Chapter 231 Huawei Technology
Originally, we decided to wait until next year or the year after the touch screen technology matures before developing the Nokia 5300.

But since we want to develop a new mobile phone that will shock the world, the problem still has to fall on the Nokia 5300 mobile phone. "

Speaking of this, when people at the scene were curious about the mysterious Nokia 5300 mobile phone, the R&D director went on to say:

"Of course, although the current resistive touch screen technology is not perfect, it is not without shortcuts.

Because we can directly acquire FingerWorks, and then have a relatively mature resistive touch screen technology.

This FingerWorks company has multi-touch patents and corresponding resistive touch screen patents and patents using resistive touch screen products.

Therefore, if I can acquire FingerWorks and have many patents, I am sure that I can develop the Nokia 12 mobile phone before Christmas in December this year.

After all, in order to develop the Nokia 5300 mobile phone, the biggest difficulty is not only the perfect cooperation of the Saipan mobile phone system, but also the problem of the resistive touch screen. "

Hearing the words of Nokia's R&D director, the senior executives at the scene, including Nokia's president Ollila, all nodded slightly.

They have a vague understanding of technical things, but at this time they know the key points and what they want to do.

So Nokia's president Ollila said:
"Okay, since the FingerWorks company is so important, let's spend some money to acquire them, and I agree.

Next, you will try your best to lead people to develop the mobile phone code-named Nokia 5300, and tell me directly if you have any needs.

I don't understand the technical aspects, but I will fully support you if you need anything. "

Hearing this, the research and development director of Nuojiya suddenly said with joy on his face:

"Yes, before Christmas at the latest, the Nokia 5300 will be released and become a global sensation!"

Hearing the words of Nokia's R&D director, Ollila nodded in satisfaction.

Although I don't know how strong that Nokia 5300 is, but since the R&D director is confident, he will cooperate with all his strength.

After all, Nokia was able to grow to the present level, and the research and development department had a lot of credit for developing a top-notch Nokia mobile phone, so he believed that the old cadres who had been with him for many years would not lie to him.

Since the director of research and development is so confident, the Nokia 5300 mobile phone will definitely cause a global sensation and let people around the world realize that Nokia is the king.

So with the main themes set, Nokia then started further in-depth discussion meetings around these main themes.

In this in-depth discussion meeting, Nokia reached a decision to contact the four major mobile phone giants later, and then jointly force the global mobile phone accessories to jointly restrict the sale of mid-to-high-end mobile phone accessories to Sugon Technology.

Secondly, it also reached a decision to contact the other three major mobile phone giants in the future, and then join forces to monopolize the world's high-end mobile phone spare parts for at least half a year.

In order to suppress other mobile phone manufacturers around the world, they will not be able to produce high-end mobile phones because they cannot purchase the latest high-end high-performance mobile phone spare parts. It can be said that this is a supporting conspiracy.

In addition, Nokia has also reached a research and development plan for a mobile phone code-named 5300. The purpose of this plan is to develop a new mobile phone that can shock people all over the world, and then revive Nokia's current declining reputation.

Regarding this, Lin Chen didn't know about this at this time, and didn't know that Nokia had launched a conspiracy against Suguang Technology.

Of course, when Lin Chen found out, it must have been a month or two later.

Because whether Nokia and the other three mobile phone giants want to reach a tacit agreement to distribute good benefits, or the four mobile phone giants join forces to force other high-end mobile phone accessories suppliers around the world.

It will take at least one or two months for all these things to come to fruition, so at this time, Lin Chen still doesn't know about Nokia's conspiracy, at least not in the short term.

However, at least in the short term, Sugon does not need to worry that other high-end mobile phone parts suppliers will reduce the supply of mobile phone parts to Sugon, and there is still at least one month left for Sugon.

Therefore, within this month, Sugon Technology will still be alive and well, and will be able to maintain full production and sales.

Because other mobile phones in the current global mid-range mobile phone market are indeed inferior to Sugon Technology in terms of selling points and features.

Nokia's previous sales surpassed Suguang Technology's, which was due to their multiple mobile phones being released together, and then relying on selling more and selling less.

In the end, coupled with sufficient production, it defeated Sugon Technology, which had the highest sales volume of only 250 million units at that time.

But now with Sugon Technology selling 6 mobile phones at the same time, their good days are naturally coming to an end.

So in the next month, maybe even before the end of September next month, Sugon Technology will still be alive and well.


On the other side, when the senior executives at Fenrano's headquarters were busy discussing various conspiracies against Suguang Technology.

Far away in the headquarters of Huawei Technology in Longhua, Pengcheng, Daxia, at this time, the senior management of Huawei Technology Company was also discussing Suguang Technology.

Speaking of which, Pengcheng is also a city where great gods gather. The headquarters of Sugon Technology, which is well-known in the global mobile phone industry, is here, and even the headquarters of Huawei Technology, a new giant in the global communication industry, is also here.

So there are at least two world-renowned large companies gathered here in the small city of Pengcheng.

Of course, at this time, Huawei's technical reputation is still a little weaker than that of Suguang Technology, but in fact their strength is not much weaker than Suguang Technology.

The reason why they are very powerful but weak in reputation is that Huawei Technology is engaged in communication equipment and has not entered the field of mobile terminals.

In fact, they really entered the field of mobile terminals in June 2003, and they were not engaged in real mobile phones, but PHS.

Speaking of which, in 01 or 02, because of Ren Zhengfei's strategic judgment error, Huawei Technology missed the PHS PHS technology, directly lost tens of billions in the huge market, and let Zhongxing take the opportunity to expand.

In the end, after learning from the painful experience, they picked up the PHS PHS business that they did not pay attention to at the end of 03.

Finally, in November 2003, Huawei released the PHS mobile phone, starting from the PHS mobile phone, and then entered the regular mobile phone, and finally gradually developed into the world-famous Huawei mobile phone in the previous world.

As for the time for Hua to establish his mobile phone chip project, it will have to wait until 2007.

At that time, Huawei Technology saw the successful rise of Lianfa Technology with its one-stop solution for MTK mobile phone chips, and the amount of income it earned was too enviable.

Then he decided to make his own mobile phone chip under his heart, and finally the famous HiSilicon mobile phone chip was born.

"Dawning Technology is indeed a company that I am optimistic about. Sure enough, a talented founder can determine the future of a company."

It was Ren Zhengfei, the president of Huawei Technology who was speaking at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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