Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 164 4G Mobile Communication Technology

Chapter 164 4G Mobile Communication Technology

One of the four major money-burning projects is the Sugon mobile phone chip research and development project.

Just this chip research and development project has swallowed more than 200 people, among whom are mathematicians, physicists, chemists, novice and veteran microelectronics design and so on.

Its second research and development project that burns money is the mobile phone system project. Sugon Technology is currently holding back a big move and wants to develop a real intelligent system.

Of course, the normal feature phone system is also being updated and maintained, so the mobile phone system project has also swallowed nearly 400 people.

The third research and development project that burns money is the new mobile phone project. The current goal of this new mobile phone project is to develop a mobile phone that is more suitable for the style or upgraded version of the foreign market.

This new mobile phone project also has a large number of people, and it also swallowed nearly 250 people, which can be regarded as an elite army.

As for the fourth research and development project that burns money, it is also the last research and development project. This last research and development project is 4G mobile communication technology, and there are more than 300 people.

They mainly developed new 4G mobile communication technologies based on some 4G communication algorithms and some 4G technical architecture diagrams provided by Lin Chen.

Among them, when the 4G mobile communication technology will be able to produce results, no one can say for sure. Even if Lin Chen makes a move himself, it is certainly not possible for two or three years.

After all, Lin Chen has never really worked on 4G mobile communication technology, but only relies on the general knowledge of later generations to conduct research and development. It is unrealistic to get results quickly.

Even if Lin Chen wants to develop 4G mobile communication technology, he needs to learn while researching and developing. It is impossible to develop it in a few months.

Moreover, Sugon Technology's current focus is on the mobile phone market. In this case, it will take at least two or three years for 4G mobile communication technology to be implemented...

The four major money-burning R&D projects are finished, and the rest is the game transplant and adaptation project.

At present, the number of game transplants and adaptations accounts for the largest number of R&D personnel. It can be said that people outside the four major projects are almost all game transplants and adaptation projects.

Among them, the game porting and adaptation project is the category of research and development projects that is the easiest to produce results and the fastest to make money.

Of the more than 400 million R&D project dividends issued by Sugon Technology, a large part is the person in charge of game transplantation and reorganization.

After all, although the Shuguang R&D Center has achieved fairness, both the leader and the bottom can get profit dividends.

But fairness also means cruel competition. If your research and development project can make money, you can get money quickly.

If the things you develop cannot produce results for a long time, then you can only watch others eat meat.

Therefore, the number of game transplants and game adaptations is the largest. Of course, in addition to game transplantation and game adaptation projects, there are actually original game development teams.

After all, although Sugon Technology uses the Sugon Cup Competition to encourage others to develop original games, it can't just wait passively, but also needs to take the initiative.

Sugon Technology also has an original game development team, but because it is in the name of Sugon R&D Center.

Naturally, this original game can't be a garbage game. For the original game developed by myself, it is based on the principle of preferring shortage to abuse.

Therefore, the number of original game teams is not large, and the number of people facing game porting and game adaptation projects is very inconspicuous, but the original game is indeed being developed, waiting for a blockbuster.

But aside from these gossips, at this time, the huge scientific research team of Sugon Technology has not been publicized in the media, and Sugon Technology has not announced it to the public.

Among them, what Sugon Technology developed is a secret that cannot be disclosed, and the employees of Sugon Technology did not take the initiative to disclose it to the outside world.

Therefore, the outside world only knows that the Sugon R&D Center has recruited a lot of R&D personnel, but they don't know how many, and they don't know what projects the R&D Center will develop. It is almost blank.

Time continued to pass like this, and it was mid-March in a blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Boshima Mobile, Jinli Mobile, Motorola, Nokia, and Sanxing have no way to quickly launch mobile phones that can compete with Sugon F1 and Sugon A1 plus due to the short time. .

So from the release of these two mobile phones on January 1 to March 25 now, during this period of time, the cake of Sugon Technology has been quite stable.

Among them, although there have been 2 days of Spring Festival from the beginning of February to March 3, sales during the Spring Festival have not decreased but increased.

The actual sales volume was 55 units more than the original estimate of 5 units, reaching an astonishing sales volume of 60 units.

As soon as the actual monthly sales of 60 mid-range mobile phones came out, it was a success and caused a sensation throughout the country, causing countless people to be in an uproar.

All of a sudden, the title of the leading domestic mobile phone was undoubtedly placed on the head of Sugon Technology.

Because at this time, the sales volume of Sugon Technology actually surpassed that of Boshima mobile phones, surpassing the sales volume of Boshima mobile phones by more than [-] units.

As for turnover and profit, it is far above Bodao mobile phones. In this case, Sugon Technology is no longer questioned by anyone as the leader of domestic mobile phones.

Therefore, since Sugon Technology reported its sales in early March, Sugon Technology's title as the leading domestic mobile phone was completely confirmed, and the Bodao mobile phone seemed to disappear from people's vision in the next ten days.

Of course, when people occasionally think back to Poshima mobile phones, they all know that the former leader of domestic mobile phones must be holding back a big move.

People don't know and can't guess exactly what Bodao mobile phone wants to do, but people know that when Bodao mobile phone makes a move, it must be a disaster for Sugon F1 and Sugon A1 puls mobile phones!

On March 2003, 3, Sugon Technology officially announced that the monthly production capacity of Sugon Technology officially exceeded one million!

As soon as the news came out, it naturally caused a sensation on the Internet and technology newspapers.

But at this time, the senior executives of Sugon Technology were not very happy, because at this time Sugon Technology was conducting a meeting to determine the company's future development route.

Pengcheng, the new CEO of Sugon Technology, in a conference room.

"Is Motorola's eight-inch fab in Tianjin and its subsidiary semiconductor factory interested in selling it?"

At this moment, Lin Chen was asking Rebus.

Regarding this, Rebs pondered for a moment, then slowly said:
"I inquired about it, and the Motorola executives do have the intention of selling it.

At least several senior executives of Motorola have revealed that they want to sell the eight-inch fab and the subsidiary semiconductor factory. "

"Is it like this?"

Hearing what Rebus said, Lin Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he only recalled this past some time ago, and he is not sure if there is a memory error.

In Lin Chen's recollection, it seems that in the second half of 2003, Zhongxin International acquired Motorola's 8-inch wafer fab and subsidiary semiconductor factory, and since then it has begun its glorious era.

 Thanks to my cousin in the south for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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