Because for Sugon Technology, according to the current terrifying profit income of high-end mobile phones and mid-range mobile phones, and finally adding that most of it has been paid off in the previous few months.

At this time, it only takes one month's profit to pay off the loan with a total of 300 billion Xia Yuan, which is a total of 36 billion U.S. dollars.

That's right, the current Suguang Technology is indeed so arrogant!

It can only be said that mid-to-high-end mobile phones are really profitable. Selling mobile phones can make money, and after selling mobile phones, you can make money through games and software, so the profit of mid-to-high-end mobile phones is really high.

So at this time, the focus of people's attention is not on paying off the 300 billion loan, but on the matter that Lin Chen mentioned that he is not going to use the profit to develop semiconductor production equipment.

At this time, Lin Chen does not spend money from the profits to develop semiconductor production equipment and acquire domestic and foreign semiconductor equipment companies.

So where did Lin Chen spend 250 billion US dollars to develop semiconductor production equipment and acquire domestic and foreign semiconductor equipment companies?

This money can't just fall from the sky, can it?The sky can't drop as much as 250 billion U.S. dollars.

Is Sugon Technology going to continue looking for bank loans?Will the bank lend so much money?

At this time, they looked at Lin Chen with puzzled faces, wondering how Lin Chen should get 250 billion US dollars to develop semiconductor production equipment and acquire domestic and foreign semiconductor equipment companies.

In this regard, Lin Chen faced the confused expressions of the people present, and then slowly replied:

"It's actually very simple. I'm going to let Sugon Technology go to the NASDAQ of Medigo for listing."

Hearing Lin Chen's words, all the senior executives present were startled.

At this time, Lin Chen's apprentice Chen Dong hurriedly said:
"Why did we go public when we developed so well? It was completely unnecessary.

I think we can develop slowly. At worst, we will borrow some money from the bank. There is no need to go to the US stock market to make money.

After all, although it made a lot of money after listing, it also gave up some shares and longer-term share income."

Regarding this, Lin Chen just shook his head slightly and didn't say anything.

Because Chen Dong's eyes were only focused on the mobile phone factory, he didn't know that Suguang Technology had actually walked on the edge of the cliff.

With the strength and status of Suguang Technology at this time, every step forward of Suguang Technology is actually provoking the nerves of Medigo, and the probability of big black hands pressing on Suguang Technology will increase by one point.

Under such circumstances, it is good for Lin Chen to continue to take 100% of the equity to eat alone, but it is not realistic, because this is reality, not fiction.

If Sugon Technology faces the desperate situation of Huawei Technology in the previous life, Lin Chen has great confidence to keep Sugon Technology alive.

Because even if the global mobile phone market is lost, there is still the Daxia mobile phone market, and the Daxia mobile phone market alone can make Sugon Technology live a very nourishing life.

It's just that if this is the case, the development speed of Sugon Technology will plummet.

Therefore, if you want to avoid Sugon Technology from becoming the next Huawei Technology, then there is no choice but to share interests and unite the alliance.

Of course, listing on NASDAQ in Medigo does not mean that Lin Chen will give up his absolute controlling stake, as long as Lin Chen holds the bottom line of 67.5% absolute controlling stake in Sugon Technology Company.

There is actually no difference between Lin Chen holding 100% of the shares and 67.5% of the shares, because Lin Chen has a veto right.

The difference between the two is that when they hold 67.5%, those major shareholders have the power to hold a general meeting of shareholders and beep all the time.

However, Lin Chen, who has absolute control, can completely ignore their beep words, because Lin Chen's absolute control can be vetoed by one vote!
Moreover, Sugon Technology is a company founded by Lin Chen, even those capital giants on Wall Street can't control the internal affairs of Sugon Technology.

So in this matter, Lin Chen has both losses and gains. There are advantages and disadvantages, but generally speaking, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Once this matter is really achieved, the power of Wall Street capital and shareholders can be used by Sugon Technology through the unity of interests.

Avoid the recurrence of joint suppression by the four major mobile phone giants, and also avoid the suppression that Shihuawei Technology and other companies encountered in the past.

It can be said that through the move of listing on NASDAQ in the United States, Sugon Technology will no longer have to worry about the incidents of Huawei Technology and other companies in the future, and can conduct business normally with peace of mind.

Of course, in the future, if it develops to a certain level, there will definitely be no less suppression methods, but they will avoid Sugon Technology.

Instead, it will target the Sugon R&D Center behind Sugon Technology and even Sugon Holdings, and will not target Sugon Technology after listing.

Because after the listing, Sugon Technology is not only the meat of Wall Street Capital, but also the meat of tens of millions of shareholders in Medico.

Hundreds of thousands or even millions of stockholders bought the shares of Sugon Technology with money. If Sugon Technology encounters unfair suppression and restrictions, then don't blame the people in Meidi for protesting.

So through this trick, although Lin Chen sacrificed part of his income, he also obtained a protective umbrella and a gold mine that would never fall down.

And even if other businesses do not go well in the future, with the continuous profit support provided by Sugon Technology, everything has a chance to come back.

Of course, the probability of other businesses not progressing smoothly or even failing is very low.

If Lin Chen, who has the king of the cottage system, can only rely on the continuous funds provided by Suguang Technology to make a comeback, it will be a failure.

Of course, without mentioning gossip, Lin Chen paused for a moment and then explained to everyone present the reason why he wanted to be listed on NASDAQ.

In this regard, the senior executives at the scene fell silent after hearing the reasons explained by Lin Chen.

Because there is a great possibility that Meidiguo directly suppressed the incident. After all, just think about the sales of a mobile phone company accounting for half of the global mobile phone sales.

Under such circumstances, it's no wonder that Meidiguo can continue to sit still. It's normal for them to come up with some small tricks at that time, and it can even be said that they will do it themselves!
"Really, why is it so difficult to do business well? The world always looks down on others."

At this moment, Chen Dongwan seemed to have his spine broken, with an extremely depressed expression on his face.

Although the amount of Lin Chen's shares has nothing to do with him, it is Lin Chen's shares and not his shares.

But as a person who was promoted and supported by Lin Chen all the way from a small street salesman, Chen Dong is still quite loyal to Suguang Technology and Lin Chen.

At this time, seeing that Sugon Technology had no choice but to go to NASDAQ to seek an umbrella for this reason, Chen Dong was naturally quite depressed.

At this time, Li Qianqiang, who is in charge of mobile phone sales, also said with relief:

"Actually, we don't lose anything, we can only count losses and wins, advantages and disadvantages.

And didn't we get a huge pile of cash?It's not just giving shares to Wall Street for nothing. "(end of this chapter)

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