Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 132 Star Liu Huade's backstab!

Chapter 132 Star Liu Huade's backstab!
However, Liu Zirong deserves to be Liu Zirong, the man who led Jinli mobile phone to become the most famous domestic brand in China.

So Liu Zirong calmed down quickly, and then turned around and left without entering the direct sales store of Shuguang Electronics.

Afterwards, the employees quickly learned that the full traffic of Shuguang Electronics directly-operated stores not only appeared in their Pengcheng, but also appeared in other cities by coincidence!

Knowing all this, Liu Zirong was completely slumped on the stool and felt powerless.

However, what made him even worse came from Lu Weibing, according to the latest feedback received by Lu Weibing.

At present, Jinli mobile phone dealers all over the country have sent notices requesting to reduce shipments.

The reason for the reduction in shipments is that the number of customers who came to inquire about purchasing Jinli Tianchen's second-generation mobile phone has dropped by more than half.

According to the current trend, their future sales may be cut by more than [-]%!

This is bad news!

Hearing this from Lu Weibing, Liu Zirong almost fainted.

It can be said that if he hadn't had a heart attack, he might have had a heart attack immediately after hearing the news and was about to enter the ICU.

And Xie Peng, who was on the side, couldn't hold the second-generation Jinli Tianchen mobile phone in his hand after hearing the result, and his face showed an ugly expression as if his parents had died.

Because he knew that the reward that Liu Zirong had promised him would definitely be gone!
He spent so much energy and even worked overtime and stayed up late, and then hoped that the rewards he would get would definitely be gone!
Knowing this unacceptable result, how can Xie Peng not show the ugly expression of dead parents.

And at this time, Xie Peng regretted so much, regretted why he didn't sell the shares for cash.

You must know that a few days ago, even if the asking price of his more than 20 original shares reached one million or hundreds of thousands, there would still be people rushing to buy them!
But now, with the news that the sales of Jinli Tianchen's second-generation mobile phones have plummeted by 20%, it's unthinkable for him to continue selling his original shares worth more than [-] yuan to one million or hundreds of thousands.

Now that it can sell for more than 60, it is already laughable. After all, don’t forget that the current Jinli Mobile Phone Company spends a huge amount of money to develop the second-generation Jinli Tianchen mobile phone.

It also spent a huge amount of money to hire Liu Huade as an endorsement and spent 1.1 million to win the bid king advertisement!
With all these huge investments and expenditures, the burden on Jinli's mobile phone is very heavy, and it can be said that it is already jumping repeatedly on the verge of bankruptcy!
Jinli Mobile once ridiculed Sugon Technology for taking 4 million yuan in loans and spending 7% of its profits on the Sugon game platform as a stupid act.

Although the actual loan pressure on Jinli Mobile is not as much as Sugon Technology's 4 million yuan, the total loan pressure of Jinli Mobile is 2 million, which cannot be escaped.

These loan pressures and dangerous behaviors will also lower the valuation of Jinli Mobile, because people are worried that Jinli Mobile will fail to survive bankruptcy and cause huge losses to themselves!


Lu Weibing looked at the ugly expressions of the two people in front of him, as if they were dead parents, and he sighed deeply.

There was a lot of pressure in my heart on the man on the other side of Pengcheng, because that man was too powerful.

Their Jin Li mobile phone was undoubtedly holding the trump card before, and the chance of victory was very high, but the man obviously had a bad card in his hand, but in the end he won the Jin Li mobile phone.

Witnessing all of this, witnessing the other party's methods of turning decay into magic and defeating Jin Li's mobile phone.

At this time, Lu Weibing was under a lot of pressure and felt a headache.

"We have to do something."

After Liu Zirong took a deep breath, he said decisively.

Now they have to do something, and they can't let the situation continue to deteriorate. After all, they are also burdened with a loan of more than 2 yuan.

At this time, Lu Weibing gave his advice:

"I suggest that we develop our own games. We can't learn from Sugon Technology to hold the Suguang Cup Game Competition, but we can develop our own genuine games."

"That's a good idea. We may get a lot of benefits by developing our own legal game."

Liu Zirong was very satisfied with Lu Weibing's suggestion, and immediately agreed directly.

Seeing this, Lu Weibing made his second suggestion:
"In addition, I suggest that the price of Jinli Tianchen's second-generation mobile phone should be reduced by 100 yuan.

Although this will directly drop our single profit by 100 yuan, but our price?It is indeed a bit high, which is very unfavorable in market competition. "


Hearing Lu Weibing's second suggestion, Liu Zirong couldn't help but fell into great hesitation.

After all, this is cutting your own flesh, and it still cuts a single profit of up to 100 yuan, which is really heartbreaking.

After all, Jinli mobile phone invited Liu Huade, the most famous star in Daxia, to endorse it, and also spent 1.1 million to win the bid king advertisement.

It can be said that the advertising cost alone is very large, and finally the research and development expenditure and tax expenditure are also counted.

Therefore, the actual profit that Jinli Mobile can make may not be as much as that of Sugon Technology.

In this case, the profit of a single unit of 100 yuan has to be cut off, which is equivalent to digging out the meat in one's own bowl, which is really heart-wrenching.

"Okay, I agree."

After hesitating for a long time, Liu Zirong finally made the decision to cut off the profit of a single unit of 100 yuan. After all, others sell it for 1600, and you sell it for 1700.

But if you want to maintain or even restore the original sales volume, you can only reduce the profit of a single mobile phone.

In this way, after Jinli Mobile made two decisions, Jinli Mobile began to fall into a state of busy rectification.

However, within a week, when Jinli Mobile hoped that their two decisions could reverse the decline and bring sales back to the original situation, a shocking news hit Jinli Mobile.

The shocking news is that Liu Huade sent a notice to unilaterally terminate the endorsement contract, for which Liu Huade is willing to pay a large amount of liquidated damages.

Because Liu Huade found out that he was the endorsement of Jin Li's mobile phone, Liu Huade's personal reputation ushered in a huge wave of bad reviews.

Because Liu Huade supports illegal porting of games, supports piracy, and is not morally good, etc., spread on the Internet and even in the streets and alleys.

For this reason, Liu Huade's personal reputation has received a wave of blows. It can be said that the reputation built up over the years has been completely ruined by Jin Li's mobile phone.

Faced with this situation, Liu Huade did not want to continue to cooperate no matter how much the endorsement fee was offered by Jinli Mobile Phone Company.

In the end, Liu Huade sent a notice to unilaterally terminate the endorsement contract without hesitation even though he was carrying a large amount of liquidated damages!

After all, compared to short-term interests and long-term interests, fools know how to choose. How can Liu Huade not unilaterally terminate the endorsement contract under such circumstances? !
Therefore, Liu Zirong, the boss of Jinli, found that after the sales plummeted, he was hit by Liu Huade's unilateral termination of the endorsement contract!
Many unsatisfactory things are coming in waves!

(End of this chapter)

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