Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 111 Rebus: Stop!Please stop talking!

Chapter 111 Rebus: Stop!Please stop talking!
They are very opposed to Jinshan Company's entry into other industries, and think that Jinshan Company can develop WPX office software honestly and don't think too much about what it has.

And this kind of opinion is not limited to the largest shareholder of Lianxiang Computer Company, which accounts for 30% of the shares, but also other major shareholders!
It can be said that if it is not for the founder of Jinshan, Mr. Qiubo, who wants to enter the game industry, and still uses the form of the subsidiary Xishanju, then Jinshan Software will still be honestly engaged in WPX office software.

Therefore, Rebs has a very strong opinion on the shareholders, and believes that those guys are hindering the development of Jinshan Software.

If those major shareholders even begged Mr. Bo to delegate power to him, then Jinshan Software Company would not only go to this level, there would certainly be no such thing as Xinlang, Ruohu, and NetiEase portals.

But there is no way, the reality is so cruel, he and even his boss Qiu Bojun are just puppets of major shareholders,
They only have the right to make suggestions but not the right to force a decision. If they really made a forced decision, then Pingguo Jobs was their role model.

Therefore, it is the major shareholders who really decide the future development direction of the company!

At this time, Lin Chen looked at Rebs and changed the subject and said:
"May Mr. Lei know the profit of our single Sugon A1 mobile phone?"


Hearing that Lin Chen actually talked about the profit of a single Sugon A1 mobile phone, Rebus raised his eyebrows and showed a trace of curiosity in his eyes.

After all, the profit of a mobile phone is the biggest secret of a mobile phone company, and seeing Lin Chen like this, do you want to tell him this secret?

In this regard, Lin Chen smiled. It is difficult for others to tell this secret, but for Rebus, it is possible to reveal it.

After all, the industry that Rebs is engaged in is not making mobile phones but WPX office software. Even if the negotiation fails this time, with his personality, he will definitely not talk nonsense to others.

At this time, the reason why we have to disclose Sugon Technology's profits in advance is because it is useless to talk about ideals and slogans.

For a very pragmatic person like Rebs, you have to use real strength to prove whether you have the possibility of realizing it
So let’s talk about the slogan first and talk about the ideal is the foundation, but actually showing your strength is the decisive factor.

So Lin Chen smiled and said:

"Our Sugon A1 mobile phone can earn a profit of 350 yuan each!"

At this time, the profit was reduced by more than 50 yuan, instead of the original 400 yuan. This is because Sugon Technology hired Futukang to manufacture the mainboard of the mobile phone.

Finding someone else to do the OEM will definitely give them a high profit, and if Sugon Technology can also produce some mobile phone motherboards, the current profit of 350 yuan will be further reduced!
This is the reason why Sugon Technology wants to produce all mobile phones in-house as much as possible. After all, the cost of finding others to manufacture and purchasing core accessories is too high.

"350 yuan!!!"

Rebus's eyes widened because the profit was beyond his expectation.

"Is selling mobile phones so profitable?!"

Rebs looked at Lin Chen in surprise, and was shocked by the amazing profit of Suguang A1 mobile phone.

After all, it is not a small figure to earn 350 yuan per unit, and now Sugon Technology can sell 22 Sugon A1 mobile phones every month, so does that mean that Sugon Technology can earn 7700 million yuan a month?
"Crazy, crazy, making 7700 million a month?! This is crazy!!!"

Rebus looked at Lin Chen in shock, as if he was looking at an alien.

In this regard, Lin Chen shrugged, and then said helplessly:

"Although it is true that the total profit income is so much, we are an asset-heavy industry.

We need to allocate a huge amount of funds for scientific research, to purchase new equipment to expand production capacity, and to advertise in the future.

Therefore, after discounting various expenses, there is not much money that can actually be saved, and it can even be said that there is no money to save at all. "

Facing Lin Chen's "humble" words, Reb immediately shook his head:

"Although this is said, as long as Sugon Technology needs it, it can still use this 7700 million monthly income to do other things at any time, so this income is real and worthwhile!
In addition, the money invested in the field of scientific research and the purchase of equipment to expand production capacity is not wasted, but invested in the future.

As long as you persevere, you will definitely get greater benefits in the future. "

Speaking of this, Rebs couldn't calm down for a long time, because he found that he had struggled for so many years, but he was actually busying himself in vain.

The achievements he has made are not as good as Suguang Technology, a company that has been established for less than three months, not to mention, even its income and reputation have been severely slapped.

Thinking of all these depressing things, it really made Rebs feel inexplicably frustrated and helpless. It can only be said that people are more angry than people.

However, Lin Chen did not stop his words at this time, only to see him smiling and saying:

"Our Sugon Technology is still in a state of full production and sales, so 22 units per month is actually not our sales ceiling.

According to the estimation of our internal sales department, according to the hot sales situation of full production and full sales.

If the production capacity is sufficient, it is very possible to sell 40 million Sugon A1 mobile phones every month. "

Hearing Lin Chen's words, the corners of Rebs' mouth twitched, and the frustration in his heart grew bigger and bigger.

It can only be said that Lin Chen pretended to be too forceful, which made Rebus feel really complicated and inexplicable.

In this regard, Lin Chen continued to smile and said:

"Our Shuguang Technology is an enterprise with "technology, industry and trade" as the core development, and the goal is to develop many core technologies to break the foreign technology monopoly.

At present, I am holding 100% of this company, and if it is not necessary or unavoidable in the future, I am not going to sell or transfer the shares.

Because I need to maintain absolute control over this company, and I cannot allow other shareholders to shake the development line of "technical industry and trade".

Of course, although there is no compromise on the shareholding, I can sign a dividend agreement so that the company's senior management and executives can share the dividends of the company's growth. "

Hearing this, Rebs nodded lightly, but his expression could not be seen on his face.

"Our Sugon Technology is a company determined to solve the monopoly of foreign technology. In the future, we will not only develop mobile phones, but also enter LCD screens, batteries, computers, automobiles, chips and other industries.

As for whether it can be done?

With our Sugon Technology's current monthly income of 7700 million, it may even reach hundreds of millions of profits in the future.

What can't be done with so much money?The only thing that can limit Sugon Technology is whether it will persist in its determination.

But there is no need to consider the company's determination, because I hold 100% of the company's shares, as long as my determination does not waver.

Then no one can stop us from investing large sums of money in scientific research to break the foreign blockade!
(End of this chapter)

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