Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 181 If you are not crazy, you cannot become a Buddha!

Chapter 181 If you are not crazy, you cannot become a Buddha!

So at this time, the senior executives of Sugon Technology on the scene were angry with Motorola, Nokia, Sanxing, and Soni Ericsson. At this time, there was another object of anger, Texas Instruments!
"Is that really the case? This really reveals the ugly face of capitalism. Sure enough, localization of chips is necessary."

It was Ni Guangnan who spoke at this time.

He had been urging Daxia to develop his own chip in the media or in the Xia Ke Academy before, but now through the face of Texas Instruments, he silently affirmed that his words were correct.

At this time, Rebus looked at Ni Guangnan expectantly and asked;
"Academician Ni, how far has our mobile phone chip research and development reached? Although it was claimed to be able to catch up with Texas Instruments' latest OMAP1710 mobile phone chip, what is the real result?

Can our Sugon mobile phone chip really replace the mobile phone chip of Texas Instruments?
I don't expect to be able to replace the OMAP1710 mobile phone chip, as long as it can replace the OMAP1 mobile phone chip used in our Sugon F1 and Sugon A710 plus mobile phones. "

Rebs, who was disgusted by those companies in Meidiguo, just wanted to know how far the Suguang mobile phone chip had progressed.

I want to know whether the Sugon mobile phone chip can replace the chip of Texas Instruments, let Texas Instruments roll aside, and regret his unreasonable threat.

"Don't worry about the performance of the mobile phone chip, the theoretical performance is to catch up with the OMAP1710 mobile phone chip, at least it can replace the OMAP710 mobile phone chip.

Of course, the real result will not be known until the actual result. After all, it may be necessary to reduce the chip frequency due to heat dissipation factors, and then additional factors such as huge performance attenuation.

As for when it will land?Under the overtime design of Lin Chen and myself, the research and development of Sugon's mobile phone chip is progressing quite smoothly.

If it can be passed at the first time, it is estimated that the supercomputer software verification test will be completed in about ten days, and then the tape-out verification will start in mid-May..."

Speaking of this, Ni Guangnan has a hint of hesitation in his eyes, because the completion of the chip supercomputing verification test does not mean that the actual development of the chip is successful.

There will definitely be some deviation between computer simulation and actual chip production. No problem in supercomputer simulation does not mean that there is no problem in actual tape-out production.

After all, according to the conventional situation in the chip design industry, a chip generally needs to go back and forth several times from the completion of the design to the tape-out test.

Although there is theoretically one pass from the completion of chip design to tape-out, in practice no manufacturer can do this.

Generally, the best chip design team's best performance is controlled at about two tape-out times.

Therefore, after the failure of the tape-out, plus the time for correcting the chip error and re-taping the chip, theoretically speaking, the real birth time of Sugon's mobile phone chip should wait until the end of June and July.

Of course, if everything goes well without redesigning the second tape-out, and can pass the tape-out test once, then it may be possible to land around the end of May at the earliest!

Of course, the premise is that Sugon Technology must add money when it finds a chip foundry to tape out, otherwise it will follow the usual situation.

After the chip design is completed, the tape-out process will take about two to three months.

If Sugon Technology is willing to provide several times the tape-out funds to the chip foundry during tape-out, then the chip foundry will definitely speed up its action and reduce the original task of two to three months to a dozen days.

So in theory, if all goes well, the Sugon mobile phone chip can land at the end of May at the earliest.

"Is it really going to be June or July? That's a question."

Knowing from Ni Guangnan the specific landing time of the Suguang mobile phone chip, Rebs was quite disappointed in his heart.

After all, as long as Sugon Technology was forced to accept a price increase of 35 yuan and was unable to resist, how could Rebs feel better?
The price increase of 35 yuan per chip does not seem like much, but after careful calculation, it will be found that this is a very large sum of money.

After all, based on the monthly sales volume of Sugon Technology of 122 million, Sugon Technology will be forced to reduce its income by 4270 million yuan per month.

The 4270 million monthly income was lost by Texas Instruments, so how could Rebs not be angry or helpless in the face of this situation?
After all, now that there is no mobile phone chip of its own, even if Texas Instruments made a shameless act of raising the price by 35 yuan, Sugon Technology must accept it in order to survive.

However, when the scene was silent, Lin Chen suddenly said:

"Time is running out, we have to land our Suguang mobile phone chip before the end of May, and release our new mobile phone on June 5!"


Hearing Lin Chen's words, everyone at the scene looked at Lin Chen in astonishment, their eyes full of astonishment.

After all, although Ni Guangnan just said that in theory, if everything goes well, it can land at the end of May without a second tape-out, but that is under the condition that one film can be successfully tape-out.

They are just a chip design team that has just been established, how could it be possible to successfully tap out at one time without any problems.

After all, what they want to develop is a Sugon mobile phone chip with slightly stronger performance than Texas Instruments' latest OMAP1710 mobile phone processor.

The development difficulty of this high-end mobile phone chip is said to be several times that of the low-end mobile phone chip. In this case, the hope of success is really slim.

Moreover, the chip tape-out time is also a big problem, and it takes time for other chip foundries to tape-out.

There are more than 1000 procedures in the whole process of a chip from raw material preparation, photolithography, doping, electroplating, packaging and testing, etc.

Even if it is a foundry that is very proficient in chip production, if it wants to get the chip drawing and produce it, it must prepare at least 15 to 20 days for chip tape-out.

Therefore, the real design time left for Sugon Technology does not exceed 15 days!
Under such circumstances, Lin Chen at this time claimed that the mobile phone chip should be implemented before the end of May. How is this possible?

Even if people can complete the tape-out in the factory, can the design progress of your mobile phone chip keep up with it?
But in the face of Lin Chen's firm and unrelenting eyes, people who knew Lin Chen's temperament could only sigh, knowing that Lin Chen's decision had been made.

At this time, Ni Guangnan shook his head slightly and said helplessly:

"It seems that my old bones need to suffer for a while."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene smiled, but their hearts became serious.

They don't understand how the mobile phone chip is designed and implemented, but since Lin Chen has already made the decision to complete the mobile phone chip at the end of May, and then release the new mobile phone on June 5, then they will fully cooperate and assist.

So whether it was Rebus, Chen Dong, Huang Hua, or the sales directors Li Tianqiang and Ni Guangnan, all of them had passionate fighting spirit in their eyes at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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