Chapter 338 The Pendulum Project!

On July 2004, 7, the scene of Intel's press conference.

"I'm very glad that the reporters and guests participated in this press conference. This is my first press conference since I became president of Intel, and it is also a conference that changes the world."

Paul Oldham, who came to the center of the stage, was in high spirits. At this time, his head was slightly raised, with surging confidence.

Because he knew that the news he was going to announce next would cause a global sensation, and the plan he led would profoundly change the future of global semiconductors.

And his great achievements will be deeply recorded in the history of global semiconductors, and become an important node that cannot be bypassed when people talk about Intel and computer processors.

"Crack, click, click, click..."

The reporters at the scene pressed the cameras in their hands one after another when Paul Odley was speaking, and took pictures of the energetic and confident Paul Odley at this time.

"First of all, I am very grateful to the board of directors and shareholders for their trust in me. Next, I will prove that the shareholders' trust in me is not wrong with my achievements far exceeding previous Intel presidents."

"Crack, click, click, click..."

Accompanied by Paul Oldham's words, the scene responded with more intensive camera flickering sounds.

"Next, I will officially announce a series of development plans after I take office as president, and these plans will bring Intel back to its peak!
First of all, the first plan we call the pendulum plan (Tick-Tock plan). "

When Paul Odley was speaking, a picture of a pendulum appeared on the projection screen behind him, and there were some words beside the picture explaining what the pendulum plan was.

"As you can see, the so-called pendulum plan is to take two years as a cycle like this PPT picture, update the process technology in the first year, update the architecture in the second year, and then keep changing like a pendulum!

After doing so, our process technology and structure will be far ahead of our opponents, leaving them far behind!

I believe that in the near future, there will be a grand occasion in the global market where Intel's low-end processors beat other high-end processors! "

When he said this at this time, Paul Odley was quite confident.

Although he actually doesn't understand technology at all, he is just a businessman.

But he has a great research and development talent under him, and this research and development talent is Pat Kilsinger who is in charge of the pendulum project and the research and development of the Core processor and Xeon processor!
So even though Paul Oldham knew nothing about technology, he had a reliable talent, Pat Kilsinger, under his command.

And Napat Kilsinger is also loyal to Intel, and he proposed the pendulum plan shortly after he took office.

He also told him how powerful the Core processor is, which gave Paul Odry enough confidence.

Of course, the pendulum plan is good, but it means that Intel's investment in research and development expenditures will be greatly increased in the future.

However, Paul Oldham is confident that improving the company's performance can support the greatly increased R&D expenditure. After all, managing the company to improve performance is what he is good at.

So then Paul Oudry explained to the reporters and guests what the Pendulum Project is and how great the Pendulum Project is.

What great changes he will bring to Intel, how he will completely crush AMD and potential competitors Sugon Technology, and so on.

In fact, this pendulum plan is indeed very strong!

Because according to the history of the previous life, since Intel proposed the pendulum plan and strictly implemented the pendulum plan.

The momentum of AMD's rise was completely interrupted, and there was a sad situation where the low-end Core i3 processor killed AMD's high-end processor in seconds.

It can be said that if AMD hadn't appeared a "AMD, yes!" Su Ma turned the crisis around, then AMD would have been devastated by the pendulum plan and continued to decline.

This shows how terrifying the pendulum plan is and how significant its impact on global semiconductors is.

It can be said that Intel in the previous life was so good, and this pendulum plan at least took a large part of the credit.

However, Intel's big move is obviously more than that. After he introduced the Zhongbai plan, Paul Odry changed the topic and mentioned the next plan.

"Well, the first plan, the pendulum plan, has been introduced, and the second plan I will introduce next is the R&D plan of the Core processor!
This Core processor will bring us back to the pinnacle of Intel, and the significance of its birth is no less than that of the Pentium processor.

Among them, the Core processor is expected to be launched in the second half of next year according to the current research and development progress, and the specific detailed time cannot be given.

In addition, the specific hardware parameters of the Core processor cannot be disclosed because it is a company secret, but I can disclose unimportant information.

For example, the core code of this Core processor is Conroe, which uses a 90nm process technology, and the base frequency is expected to exceed 1.2Ghz!"

"Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha..."

The reporters who heard Paul Odling's words also pressed their cameras one after another, and the reporters with notebooks quickly recorded what Paul Oddling said.

They are also very interested in this Core processor, after all, Paul Old Lean's evaluation of the Core processor is so high,
It is also called as important as the Pentium processor of the year, so it is conceivable that this Core processor must be very powerful.

But at this time, a reporter slowly raised his hand:

"Mr. Paul Oldham, I heard that you Intel has manufactured the first 65nm process chip some time ago.

May I ask why this Core processor does not use a 65-nanometer process technology but a 90-nanometer process technology? "

Hearing this, the reporters at the scene looked at Paul Oddling with bright eyes.

Because to be honest, many reporters at the scene did not know that Intel had successfully produced the first chip with a 65-nanometer process technology.

On the other side, Paul Odry, who was questioned by the reporter, was also slightly taken aback, then recalled the information he had learned before, and then slowly replied:
"Although we at Intel have successfully produced chips with a 65-nanometer process technology, there are problems with the yield rate of the 65-nanometer process technology and the construction of a 65-nanometer chip process technology production line.

The specific time may be around the middle of 2006 before the mass production of 65nm process technology processors can be officially mass-produced. After all, it will take time to build a 65nm process chip production line and improve the yield rate. "

The eyes of the on-site reporters who heard Paul Oddling's words were also brightened, and then they pressed the cameras in their hands again. The reporter with a notebook quickly wrote down what Paul Oddling said.

(End of this chapter)

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