Chapter 26 Tawana

A draw, for Sarri, the result is acceptable, but he cannot accept the process.

In terms of strength, Empoli is stronger than Barry, but in terms of process, Barry has done better than Empoli.

if not
Sarri doesn't want so many ifs, this game has become an established fact, and what he needs to do next is to prevent such a situation from happening again.

Regarding this game, Sarri also clearly knew one thing-the lion fought the rabbit with all his strength.

At present, Empoli leads No.34 points, which seems to be stable, but the reality may change faster than expected, so what Sarri can do is to lead a good team and let the players make fewer mistakes. Be yourself so that they can have the last laugh.

After the match against Barry, Li Feng's Xiaobaiao got some gains, but compared with the previous one, it was too little.

But Li Feng is more concerned about what he has learned from this game.

Barry was caught off guard when he pulled the ball at the end of the game, but if they knew Li Feng had such an intention in advance, would Li Feng's pass be so successful?
Li Feng can't make assumptions on this point, but he knows one thing, that is, once some of his habits are known to more opponents, he will face more and more difficulties.

In order to avoid such a situation, Li Feng needs to continue to improve himself.

On the second day after returning to Empoli, Li Feng arrived at the training base very early.

"Good morning, David!"

After greeting Uncle David, the guard, Li Feng started today's training.

"There are still 9 league rounds left. According to the current state of Palermo, it may be difficult to catch up with them. The best choice now is to hold the second position!"

Because of league problems, Pedri met Sarri again, and this remark appeared at the meeting between the two of them.

Regarding the team's ranking, the team's manager Pedri is also very clear, 9 points behind Palermo, which is in excellent form, which means to them that the hope of the league championship is very slim.

Especially the two teams behind are clinging to this small point difference. They need to do their best in the last 9 rounds of the league and strive to win more games.

"I know this. You have to know what the boss means. He doesn't want the team to play the damn play-offs. What he wants is a direct promotion!"

"I know this, I will do my best to keep the team in the second position!"

Both of them are aware of the benefits of the top two. As long as they get the top two, they will save a lot of trouble.

"It's not a matter of guarantee or not. They will all come back in the future. Have you thought about how to arrange it?"

Pedri let out a long sigh, and Tawana is coming back, which will have another impact on the team's lineup.

Leaving aside the state after injury, from other aspects, Tawana is more suitable for the current Empoli than Li Feng.

But how much oil does he have left after recovering from the injury?
This is unknown.

After Barry's game, Sarri didn't dare to put the veteran who returned from injury directly into the starting lineup. This is a lesson from experience.

"Let's use him as a substitute. He wants to play a rotation with Psiarelelli."

In order to ensure his position, Sarri decided to deal with it conservatively, and the current stage is no longer suitable for taking risks.


"That's Li!"

McCarthy introduced it to a man next to him.

As Li Feng's main trainer, the old man will come later, but he will maintain a high attitude during training, which will benefit Li Feng a lot.

"I've seen him play, he shoots well with his left foot and I believe we can be a good team."


The corner of McCarthy's mouth twitched. From his personal point of view, the center forward who returned from injury could not be compared with his disciple.

No, it should be said that the talents displayed by the two are not at the same level.

Tawana, an outcast in Serie A, was abandoned by Serie A in his early 30s, and of course he has his own reasons.

But Li Feng is different. As a child who is not yet 18 years old, his current skills in the 9th position are better than Tawana. What Li Feng lacks is experience.

I believe that after half a season of polishing, he will return to Milan soon!
As for Tawana?
Whether his future will be in Empoli, it is really unclear!

"Go to Maurizio first, I'm still in charge of Li's training." After speaking, McCarthy strode towards Li Feng who was running around.

Watching McCarthy leave, Tawana narrowed his eyes.

Ever since McCarthy joined Empoli, he felt that this old man was not here for him. Now that the situation is like this, it can be said with certainty that his answer is correct.


On the training ground, McCarthy began to increase the amount of training for Li Feng.

"Li, what do you think of your performance in the last game?"

"is acceptable."

Listening to Li Feng's answer, McCarthy's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help but slap him.

"As a fulcrum center, you can retreat, instead of standing there stupidly to squeeze the opponent's defense!"

"I know it can be pulled back, but if the situation at the time is pulled back, it will make..."

McCarthy waved his hand and directly interrupted Li Feng's words, his tone became serious this time.

"Li, you need to know what the center represents? The top No. 9 position will be scarce in the future. If you want to become that kind of player, you need to learn more things, such as retracement, support, posting and the most critical shots, do you think you can do those?"

McCarthy's words made Li Feng fall into thinking. Judging from the past few games, Li Feng did not do well enough.

Seeing Li Feng lost in thought, McCarthy's eyes showed a hint of relief. He likes players who use their brains to think.

Although Li Feng's physical talent is very strong now, but sooner or later his physical talent will decline one day, and a player who plays football with his brain can greatly extend his career.

"From the last time of the last game, your choice can be withdrawn for support."

"Retreat to support?"

After waiting for a while, seeing that Li Feng did not reply, McCarthy began to explain other options to Li Feng in detail.

"Head, I'm back."

"Well, regarding the next arrangement, I will tell you in advance here!"

Sarri's words made Tawana's heart a little hairy, and he always had a feeling that he was about to be abandoned.

What Sarri said next made his face darken.

"In the next league, you will be our substitute!"


(End of this chapter)

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