Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 147 Sugon F1 Mobile Phone Conference!

Chapter 147 Sugon F1 Mobile Phone Conference!
"The number of games that have been developed so far is 33, including 7 enhanced versions and 26 original games, but 26 of these 7 are original games in the enhanced version.

Among them, 41 teams are currently transplanting mobile games, and 8 game teams are adapting games into enhanced versions. "

Hearing this, Lin Chen nodded lightly, then sighed and said:
"It's a pity that the games that have been successfully transplanted and the games that have been adapted into enhanced versions are all general-level games among the 64 games that have obtained the exclusive agency rights of mobile games before. The help that can be generated is not as high as expected."

Regarding this, Ni Guangnan also comforted him:

"That said, but also because so many games are new to players, even the original games can be attractive as enhanced versions.

And although the reputation of these games is not obvious, the quality and creativity of the games are still acceptable, otherwise they would not be able to be sold on the Nintendo FC platform and major handheld platforms. "

Hearing Ni Guangnan's answer, many people at the scene were slightly taken aback, and then their faces beamed with joy.

This is good news.

Napo Island S90 mobile phone is too strong. At this time, they have 26 original ported mobile games and 7 adapted and enhanced games, which will undoubtedly enhance the appeal of their Sugon A1 mobile phone.

It can be said that even if their Sugon A1 mobile phone does not have a camera, it can rely on the large number of new games that can be played, as well as the good quality and good-looking appearance of the mobile phone.

They can always eat a good piece of meat. It can be said that these newly added "new games" may restore the sales of Suguang mobile phones to tens of thousands, reaching 10,000+ units!
At this time, Huang Hua on the side asked his curiosity:
"Old Ni, what are those enhanced games?"

Facing Huang Hua's question, Ni Guangnan paused and recalled the names of those games, and then said slowly:
"Those games include "Jumping Chicken", "Sudden King", "Antarctic Adventure", "Alpha Mission", "Asian Warfare", "Devil Lord"..."

Hearing Ni Guangnan mention a series of unfamiliar game names, the enthusiasm that had just risen in the hearts of the people at the scene was dispelled in an instant.

Because they found that these game names have never been heard before. Although they can attract consumers because they are "new games", this effect may not be as great as imagined.

With these unknown games contributing [-] sales, it would be insane, so the high-level executives at the scene were a little bit excited in vain.

"Unfortunately, they are not very well-known games."

After learning the result, Huang Hua sighed deeply, feeling a little helpless.

After all, the porting of mobile games is not simply translating them into Java format, and then allowing the mobile phone to run directly.

People's original platform is a home game console platform, and your mobile phone platform is a brand new system, just the physical buttons are completely different, in which you need to adapt or even modify the game data.

If you want to make an enhanced version of the game, you need to know the source code and even the background game parameters before you can make adaptive changes. It can be said that making an enhanced version of the game is really troublesome.

In this case, Sugon Technology's game porting speed is actually not fast, and it is even less fast to produce an enhanced version of the game.

But fortunately, Sugon Technology can engage in human sea tactics, just like at present, dozens of game transplantation teams work together at the same time.

Among them, because it is a project dividend system, Sugon Technology only needs to prepare the workplace and computers, and finally add the basic salary. The initial investment is actually not large.

The only headache is that the enhanced version of the mobile phone version is a test of experience and technology, and the team members of the enhanced version of the game adaptation need to slowly select suitable personnel, and it is more troublesome to engage in crowd tactics.

At this time, Lin Chen, who seemed to be thinking about something, suddenly asked Chen Dong:

"Huang Hua, has the yield rate of new mobile phones increased?"

"The Sugon F1 mobile phone is increasing its production capacity, and it is expected to be mass-produced in a week."

"Is it like this?"

Lin Chen nodded slightly, and then continued:

"Bring some F1 phones over here, and let you know that our phones are the most powerful phones in the world."

In this regard, the people at the scene showed curious eyes.

After all, many people know that Sugon R&D Center is developing new mobile phones, but many high-level executives do not know the specific performance parameters of the new mobile phones.

After all, Sugon R&D Center is responsible for the research and development of mobile phones, and Sugon Technology is only responsible for mobile phone sales. The two parties are relatively independent and closely cooperative.

Among them, although many senior executives of Sugon Technology are the core of the company, how about the performance of the new mobile phone?How does it look?I don't know what configuration features and so on.

At this time, the puzzle was finally about to be solved, and they all turned their eyes to the mobile phone boxes placed in front of their desks, which contained a brand new Suguang F1 mobile phone!

Soon after they opened and tried out the new mobile phone, it didn't take long for them to burst into exclamations, and there were bursts of joy in the exclamations.

Obviously, they are very surprised and satisfied with this Sugon F1 mobile phone.


Time continued to pass, and another week passed in a blink of an eye.

During this week, the domestic mobile phone peers have wailed, and the Bodao mobile phone has become more and more powerful.

According to relevant statistics, the total monthly sales volume of mobile phones in Boshima is expected to reach 85 units!

This increase in sales mainly comes from low-end mobile phones. It can be seen that the success of the Boshima S90 mobile phone has made great progress in the overall sales of Boshima mobile phones.

However, when the wave island mobile phone was in high spirits, on this day Suguang Technology made a big move to instantly suppress all the news and make people silent.

Because on this day, Sugon Technology announced on their official website that they would hold a product launch event on January 2003, 1, and the looming new mobile phone in the background of the product launch event was extremely attractive.

This is a super-looking flip phone, and it is also a phone full of sci-fi style!
And through the looming back of the mobile phone, people found that there is a camera on the back of the mobile phone!

So the consumers who found these went crazy, and those consumers who were about to buy the Bodao S90 mobile phone also stopped wanting to buy.

After all, no one knows what the new mobile phone that Sugon Technology will release will be. If you buy the Bodao S90 mobile phone at this time.

Then the new mobile phone that Suguang Technology will release is very powerful and attractive, wouldn't it be regrettable to death? !
Therefore, Bodao Mobile found that they were sad, and the traffic of their "Bodao Factory Store" and even their agents ushered in a sharp drop.

Under such circumstances, a few days passed, and in a blink of an eye came January 2003, 1.

(End of this chapter)

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