Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 172 The Dawn Mobile Phone That Makes Island Citizens Grit Their Teeth!

Chapter 172 The Dawn Mobile Phone That Makes Island Citizens Grit Their Teeth!

But in the face of the bad situation of Bodao Mobile, even the daily limit system cannot save Bodao Mobile.

In the next few days, Boshima Mobile set a new record of an alternative stock market miracle with a daily 10% drop.

In this regard, many shareholders of Bodao Mobile are said to be planning to hold a general meeting of shareholders and remove Xu Lihua from the position of chairman on the spot.

But people no longer pay attention to the specific situation, and their attention is all on Sugon's overseas strategy.

On March 3, the Tokyo Tower’s publicity campaign of abuse of planes caused a sensation in the media circles of the island countries under the reports of dozens of reporters from the island countries.

When citizens of many island countries saw that mobile phones are still so powerful from newspapers or TV news, they all exclaimed in disbelief.

Among them, some believed and some doubted, but no matter what, a mobile phone from Daxia successfully entered their line of sight.

And with their understanding, they also found that the two phones are indeed good phones, stronger than the Bodao S90 in some respects.

And with their in-depth understanding, they found that those two mobile phones had already beaten the Bodao S90 mobile phone in Daxia.

Some time ago, the Bodao S90 mobile phone that caused a sensation in their country and gained a firm foothold was just a defeat of Suguang Technology.

In this case, they accept the Suguang mobile phone, so there is really no psychological burden.

So in this case, although Sugon Technology did not advertise on major TV stations, the actual publicity effect it achieved was very strong.

It has to be said that Bodao mobile phone advertised heavily in the media some time ago and successfully gained a foothold, which invisibly helped Sugon Technology.

If Bodao mobile phone hadn’t advertised aggressively in the island country before and gained a firm foothold, it would be okay for overseas people to recognize Daxia’s mobile phone brand.

At this time, if Suguang Technology plays the same routine, the effect will be completely different. Although the effect will be good, the sensation it will cause will not be as great.

People will also distrust Sugon Technology, after all, Daxia's mobile phones were not very trusted by overseas people in the past.

Therefore, the behavior of Bodao Mobile to gain a firm foothold before actually helped Sugon Technology invisibly.

If Xu Lihua knew this at this time, he would probably vomit blood with anger.

But no matter whether they vomit blood or not, Suguang Technology's actions have never stopped!

When Sugon Technology held a publicity campaign for machine abuse testing under the Tokyo Tower in the island country, Sugon Technology also conducted machine abuse tests in other countries one after another.

Island countries, Thailand, India, Han country, South Vietnam, and the countries where the S90 mobile phone landed in Bodao have appeared in different places with the same phone abuse promotional activities!
The effect of those phone abuse campaigns was really good. The phone abuse behavior of Suguang Mobile caused a sensation in the country and was reported by the well-known media in the country.

Among them, what people don't know is that Sugon Technology's small money also played a major role.

Because Sugon Technology's advertising and marketing funds are insufficient, it can't compare to Bodao Mobile, which is willing to spend more than 5000 million in a short period of time.

Therefore, Sugon Technology’s advertising funds are used at critical moments. At that time, Sugon Technology had dozens of reporters directly engaged in activities at the Tokyo Tower.

Naturally, these dozens of reporters did not come here by accident, but were hired by Suguang Technology early on.

And after that, it was not disappointing. The machine abuse test behavior was full of gimmicks enough to make news headlines, and those reporters naturally happily wrote related news for Sugon Technology.

Therefore, Sugon Technology became a hit with the smallest investment and created a huge wave of public opinion.

Let many people in the island know about this matter, know that there is such a super-quality Sugon A1 puls mobile phone and Sugon F1 mobile phone with many selling points.

In this case, Sugon Technology is on fire, and Sugon Mobile is also on fire!

Many people in those 5 countries were so eager for those two super mobile phones that they couldn't refuse.

For this reason, many people even prepared a small amount of money to buy Sugon A1 plus or Sugon F1 mobile phone.

But that damn Suguang Technology is not for sale, and it must be sold on March 3th, which really makes people vomit blood.

So under this kind of resentment, they complain about this matter on the Internet or among their friends.

And this kind of complaint will undoubtedly let more people know the relevant news and get into the pit.

If there are netizens from later generations who come here, they will definitely say an idiom that makes them memorable.

"Hunger marketing!"

This hunger marketing is an evil term. When rice mobile phone used this trick back then, it made countless netizens gnash their teeth with hatred.

For this reason, Rebs, the head of rice mobile phone, was scolded by them as "monkey king!", so they really love and hate Rebs.

What I hate is that Rebus is always playing hunger marketing, and finally came up with a mobile phone with a very high cost performance.

As a result, the number of mobile phones is only hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands, which can't meet the demand at all, making people gnash their teeth in anger.

What I love is that rice mobile phone has developed super cost-effective mobile phones, allowing them to buy affordable and cost-effective mobile phones.

Therefore, netizens in later generations really love and hate Rebs, and they can't help gnashing their teeth when thinking of this person.

At this time, the people of those five countries undoubtedly enjoyed the experience of later generations of Daxia netizens. It was a precious experience that they both loved and hated...

Among them, they have not thought of giving up, but whether it is Sugon F1 or Sugon A1plus, the price/performance ratio is quite high, and the price is not expensive compared to other brands.

In the end, whether it is the shape or the many unique selling points of these two phones, other phones do not have them. In this case, they cannot refuse these two phones.

But why the hell doesn't Sugon sell their phones as soon as possible?
Cursing Sugon Technology has unknowingly become the catchphrase of many potential consumers in those five countries.

Under such circumstances, Sugon Technology did not sell Sugon F1 mobile phones and Sugon A1 plus mobile phones in advance because of their curses.

After all, every time they curse Suguang Technology, the popularity of Sugon Technology in the country may increase by one point.

And the actual effect seems to be good, if it is said that many media reports on March 3 only affected a small number of people.

The spread of popularity in the country is only equivalent to 0.5%, which can be considered a sensation, but it is not really popular in the whole country, let everyone know.

After all, not everyone reads newspapers. Many people don't read newspapers at all, and they don't want to know about current affairs.

After all, just surviving is already difficult enough. How can I have the energy to pay attention to news and current affairs? Isn’t it good to read novels or watch movies and TV shows with this money?

(End of this chapter)

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