Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 115 The audience is sluggish!

Chapter 115 The audience is sluggish! (first update)
Therefore, ARM in future generations can not authorize Huawei Technology in this way, so why can't we continue to engage in Sugon Technology in the future?

In this case, Sugon Technology might as well be invincible first, and develop its own self-developed instruction set.

"However, the cost of self-developed instruction sets is very high, and it is not a matter of a year or even two years to go on sale."

Ni Guangnan delivered bad news.

After all, the self-developed instruction set is completed and then the mobile phone chip is developed. The energy required for this is completely different from the purchase of the ARM instruction set and then the development of the mobile phone chip.

It can be said that if the difficulty of purchasing an ARM instruction set and then developing a mobile phone chip is 100, then the difficulty of developing a mobile phone chip after self-developing an instruction set is 300!

After all, it is easy to develop an ordinary instruction set, but it is not easy to develop an efficient, streamlined, portable and ultra-high self-developed instruction set.

"It doesn't matter a year or even two years, I have funds and determination, and it may not really take a year or even two years if I join.

In short, Mr. Ni can rest assured that this self-developed instruction set and mobile phone chips are related to the future of Sugon Technology. I allow 40% of the total investment for this project alone! "

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Ni Guangnan took a deep look at Lin Chen, trying to find some traces of lying from Lin Chen's eye movements.

But it's a pity that Ni Guangnan got nothing, so Ni Guangnan's eyes instantly became firm and decisive, and he stretched out his old hand.

Seeing this, Lin Chen also stretched out his hand to shake with Ni Guangnan, and Ni Guangnan said seriously:

"I don't know if you are sincere or pretending, but now I believe it. From now on, even if I risk my life, I will help you manage the Shuguang R&D Center and develop the world's best self-developed instruction set and mobile phone for you. chip!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen smiled and said with a smile:

"Okay, Mr. Ni, let's realize our dream of breaking the monopoly of foreign chips together."

"Hahaha...Okay, let's realize the dream of breaking the foreign chip monopoly!"

At this moment, the hands the two of them were holding were extra heavy and firm, just like their firm and unshakable hearts!

So soon after the two reached an agreement, Ni Guangnan went through the formalities of suspension from work on the spot.


The next day, in a large conference room of the Xia Ke Academy.

At this time, dozens of reporters gathered here to have a heated discussion, and they were all discussing and guessing what the purpose of Xia Ke Academy's sudden summoning of them was this time.


"That's Lin Chen, the dean of the Xia Academy of Sciences, and Ni Guangnan, a member of the Daxia Academy?!"

"That's right, it's them!"

"It's actually related to Suguang Technology. It seems that Xia Ke Academy is going to cooperate with Suguang Technology? I don't know what they are going to cooperate with this time."

"I think it's possible to jointly develop mobile phone chips. After all, Ni Guangnan also participated in this press conference"...

The reporters at the scene saw Lin Chen walking in from the gate, as well as the president of the Xia Ke Academy and Ni Guangnan, all talking about it.

But soon as the two approached, the reporters also shut their mouths one after another, and then pressed the cameras in their hands to take pictures of the scene in front of them.

In this way, as the magnesium lights flickered all the way, the three of them also slowly came to the middle of the conference venue.

"This press conference is actually mainly a press conference of Sugon Technology, but it is held at our venue, so the next press conference should be left to Mr. Lin Chen."

Hearing the words of the dean of the Xia Ke Academy, the reporters became a little disturbed, feeling a little disappointed.

It turned out that it was not Sugon Technology cooperating with Xiake Academy, but Sugon Technology borrowed the venue of Xiake Academy to hold a press conference.

However, thinking that every time Sugon Technology holds a press conference, it seems that there will be some big movements, so the slightly disappointed reporters raised their curiosity again, and then pointed the camera at Lin Chen.

"There are actually two main news to be announced at this press conference. One is that academician Ni Guangnan officially joined the parent company of Sugon Technology, Sugon R&D Center, a subsidiary of Sugon Holdings, today.

And thus officially assumed the post of CEO and R&D director of the subsidiary Sugon R&D Center, responsible for company affairs management and R&D project review management! "

The reporters at the scene were all stunned when they heard Lin Chen's words, so academician Ni Guangnan actually joined Sugon Technology, and also served as the CEO and R&D director?
However, many smart reporters have noticed that the key word is Sugon Holdings instead of Sugon Technology!

Obviously, Lin Chen is separating product manufacturing and sales from product research and development, so as to further check and balance Sugon Technology.

If this is done, Suguang Technology will lose control, but because the R&D center holds the patent ownership, it can also check and balance Suguang Technology!

As for what Lin Chen's purpose was and why he made such an unnecessary move, many people's minds were constantly spinning, and various conjectures kept appearing in their minds.

Of course, there are not many reporters who can think of this, but this does not prevent them from reacting and pressing the camera in their hands to record the scene in front of them.

After all, academician Ni Guangnan is also a well-known figure. The Ark-[-] chip he developed last year and the previous conflict with Lianxiang Liu Chuanzhi also caused a lot of discussion in the national media.

So at this time, with Ni Guangnan coming out of the mountain for the third time, and also joining Suguang Technology, which has been rising most recently, from now on, the strength of the two will become stronger after the combination of the two.

The reporters who realized this were naturally excited, feeling that Lin Chen is indeed the person who likes to cause trouble the most, and as soon as a press conference was held, he created something that was enough to make netizens hotly discuss it for a long time.

In this regard, Lin Chen talked about the second news when the spotlight stopped flashing:
"Our second news is actually related to the first news, and the second news is that we officially established the Sugon R&D Center.

This Sugon R&D Center is the most important R&D institution of our Sugon Holding Company. The reason why we set up an independent R&D center is also to better manage and specialize in the research and development of core technologies and products.

Among them, the Sugon R&D Center will be able to receive at least 35% of the income of Sugon Holdings every month. Of course, you may have no idea about the figure of 35% of the income.

Specifically, at least 2500 million will be invested!
Among them, the R&D form of the R&D center is in the form of project dividends, that is..."

Lin Chen in the center of the press conference was still explaining, but the reporters on the scene were stunned, with a hint of horror in their eyes.

Because this is a research funding of at least 2500 million each, is it crazy to spend 2500 million for research and development every month? !

You must know that the current leader in domestic mobile phones, Bodao Mobile, their total research and development funds in the first three quarters did not exceed 4000 million, and the average monthly cost was only 440 million!
 There will be three shifts today, ask for a monthly ticket and a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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