Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 205 The Future of Daxia Semiconductor

Chapter 205 The Future of Daxia Semiconductor
Of course, Sugon Technology must enter the computer field. After all, it is Lin Chen's dream to change something after reliving his life, even if the final outcome is failure.

But this time is not now. The current Sugon Technology does not have the strength to enter the computer processor, and it does not have the strength to compete with Intel and Weiruan.

At this time, Academician Wang on the other side turned his head to look at Ni Guangnan and said with a smile:
"Old Ni, I really envy you. You have half-stepped to realize your dream, while I have just started."

At this time, Academician Wang looked quite complicated, looking at Ni Guangnan with envy.

Compared with Ni Guangnan whose dream is to make Daxia's own computer chips, Academician Wang's dream is to make Daxia's chips rise.

The difficulty of realizing the dreams of the two is naturally different, so Academician Wang knows that his dream may never be realized.

"Old Wang, your side is not bad, isn't your Zhongxin International already the fourth largest chip foundry in the world?
Although your Zhongxin International’s background is insufficient and you are not as good as those decades-old factories, as long as you continue to enrich your foundation for more than ten years, you will surely be able to realize your dream. "

"I hope so."

Academician Wang who said this actually didn’t have much confidence in his heart, because he knew that Zhongxin International’s growth to this stage was really unexpected and surprising.

They can do this and become the fourth largest chip foundry in the world. In fact, it is a good time to catch up.

02 is a critical year, and this year is the year when the formal negotiations between Daxia and Shimao Organization are completed.

In this case, the control of chip production lines in foreign countries has also been slightly relaxed, so that 130nm chip production lines can be allowed to enter Daxia.

As an Academician of Daxia, a man with wisdom and knowledge above many others, Academician Wang knew that such a good life could not last forever.

As Daxia officially joined the Shimao organization last year, and Daxia also needs to abide by international patent laws, the development of Daxia's chips may be even more difficult.

Before joining Shimao, patents belonged to the self-starter of the enclosure, dispensable, and could be obeyed or not.

But after joining Shimao, Daxia is a member of the international patent law and needs to abide by the international patent law.

In this case, many things cannot be as unscrupulous as before, and it is necessary to study and bypass other people's patents in a down-to-earth manner.

So in a certain situation, their future development is actually not too optimistic. After all, no matter how big the factory is now, no matter how much market share it has obtained.

Once Zhongxin International cannot purchase advanced equipment or technology, and the progress of research and development cannot keep up with others, it will gradually lag behind others.

If you fall behind others, then others will not find you to manufacture chips, and the final result will be gradual collapse!

So in the face of this situation, how can Academician Wang be optimistic about the future?How can we ignore the crisis safely.

So at this time, Academician Wang was talking with Ni Guangnan with a smile on the surface, but he muttered to himself in his heart:

"Dawning Technology's long-term stable chip order must be taken down, and Daxia's fists should also be clenched, instead of being scattered.

The dispersion of research and development forces and chip production technicians will only be broken one by one. After all, what we have to face is the competition in the entire Western semiconductor industry. "

"Speaking of which, I don't know why your company is here this time?"

It was Lin Chen who was speaking at this time. If it wasn't for academician Daxia who came this time, it was a certain vice president of Zhongxin International.

Then Lin Chen will definitely not come forward in person, but leave it to other people, such as Rebus to be responsible for meeting and negotiating.

But because it was Academician Daxia who came this time, it was out of respect for the other party's status as an Academician of Daxia and the contribution the other party had brought to Daxia.

So Lin Chen also spared a little time to meet with the other party, but this time is not long so he can't continue to argue with the other party, Lin Chen is very busy.

"Actually, I came here this time to invite Sugon Technology to invest in Zhongxin International for financing."

"Financing for shares?"

There were several surprised voices at the scene, which were the surprised voices of Ni Guangnan and several other accompanying personnel.

Nodding his head, Academician Wang went on to say under the surprised eyes of Sugon Technology:

"That's right, it is to invite your company to raise funds to invest in our Zhongxin International. We believe that Daxia's fists should be clenched instead of spreading out.

Our Daxia is a special case, and the Wa Sen Na agreement has always disgusted us, although it has been a little more relaxed recently.

But it does not mean that we will always let go, so our strength should be clenched like a fist, not spread out.

Your company wants to purchase the eight-inch wafer factory and subsidiary factories in Tianjin, the main purpose should be to solve the problem of stable supply of chips.

In this case, I think it is a better choice for your company to raise funds to invest in Zhongxin International.

After all, Zhongxin International is the best at chip production throughout Daxia, and after your company became a shareholder, we have received a large order from Sugon Technology.

The rise of Daxia chips will be faster, and you don't need to spend so much money to buy a chip factory.

Moreover, after purchasing a chip factory, it will continue to spend hundreds of millions of funds to solve the problem of the yield rate of 130nm chips.

In this case, I think it is the best choice for both of us to cooperate, which can be said to be mutually beneficial.

As for whether our board of directors agree, after our CEO Zhang Rujing's personal persuasion, the major shareholders still agreed to account for the majority.

And for your company's financing and shareholding, we have made great concessions, and we will definitely satisfy you without saying anything. "

Having said that, Academician Wang looked at Lin Chen expectantly, waiting for Lin Chen's reply.

For this cooperation, Zhongxin International is really quite sincere and eager to reach a cooperation.

As for where the sincerity lies, Zhongxin International is willing to accept the financing of Sugon Technology at a par, rather than increasing the price of financing.

In this regard, at this time, both the Sugon Technology side and the Zhongxin International side were all staring at Lin Chen at this time.

Waiting for Lin Chen to make a decision on whether to give up the acquisition of the chip factory, and then choose financing to invest in Zhongxin International.

"Tick tock tick tock..."

Lin Chen, who was a little surprised at this time, tapped his fingers on the armrest of the sofa under the gaze of the people, his eyes lost in thought.

Obviously, at this time, Lin Chen was thinking about whether to give up the acquisition of Motorola's Tianjin chip factory, and then turn to financing to invest in Zhongxin International.


At this time, while waiting, many senior executives of Zhongxin International have swallowed nervously.

For this financing, the most urgent party is Zhongxin International. After all, they really need Motorola's Tianjin chip factory.

(End of this chapter)

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