Chapter 63 Opportunity
"Old Li, this is for you, can you see if it fits?"

Back home, Li's mother asked Li's father, who had just arrived home, to try on the newly bought clothes.

This made Li's father, who had been working hard all day, a little "fried", "I still have clothes to wear, so there is no need to be so anxious!"

"By the time you look for it, it will be too late. I'll buy it for you first if it suits you. Go and try it!"

There was a hint of anger on Mother Li's gentle face, it seemed that she was a little dissatisfied with Father Li's performance.

Obviously, the power in the family is still controlled by Li's mother.

Seeing Li's father's predicament, Li Feng laughed unkindly, he said hello, turned around and returned to the room with his things, leaving only the scene of being "rebuked" by Li's mother in the living room.

Li Feng sat down in front of the computer, and he began to inquire about the situation of the next few opponents.

Milan is currently 3 wins and 1 loss. It seems that the record is not bad, but Li Feng knows that this is only temporary.

If you want to win the top four in Serie A, there are several teams that cannot get around the hurdle.

The current Roma, Naples and Lazio won at the beginning of the season, these are the biggest enemies of Milan on the road to the top four. In order to get the top four, in addition to not losing to weak teams, Milan also needs to fight for it in some strong dialogues. lose points.

Obviously, this is somewhat difficult for the current Milan team, so this is why Inzaghi is now thinking about how to lean towards the center of the team.

In order to find a suitable for Milan, Inzaghi found time to visit Milan's meritorious coaches-Arrigo Sacchi and Fabio Capello.

"Filippo, why do you have time to call me?"

Arrigo Sacchi's voice came from the phone. His voice was low and hoarse, which was the sign of old age.

"Arrigo, I would like to ask what kind of suggestions do you have for the current Milan?"

Filippo Inzaghi went straight to the subject. He is now short on time and needs to go straight to the subject to solve the problems existing in Milan.

Inzaghi's question made Aligo Sacchi stunned for a moment. He did not expect that Inzaghi would ask him for help. Zaghi offers to help.

"It may not be clear what was said on the phone, call Fabio, and we will meet and chat in the afternoon."

"it is good."

Time passed in a blink of an eye.

At the appointed time, Inzaghi met the two Milan's meritorious coaches Sacchi and Capello.

Although the styles of these two exploits are not consistent, they both led Milan to the top. As a newcomer in the coaching world, it is normal for Inzaghi to ask the old seniors for advice.

"Tell me what you think now, and see what kind of help the two of us can give you?"

Capello straight to the point let Inzaghi express his doubts.

Filippo Inzaghi pondered for a moment, and he spoke directly to express his thoughts.

"I have a crazy idea, the offensive end puts the pressure directly on Lee!"

After talking about his thoughts, Inzaghi paused. He knew that his idea was crazy, but in his eyes, Shalawi, the left winger, could not play a prominent role. Why didn't he just give the burden to Li Feng? Anyway, it was the key point. To train Li Feng, then put some more pressure on him.

A trace of surprise flashed in Sarri's eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes behind the sunglasses.

Sarri, who has rich head coaching experience, naturally knows what Inzaghi thinks and what Inzaghi wants now.

As a defensive master, Capello took the lead in putting forward his own views.

"Now Milan's defense is a problem. It is expected that too much manpower will be invested in the offense. I suggest that they can put on a defense and use long passes to give Li Bo a chance to single-handedly."

A single chance to win? !

The thoughtful expression between Inzaghi's eyebrows deepened.

"You mean direct defense and counterattack?"

Such a proposal is not a good suggestion for Sarri, who advocates offense, but from the overall situation of the team, the current Milan defense is really bad.

If the defensive problem cannot be solved, then it is really possible to score 3 goals and then lose 3 goals.

"No, my suggestion is to follow Christian's previous tactics in Inter Milan!"

Capello's words directly silenced Inzaghi and Sarri.

Obviously such an idea is somewhat beyond their expectations, but this may be a good tactic for Milan.

After all, Li Feng's speed is fast, his shooting skills are accurate enough, and he has excellent confrontation, so it's not impossible to try it.

But the next question is how to provide Li Feng with sufficient fire support.

Especially the midfield!
"How long will it take for Ricardo to pay?"

The first sentence after Sacchi's silence was to ask Ricardo Montolivo when he would be able to pay.

Compared with other midfielders in the Milan team, there is only one who can be trusted by Sacchi, and that is Ricardo Montolivo, who is not that good in physical fitness.

"It will take at least two months."

Sacchi took a deep breath, and he thought quickly. Regarding Milan's current lineup, there are really not many that can really catch his eyes.

After the silence, Capello put forward his opinion again, "If you can't come back for a while, then increase the number of midfielders and recruit players who can play central midfielders!"

"Using the number of midfielders to make up for the problem of the defense's ability? This is a good idea!"

Under the advice of Sacchi and Capello, Inzaghi also began to refine his ideas.

Milan's opponents in the next few games are not strong. This is the best time for Inzaghi to experiment with his ideas.

After all, the strength gap between the teams will give them a good opportunity for error tolerance. As long as they are not too "research", Milan can still beat them stably.

Therefore, the next newly promoted team and several weaker teams gave Inzaghi the opportunity to "research".

After consulting the tactical masters Sacchi and Capello, Inzaghi has already noticed his own shortcomings.

Fortunately, the next schedule is really more comfortable, as long as Milan does not wave, then they will keep up with the first echelon of Serie A.

Especially after some consultations, Inzaghi got a good idea from Capello's suggestion. He gave up the unrealistic idea of ​​playing counterattacks, and resolutely adopted defensive counterattack tactics, through the transition between offense and defense. To create enough space for Li Feng, this can give full play to Li Feng's characteristics.

Now that the decision has been made, Inzaghi has made a decision in this game against Cesena.

"Next, let's announce the first release."

"Bonaventura, Mene, Keisuke Honda."

The 11-man starting lineup was announced quickly. When the last name——Li Feng was read out, many people in the locker room turned their attention to Shalawi.

As the hot spot of the Milan winger, Shalawi has his own obvious advantages and disadvantages, which also led to Shalawi being the first to win when Inzaghi changed his tactics.

With the announcement of the starting 11 players, Inzaghi also told others in the locker room in this way that Li Feng will become the core of Milan's attack!

(End of this chapter)

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