Seeing Bingshan's face was dark, Zhong Liyue knew that Bingshan must have heard what she just said.

woohoo. . .

Zhong Liyue complained deeply in her heart, she just wanted to please Situ Liuyun and whispered bad things about Bingshan behind her back without punishment, it was really embarrassing to be caught just like that.

"Bingshan, Bingshan, I didn't mean to scold you just now...I, I was scolding elder brother, elder brother Kong Lian, not you two."

"small thing."

Situ Liufeng stretched out his hand to pinch her chin, and ravaged her rosy lips, before he said:

"Don't mention other men's names in front of us...not even Kong Lian, not even scolding them."

Zhong Liyue was stunned by the dominance of his words, but at the same time, a sweet taste also entered her heart.

The more domineering they are, the more they care about her, so they love her.

As long as the overbearing doesn't suffocate her, it doesn't matter at all.

Situ Liuyun sat by the bed, and said to Situ Liufeng:

"Hold her up and sit up."

Zhong Liyue immediately struggled to sit up by herself, she was not a child, why did she let Situ Liufeng hug her.

However, as soon as she moved, dull pains came from all over her body, all limbs.

She let out a soft cry, and knew why Situ Liufeng let Situ Liufeng hug her.

Situ Liufeng stretched out his hand and flicked her fair forehead:

"Stop trying to be brave, little one."

Then he adjusted his posture, took her into his arms, and let her sit in his arms.

Situ Liuyun, on the other hand, scooped up a tablespoon of porridge with a spoon, put it on his lips to cool it down, and then handed it to Zhong Liyue:

"Drink it."

Although Zhong Liyue's face was very red, she still drank it obediently. After all, it was Bingshan's wish --- and she also enjoyed it very much.

Situ Liufeng, on the other hand, hugged Zhong Liyue, with a faint smile on his beautiful face, watching his brother feed Zhong Liyue, this was the first time his elder brother took the initiative to serve others, how rare it was. . .

Situ Liuyun looked focused and serious, as if only Zhong Liyue, porridge, and the spoon in his hand were left in his eyes. . .

A warm and peaceful atmosphere slowly spread from among them. . .

After half an hour, Zhong Liyue finally finished a bowl of porridge and was almost full.

Situ Liuyun put the bowl on the wooden table beside him, and muttered slightly:

"It's getting late today, Yue Zai will have a good rest, and tomorrow we will get married."

"Ah... getting married tomorrow?"

Zhong Liyue exclaimed, making the faces of the two men beside him darken:

"What, do you have an opinion?"

Zhong Liyue covered her rosy mouth with her hand, and shook her head:

"No, no, no, I have no opinion, just... just feel a little early, just a little surprised...hehehehehehe..."

"That's good. I thought someone didn't want to marry."

Zhong Liyue rolled her eyes, she didn't want to marry, but she had two beside her, agree? ? ?

[La la la, it’s updated again, dear ones, don’t forget to collect the text, and leave the promotion ticket in your hand by the way~~ I love you, ╭(╯3╰)╮】

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