Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 125 Jinli Mobile Phone: That Suguang Technology is too despicable!

Chapter 125 Jinli Mobile Phone: That Suguang Technology is too despicable!

Let countless people in Daxia feel that Daxia mobile phones have risen, and they will no longer be the world of foreign mobile phone brands.

Under such circumstances, Jinli Tianchen's second-generation mobile phone and Jinli's boss Liu Zirong became popular all over the country. It can even be said that the degree of popularity at this time is slightly higher than that of Lin Chen back then.

After all, Jinli Mobile is willing to pay for how to advertise, which is different from Sugon Technology's "stinginess".

So at this time, the report on Jinli's mobile phone and the report on Jinli's boss Liu Zirong are much more special, and these articles are all praises for both.

Under such circumstances, Sugon Technology seems to have disappeared from people's sight in an instant, and Sugon Technology has lost the popularity of news all at once.


At this time, in Jinli's mobile phone headquarters, Liu Zirong smiled very happily.

"Congratulations boss."

At this time, Xie Peng, who was in charge of mobile phone product development and production management, congratulated Liu Zirong.

Of course, a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth at this time, because he is also one of the minority shareholders of the company. He also invested more than 20 yuan when the company was first established.

At this time, as Jinli Mobile Phone Company created a terrifying record of selling 10 units on the first day, the strength, popularity and reputation of Jinli Mobile Phone Company rose instantly.

The value of the original shares he obtained by investing more than 20 yuan has multiplied several times. At this time, even if he sells this small amount of shares to one million or hundreds of thousands, there will probably be people rushing to buy them, so Xie Peng at this time is smiling. Very happy.

Xie Peng, who only has more than 20 shares, is so happy, and Liu Zirong, who owns a large share of the company, is naturally even happier.

At this time, only Lu Weibing had a calm face on the scene, because he has no shares in the company.

"I don't know what level Sugon Technology's sales have plummeted to?"

Liu Zirong thought of the astonishing achievements they had created, and then thought of the Shuguang A1 mobile phone that embarrassed him at the beginning, so he wanted to see how miserable the current Suguang A1 mobile phone is.

"How about going to see it?"

Xie Peng talked about his suggestion with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

"No, let's talk about it in a few days. Now that our second-generation Jinli Tianchen mobile phone has just been launched for two days, the real effect will definitely not be displayed."

Xie Peng, who heard the words, nodded slightly to express his approval.

Although their second-generation Jinli Tianchen mobile phone has been released, many people may not know that their second-generation Jinli Tianchen mobile phone has been released, so this time is indeed not the best time.

But at this time, Lu Weibing, who had been silent all this time, spoke:

"I have already sent people to investigate the situation of the Shuguang Electronics direct sales stores, and found that the traffic of each Shuguang Electronics direct sales stores today has plummeted by more than half compared to yesterday."


Hearing Lu Weibing's words, Liu Zirong and Xie Peng showed a surprised but natural expression.

"Hahaha... Not bad, not bad, but it's only been a day and I can't see anything."

Speaking of this, Liu Zirong pondered for a while and then said with a smile:

"Well, it's the 16th now, and we'll find time on the 19th to see how it turns out.

If the customer traffic of Shuguang Electronics direct sales store on the 19th is still so scarce, it is conceivable that our Jinli mobile phone has won a complete victory. "

Hearing this, Xie Peng and Lu Weibing also nodded and agreed.

With three or four days as a buffer, how much the sales of Sugon A1 mobile phones have plummeted can show the real results.

After all, although the passenger flow plummeted by half today, this does not prove that it will always be like this. It will take a few days to verify whether they really won.

In this way, the high-level executives of Jinli mobile phone, who had made up their minds, decided to go outside on the 19th to see how miserable Suguang Technology's decision was.

However, what they don't know at this time is the major BBS forums, such as Win Haiwei Time and Space, Tianya Forum, Shuimu Qinghua...etc.

Quietly increased a lot of negative accusations about the second-generation Jinli Tianchen mobile phone and praises for the good quality, durability, and easy-to-use system of the Sugon A1 mobile phone.

Among them, the negative remarks about the second-generation Jinli Tianchen mobile phone mainly accuse Jinli Tianchen second-generation mobile phone of shamelessly copying the Suguang A1 mobile phone, and accuse Jinli Tianchen second-generation mobile phone of slow response when opening games and software and using it, etc.

In the end, they came to a simple conclusion that the hardware of the second-generation Jinli Tianchen mobile phone had serious false standards.

Of course, some of them have more knowledge and know more, and the conclusions they draw are more reasonable.

This conclusion is to accuse the Saipan system of being a garbage system. This Saipan system takes up too much memory and the system is too complicated and huge. Under the same hardware, the mobile phone using the Saipan mobile phone runs slowly...

The people who came up with these remarks praised the Suguang mobile phone system, saying that the Suguang mobile phone system is the strongest mobile phone system and the most efficient mobile phone system at present.

And this is indeed the case, because Lin Chen from later generations stood on the shoulders of his predecessors when designing and developing mobile phone systems. It can be said that Lin Chen has avoided the pitfalls that his predecessors walked through in advance.

The genius design idea designed and developed by the predecessors, Lin Chen also accepted it without hesitation and integrated it into the development of Suguang mobile operating system.

To some extent, this Shuguang mobile phone system is a mobile phone operating system that transcends the times, and its design ideas and architecture are already ahead of the current era!

Finally, with the efficient and streamlined code written by Lin Chen himself and the Sugon system kernel, the Sugon mobile phone system has the advantages of high efficiency, low memory usage, fast response, and fast opening of software and games.
So Sugon's mobile phone operating system is really a good system, and it can definitely be called an absolute trump card for Sugon's mobile phone sales.

Of course, not to mention the bad reviews of the mobile phone system experience of the second-generation Jinli Tianchen mobile phone, in those BBS forums, people blamed the workmanship of Jinli mobile phones the most.

Among them, they used a magnifying glass to compare the workmanship of the shell and internal components of the second-generation Jinli Tianchen mobile phone and the Sugon A1 mobile phone. They found that the workmanship of the Sugon A1 mobile phone is more sophisticated, just like a work of art!

On the Jinli Tianchen second-generation mobile phone, some small defects such as small shell burrs or skewed circuit board components can be found. There is indeed a certain gap in workmanship between the two.

One is an ordinary electronic product, and the other is a fine art work. In this case, the Sugon A1 mobile phone has been well received with full marks.

Of course, this is actually a bit nitpicking, because the workmanship of the second-generation Jinli Tianchen mobile phone is actually not bad, and it is not too bad to meet the industry standard line.

After all, other domestic mobile phones and even foreign brand mobile phones produced in Daxia are almost the same, don't laugh at the big brother.

After all, the mobile phone production line equipment in this era is not fully automatic production equipment, and it is not like a production line in later generations that only requires a dozen people to complete the smart phone production line.

(End of this chapter)

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