idol king

Chapter 95 094: Officially Participate in the NBA Draft! !

Chapter 95 094: Officially Participate in the NBA Draft! !

It took Jiang Fei a long time to react.

Regardless of his previous life or this life, he had never considered this word.

So Chen Duoling suddenly came to repeat the reading, and it was true that he didn't collapse...

And bar:
"Why should I retake the exam? I got 426 in the exam. I didn't have this score after a year of retaking."

"What?? 426?? My God!!"

"Would you like to review it for me? I'll send you the admission ticket."

"QQ screenshot!" Chen Duoling's whole little heart was greatly shocked, it was real or not.

If it is really 426, then Jiang Fei is undoubtedly the number one in the Ninth Middle School! !

She never got a score above 400 in high school, which is too exaggerated.

After Jiang Fei sent the screenshot to the school beauty, Chen Duoling said without thinking:
"Are you free to come out to KFC to meet me?"

Invited by the school belle, Jiang Fei's answer turned out to be:

"Wait a minute, I have a lot of things to do now, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, so don't worry."

"You..." Chen Duoling, who was looking at the computer in the villa, blinked her beautiful eyes, but she realized in the next second that this is Jiang Fei, so it's okay.

Relevant departments called Jiang Fei, Jiang Yudong, and Hu Chunlai.

At that time, Jiang Fei simply wanted to get a high score in the exam, but he didn't expect to put too much pressure on it. The most shocking thing was when the relevant departments saw the score ranking in the backstage.

The leader of the Education Bureau looked at the highest score of 426, Jiang Fei.

"Jiang Fei??" Almost everyone was stunned, especially the news department who rushed over, they were too familiar with this name.

"It shouldn't be that Jiang Fei."

"Absolutely not, that one plays basketball."

"Don't you sing?"

"That's the same person, it seems Jiang Fei is awesome,"

"Look at the school."

"Ninth High School!" The programmer jumped up when he clicked on the personal information. In fact, there is no need to call the school. The handsome boy in the photo of the admission ticket in the personal information is not Jiang Fei, who else is it!
"I'll go, it's really Jiang Fei!!!"

The leaders of the Education Bureau were all shocked. There are still a few students with the same score, but those students only got 426 by relying on the score of the minor college entrance examination. Therefore, Jiang Feichun ranked first in the 426 Jiangsu Provincial College Entrance Examination Science with 2011 in the main subject! ! !
"Call out his test paper and have a look, is there a mistake?"

The children of these leaders are also academic masters, so they also know how difficult the Jiangsu college entrance examination is. At least the students who spend so much time playing basketball are absolutely impossible to do so well in the exam. If this is the case, what are their children who only study every day? ? ?
After repeated checks, it was found that there was nothing wrong with it, and only 5 points were deducted for the Chinese composition.



The leader who taught Chinese was completely shocked. This idea and writing style are directly higher than other students. At this time, it is not important to be biased. Let’s just say that the writing style is the feeling taught by the elders... According to the teacher’s words, it may be Jiang Fei has experienced too much in the CBA, and the articles he writes are of different levels.

This is the change brought about by different social experiences, and I am full of poetry and calligraphy!

The leader of the English group even lamented that the lyrics of "When You Are Old" were thought of during the English test?

"This is a peerless genius."

"Even if he has a good mentality, he can still play if he doesn't do well in the exam."

"Yeah, all the correct questions are correct, without a single mistake, and the comprehension is much higher than that of ordinary high school students. It seems normal to have such a high score in the test."

Almost all the teachers felt that Jiang Fei got the No.1 by his own ability.

"Major newspapers, it's time to report, Sujiang Iron and Steel FMVP player Jiang Fei, this year's Sujiang College Entrance Examination Science Top Scholar."

"And go to him for an interview, try to persuade him to apply for Jinling University, such talents must stay in Jiangsu!!"

"Leader, just now I saw that he has already applied for the school, so he filled in a volunteer, the Department of Literature of Imperial University."

"Science students study literature?"

"Isn't it the basketball department of Qinghua University?" In fact, several leaders have already received the news. Jiang Fei seems to have been booked by Qinghua University long ago. Now it is quite surprising to see that he himself has filled out the Imperial Capital University.

"Hey, it's a pity, it can't be changed after it has been submitted."

"It's okay, Imperial University is even more proud, it's okay not to be in Jinling, he will always be from our Jiangsu!"

Before Chen Duoling could meet Jiang Fei, the news directly reported Jiang Fei's news.

"Genius Basketball Teenager Ranks No. [-] in the Province in the College Entrance Examination!" "

"Jiang Fei won the top scorer in science in the college entrance examination, excellent people are excellent in everything they do!" "

"0 points in the junior college entrance examination can also tie for the first place in the province, a well-deserved super genius!" "

Appreciation and Analysis of "Youth" Composition with Full Score in Chinese for College Entrance Examination. "

"Appreciation and analysis of the full score composition "When you are old" in English for the college entrance examination"

"Jiang Fei is really obsessed with youth!"

"I also found out, the obsession is great!"

"The speech before the college entrance examination made everyone cherish the current high school time. I didn't expect the two compositions to have such a feeling."

"Yeah, no wonder he was able to say such good things at graduation:

In fact, the so-called real farewell does not have the Changting Ancient Road without persuading you to have a glass of wine, that is, after such a noon, some people have some things in their memories, and there will be a day of farewell!What you miss is not the beautiful scenery at that time, but everyone who experienced this incident in the scenery. What is unforgettable is not the time at that time, but the excitement of your youth.

God! !
So this guy's writing is so good? "

"Are you sure it's not a proxy test?? The prose of "Youth", such a sentence? Why do I feel like an article written by my grandpa?"

"That's why I can give high marks, and I can be convincing when I look at it."

"Have you read the news comments? Experts say that "Youth" is at the master level.

"When you are old, the English lyrics, whether in Chinese or English, can become excellent poems."

"That's right, I'm an expert this time, Cowhide!"

"Wait a minute, everyone, don't forget, this is the number one scholar in Jiangsu Province, Fei Ge is full of style!"



Following the orders of the Education Bureau leaders, a group of media directly contacted Jiang Fei and his parents. Their contact information has long been mastered by the media, but without the "Shang Fang Sword" calling, it would be a nuisance to the people.

Now that you have the "Shangfang Sword", ask decisively!
Not to mention that Hu Chunlai himself is also the editor of "Yangtze Evening News", so when Jiang Fei was coding, the media contacted Hu Chunlai to interview him.

There is still a red bag of salted duck in his hand, a bunch of things.

Finally, I saw the sticker on the camera: Sujiang Satellite TV.

There is also the Sujiang Educational Channel in the back, good guy, is the co-authored live broadcast coming?

The press release really pays attention to effectiveness. I have come to interview so late, and it will be broadcast on the evening news later in the meeting.

Even the previous speech was written:

"Tonight, senior high school candidates in Jiangsu Province can check their results on the official website of the Education Bureau. This year, our top scorer in science in Jiangsu is a basketball boy from Jinling No. [-] Middle School..."

Jiang Fei's only sigh is that education is much more important than basketball. He didn't even see the media come to his home to interview him after winning the CBA championship. It took only an hour for the college entrance examination scores to come out, and everything changed.

This is the land of education...

These two groups interviewed Jiang Fei's parents and Jiang Fei himself.

Hu Chunlai was very happy. When she was shopping for vegetables tomorrow, her acquaintances would greet her with greetings, and she even wore a new dress to face the media interview.

When the reporter asked how Hu Chunlai cultivated such an outstanding talent, Hu Chunlai smiled from ear to ear:
"I didn't train him to study. I just let him follow his own interests. I didn't enroll in cram schools, and I didn't force him to study. It was all his own efforts."

Jiang Yudong:
"I'm even worse...I'm a big bastard, I can only teach him how to play."

So the reporters wrote in their notepads:

"The parents of the top scorer in the college entrance examination are open-minded. They criticized the cram school phenomenon, and they must cultivate Jiang Fei's independent thinking ability from an early age."

Then they took pictures in Jiang Fei's bedroom for a while, but found that they didn't get any interesting hot spots.

There is no way, Jiang Fei has hardly slept at home this year, so it would be better to shoot his steel team dormitory when shooting here.

But it’s not without bright spots. The only bright spot is that Jiang Fei’s computer equipment is so high-end, the alien logo is shining, and the eyes of the photographers are bright.

As expected, most of the questions I asked Jiang Fei were gossips:

"Student Jiang Fei, when we reported that you won the CBA championship, we learned that your grades in school seemed to be very poor. Why did you suddenly do so well in the exam? Some people said that you did it for a girl, and some people said For two girls, is there such a thing?"

After speaking, the camera is still close to Jiang Fei, obviously it will be close-up when it is broadcast.

Jiang Fei laughed and said:

"If you want to write a story, then I will give you a story. The girl I like wants to be admitted to Imperial University, but if I don't study hard, I can only apply for the remote teaching class of Imperial University. I want to be with her, so I study hard."

This may also be one of the few reasons why he suddenly passed the exam. It is said that everything can be thrown away for love.

The female reporter was dumbfounded. Is it going to be broadcast or not?

If it is broadcast, it seems fake, but if it is not broadcast, it looks like Jiang Fei looks real?
But as a reporter, the level of dialogue is definitely not bad:
"Wow, are you so moved? If I were that girl, I would definitely marry you."

"Cough cough!"

Several photographers said that Miss Reporter, please pay attention to your image, don’t lose your legs when you see a handsome guy.

The female reporter smoothly switched to the next topic:
"Then you just said that your goddess wants to apply for Imperial University, so did you also apply for Imperial University?"

"Yes, Department of Literature, I hope Imperial University can admit me."

"You are the No. [-] pick, admission is certain, but Qinghua University is the best basketball university in the country, why didn't you choose Qinghua University?"

In fact, the female reporter had already received inside information that Jiang Fei had applied for the imperial university, so she wasn't that surprised. She had already thought about the question to ask, which was what the leaders wanted to ask.

It turned out to be a big revelation.

Jiang Fei also said after being asked:
"Because I am no longer playing basketball in college, hereby I officially announce that I will participate in the NBA draft, and I should play in the NBA without any accidents. Thanks to the fans of the Steel Team and all the fans of the CBA for their love for me!!"

The parents who had finished the interview also just entered the room and heard this sentence, and everyone in the room applauded. It is rare to go to the United States to pursue dreams in this era, especially when Dayao was injured and Yi Jianlian was not acclimatized to return to China. .

Such a young man who just graduated from high school went to the United States to play in the NBA alone, so he must applaud and bless him.

We must know that after the release of "Partners in China" this year, everyone admires people who can go to the United States for a wave, and no one will say why not go to God's University.

It is impossible for Jiang Fei to achieve the achievements of Jiang Fei in the NBA even after 10 years of study at Imperial University.

As long as Jiang Fei steps on the NBA court, he will be the first point guard in the Chinese draft to enter the NBA!

After getting this big news, the following interviews were tasteless, and it was a question that was asked every year for the number one student in the college entrance examination:

"How did you learn,"

"What do you do when you have trouble studying?"

Jiang Fei:

"Cold salad, what should I do, study hard when you want to learn, don't learn when you don't want to learn."

This means that now that he has passed the exam, he can stand and talk without pain in his back... Pretending to be aggressive.

He also accepted the interview to announce that he would participate in the draft. Although it is not necessary to announce that he will participate in the NBA draft, he will automatically participate in the draft when he reaches the age.

But it's more ceremonial to announce when the college entrance examination scores come out.


After Jiang Fei's college entrance examination news broke out on the evening news of Sujiang Satellite TV and Sujiang Education Channel, as well as news on major webpages, Jiang Fei's phone was blown apart.

Hu Weidong:
'Good boy, divide the Imperial Capital University by culture! ! '

Hou Yifan:

"Give me your score, and I will go to God Capital University for you!"


"Respect, young man, you are my idol now. It's a difficult choice for me to choose whether to go to Imperial University or to the NBA."

Tang Zhengdong:
"For you, it's obviously going to the NBA for Xiaofei! He has this talent and ability!"

Du Feng in Dongguang is sincerely congratulating on Weibo:

"Excellent people are excellent in everything, go to the NBA!"

The official website of Imperial University celebrates in advance: "Thank you Jiang Fei for applying to our school, and wish Jiang Fei a smooth NBA draft! Don't worry, the admission letter will be sent to everyone within a month."

Hot comment below: "I'm not worried, because I didn't get into your school."

Chen Duoling was heartbroken at the villa...

It's not because of Jiang Fei's score.

She is the kind who may not be admitted to Imperial University... Besides, Jiang Fei will not go to Imperial University either.

It's Jiang Fei's announcement...he's really going to the NBA! ! !
If she wants to play in the NBA, she must temporarily suspend school, so how else can she study with Jiang Fei? ? ?

Thinking of this, she dragged her father back and forth:
"Dad, just let me study abroad... Please, Dad!"

Not just her.

How many girls in Ninth High School had their dreams shattered because of Jiang Fei's announcement that he was going to the United States.

However, Ding Jianguo was still awake and sent a message to Jiang Fei:
"What about "The Voice"? Is it still recording?"

"Sure, there are still 3 months to go before being selected for the official regular season. Within 3 months, the recording of "The Voice" has already been finished, and I will just come back and record it when I find time."

"You are so treat the country of America as Ma'anshan!"

Jiang Fei replied:

"If you go to the team where you want to choose me, it's really possible."

"Don't talk about the No. [-] pick, I hope you can become the No. [-] pick in the NBA!"

"Don't worry, I am an existence that is even better than the number one scholar!!"

(End of this chapter)

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