too enviable. This is obviously watching the game in China, envious of Xiu! ! !


Nine Middle School Gymnasium.

The whole class in Class 2 was crazy about it, even crazier than the celebrations of the basketball players.

Because for them, the man who hit the lore goal just now is the classmate who usually goes to class with them, stands together for punishment, and copies homework together, and now he has defeated the defending champion Dongguang Hongyuan in front of the whole world. ! !

Jiang Yudong hugged Hu Chunlai excitedly:

"See!! This is our son!"

Hu Chunlai also laughed and said:

"See, my son will be the best in everything he does!"

on site.

Even RC Buford, who is a neutral fan, Jiang Fei had to stand up and give a heartfelt applause. Looking at Jiang Fei being held in the middle of his hands, it was as if he saw the magical boy in the Italian League.

Didn't Ginobili make such a sudden rise in the league back then?
It's been a long time since I saw such a magical individual performance.

But he just applauded slightly. He has seen many scenes. This is just a pediatric game. He was also watching from the sidelines when Lao Yu threw a shot in 0.4 seconds and McGrady 35 seconds and 13 minutes.

And Cai Chongxin is a little purer.

He is not like RC Buford who has seen so many games and scenes. As a basketball lover, seeing his compatriots can play such a superior performance, that is one word: cool! !
The main reason is that when Sujiang has two major foreign aids, Jiang Fei ended the last two consecutive attacks. When did the Chinese defender become so fierce? ?

So he directly pulled the assistant next to him and said that after Jiang Fei finished his work after the game, he would wait for Jiang Fei in the Hongyuan Press Office, and he must communicate with this young man! !

The directors of the university admissions office headed by Feifei Sun were all stunned. They knew that their dreams were shattered after the goal was scored.

This performance, it is no longer possible to only play CUBA. Out of personal emotion, they hope Jiang Fei will go out, but from the school's point of view, such a student, not to mention the blue and white back, the famous NCAA schools are rushing to take it. ! !
Their advantage is completely gone!
Jiang Fei's future is the sea of ​​stars! ! !
And Su Xiao and Du Juan were also panicked. They thought they could recruit Jiang Fei with a lot of money, give him a maximum salary contract next season, and let Jiang Fei stay in the CBA for another year before entering the NBA, but they found it was too exaggerated.

In fact, it would be a bit difficult to enter the NBA if they lost this game, because Jiang Fei is a guard, and a guard of yellow race is born with a disadvantage in entering the NBA. No one believes it.

But the most coquettish thing is winning in the end, still in such a coquettish way.

Su Xiao still gave Jiang Fei a high-five with a smile when Jiang Fei went around the field to celebrate, but said backhand to Du Juan:

"Try to arrange a meeting with him after the press conference is over, and let me have a good chat with him."

"Alright Miss Su Xiao, I will try my best."

 BLG is too good, it’s the first time to watch an LPL game so cool, the whole Chinese class is still the top
(End of this chapter)

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