Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 136 Development of Sugon Mobile Chip

Chapter 136 Development of Sugon Mobile Chip

The reason for this is that Bodao Mobile also joined in to purchase exclusive agency rights for mobile games!

Because of the behavior of wave island mobile phones, island companies such as GAME FREAk have the opportunity to raise prices on the ground.

This is bad news!


"Boss, that's the way it is."

At this time, Huang Hua was reporting the situation to Lin Chen and others on the other end of the phone, with infinite anger on his face.

After all, it took so much painstaking effort and countless saliva, and it seems that the final cooperation is only a matter of signing and stamping.

In the end, something happened to him suddenly, everyone would be suffocated, and everyone would be infinitely angry!
At this time, Chen Dong beside Lin Chen also said with a little anger:
"We have given GAME FREAk a 30% profit share, and the license fee has reached 1000 million, which is already our minimum bottom line.

Now that they have suddenly turned their backs, the next time they want to negotiate a deal, I am afraid they will have to pay more. "


Rebs on the side also nodded slightly, feeling a little headache.

After all, although Huang Hua is responsible for the exclusive agency rights of mobile games, he is also in charge of coordination and management.

So the pressure of going around and around eventually came back to him, causing Rebs a bit of a headache.

At this time, Rebs was already the general manager of Sugon Technology in a certain way.

Because after so long of practice management, Lin Chen saw that he was doing a good job and had already handed over all the company affairs to him.

Perhaps in less than ten days and a half months, Lin Chen will find an opportunity to officially resign from his job as the general manager, and then concentrate on product and core technology research and development.

So that Sugon Technology is far ahead of other manufacturers in core technology, and then beat them openly.

Instead of relying on a variety of unorthodox methods to defeat Jinli Tianchen's second-generation mobile phone like now.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

Huang Hua asked about Lin Chen. In front of Rebus, an outsider, they didn't use the abbreviation of Master and Apprentice.

After all, they are already a regular company, not the small copycat team they used to be.

If he is still calling the master in front of outsiders, it is really not in line with the rules, at least not in the company's formal occasions.

"Huang Hua, you should come back first."

Lin Chen expressed his decision.

Regarding this, Rebs and Chen Dong, including Huang Hua on the other end of the phone, all showed expressions of astonishment.

It didn't take long before Huang Hua reacted and asked in astonishment:
"But if things go on like this, won't Boshima Mobile acquire the exclusive mobile game agency rights for those games?"

"What I value most is the exclusive agency rights of mobile games for arcade games. Now that many popular arcade games have been purchased, what if there are no such games as "Super Mario", "Pokemon", "Legend of Zelda" and so on?

Let the bullets fly for a while, so what if Bodao Mobile purchases the exclusive agency rights for old mobile games from the island country, including Meidiguo?
Let's directly defeat the wave island mobile phone, and then get it back from the wave island mobile phone at a low price! "

Hearing Lin Chen's domineering words, Rebs, Chen Dong, and Huang Hua who was in the island country were all shocked, and then showed expressions of admiration.

Although Lin Chen's words sound a bit arrogant in the eyes of others, they know that Suguang Technology still has a high probability of realizing it. After all, they have a super talented boss.

During this period of time, Rebus, Chen Dong and others heard Ni Guangnan's praise and admiration for Lin Chen more than once.

Ni Guangnan claimed more than once that Lin Chen's knowledge had reached the level of Academician Daxia.

I also sighed more than once, "I really don't know where Lin Chen learned so much top knowledge in the industry." Words...

Fortunately, Ni Guangnan just sighed, and didn't really ask where Lin Chen learned so much of the most advanced foreign knowledge.

But I don't know, I don't know, Lin Chen's many "wonderful ideas" and "genius-like creativity and design" made Ni Guangnan amazed and admired.

For this reason, Ni Guangnan excitedly called out the joint efforts of him and Lin Chen, and then added the assistance of some core R&D talents.

It is estimated that within half a year at most, they will be able to complete the design of the first-generation Sugon mobile phone chip and complete the tape-out!

Rebus, Chen Dong, and Huang Hua were naturally a little puzzled when they heard this.

After all, at the beginning, they didn't know the relevant knowledge of mobile phone chip design, and they didn't know what it meant to let a mobile phone chip go from design to tape-out in half a year.

But if they didn't understand it at the time, it doesn't mean they didn't understand it later. When they asked someone to ask for relevant information afterwards.

They all showed surprise expressions when they learned that the whole process usually takes one to one and a half years after the R&D and trial production of a mobile phone chip.

Because according to the relevant knowledge they inquired afterwards, it is known that a skilled chip design team usually takes about a year, and a less skilled chip design team usually takes a year and a half or even two years!
And it is worth mentioning that at least one year refers to an upgrade on the original architecture instruction set.

Instead of creating a new instruction set from scratch, and then developing mobile phone chips based on this.

Therefore, Ni Guangnan claims that the Sugon mobile phone chip can be implemented in half a year. This is an unbelievable statement that is enough to shake the head of the chip design community.

It can be said that if practitioners in the design of mobile phone chips heard Ni Guangnan's words, they would definitely question them loudly.

Then if you don’t believe me, you claim that you really want to do this, and it won’t work in two years.


Because according to the usual situation, an experienced chip design team needs at least one year to develop the instruction set and one year to develop the mobile phone chip. It will take a total of two years to succeed.

At this time, Ni Guangnan claimed that it only took half a year, which shortened the original at least two years to half a year. How is this possible?
Absolutely impossible!
"In that case, I'll come back."

Huang Hua on the other end of the phone spoke his words.

This is indeed not the best time to continue negotiations. Those island companies are companies that eat people and don't spit their heads.

Now that they have the opportunity to sit on the ground and raise the price, they are absolutely merciless!
At this time, Lin Chen frowned and said:
"I am afraid that Bodao Mobile will launch their new mobile phones in the future, and we need to speed up the development.

Although the design of mobile phone chips does not need to consume huge amounts of money, more money will be needed for tape-out and mass production in the future. We are still under great pressure to make money. "

In response, Rebs nodded solemnly and responded:

"Understood. Next, I will speed up the construction of Shuguang Electronics direct stores and dealer channels, do a good job in the network navy, and try my best to keep us in a state of full production and full sales."

(End of this chapter)

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