Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 343 Attack hard, Sugon Semiconductor conference held!

Chapter 343 Attack hard, Sugon Semiconductor conference held!

When Sugon Technology announced the corresponding sales performance and profit performance, it directly shocked the whole world.

After all, in the past five months, Sugon Technology has sold the Sugon S5 smartphone and a variety of mid-range mobile phones for five months with the attitude of monopolizing the king.

Therefore, Sugon Technology's performance announced in mid-January 2005 naturally caused an uproar in the world.

Horrible sales performance and astonishing profits, coupled with the announcement of year-end dividends, Sugon Technology's stock price also ushered in a round of soaring.

The market value of Sugon Technology has also soared directly from about US$2460 billion to US$2700 billion. It can be said that the market value of Weiruan is only US$100 billion.

However, Lin Chen is very open about the stock price and market value. Let alone the market value has risen to 2700 billion US dollars, so what if it rises to 5000 billion US dollars?

After all, if Lin Chen doesn't want to sell shares, the stock price will have little effect on him, but the higher the stock price, the better for Sugon Technology.

Because the higher the stock price, the more people pay attention to it, and the safer it is, and the less dared to play small tricks on the side of Meidiguo.

Therefore, going public has the benefits of being listed. If it is not listed, it is really difficult to make money selling mobile phones in such a stable manner.

Otherwise, according to the usual situation, the big black hand should have already pressed Suguang Technology.

But gossip aside, in the following February, Sugon Technology and other companies seemed relatively calm, and the same was true in the following March, April, and May.

However, when the time came to the beginning of June, Sugon Semiconductor sent 6 press conference invitations to the global media. The title of the invitation read "Invite them to witness history"!
In this regard, the more than 500 mainstream media are naturally quite excited, because they know that something big is going to happen.

Although the little-known company Sugon Semiconductor invited them this time, Sugon Semiconductor is the chip production company of the Sugon System.

Obviously, this press conference is not simple, and a big news that is about to shock the world will definitely be born in this press conference.

So the more than 500 media that received the invitation letter naturally sent their reporters to Ijin, Daxia, to prepare to participate in the press conference that was destined to cause a sensation all over the world.

Of course, there are also many reporters who come here uninvited, and for these reporters, Suguang Semiconductor naturally readily agrees, and there is nothing that is not allowed.

So just like that, when the time came to June 2005, 6, the press conference was officially held.

Speaking of which, June 6th three years ago was the date when Lin Chen officially sold refurbished mobile phones. After three years, Lin Chen finally handed in a satisfactory answer.

Of course, gossip aside, at this time in the Tianjin Gymnasium, there are nearly 1000 domestic and foreign journalists and thousands of guests gathered here, and they are now idly guessing the content of the press conference.

"What is Sugon Semiconductor going to release this time?"

At the scene, a slender European and American female reporter asked about fellow reporters.

"I don't know, the last time Sugon Semiconductor held a press conference, it was the news that the chip production line was completed at the end of last year.

Is it going to announce the news that they are going to build a new chip factory this time? "

At this time, it was a short island reporter who answered the European and American female reporter. Looking at his logo, he seemed to be a reporter from the Japanese Tokyo i Daily.

However, in the face of his guess, a Han country reporter who was also short at the scene shook his head slightly, and then expressed his opinion:

"I don't think it's necessary to build a new chip factory. After all, with their current chip factory production capacity, I feel that it is completely sufficient.


Although they do not have 12-inch fabs, they seem a little behind, but there is no essential difference between 8-inch wafers and 12-inch wafers.

8-inch wafers can also produce high-precision chips, but the production efficiency and cost are not as good as 12-inch wafers.

Therefore, their production capacity should be sufficient, and they should not continue to expand production capacity. "

Hearing this, a reporter from Singapore also spoke:
"I think so. After all, they are now the second largest chip foundry in the world, and their chip production capacity can also be ranked in the top 10. There should be no need to continue to expand production capacity."

"No, I think the current production capacity of Sugon Technology may not be enough."

It was a young Daxia reporter who was speaking at this time, and when the Daxia reporter looked around in amazement, he said with a smile:

"Dawn Technology has already entered the computer industry. A computer contains a CPU chip, a graphics card chip, a south bridge chip, a north bridge chip, a sound card chip, a network card chip, a power chip, a display chip...

It can be said that a computer uses at least 11 larger chips. In addition, Sugon mobile phones, rice mobile phones, and chip foundry businesses also need to swallow huge production capacity.

In this case, it is hard to say whether they will build a new chip production line, but I personally think they will definitely build a new fab.

Under this huge demand, their wafer production capacity must have been seriously insufficient. I feel that they have to build at least two 12-inch wafer fabs or four 4-inch wafer fabs to meet the demand. "

Hearing this, the European and American female reporter who asked the question first nodded slightly, and then said thoughtfully:

"Hearing what you said, I really feel that Sugon Semiconductor's wafers are indeed somewhat insufficient, but why didn't Sugon Semiconductor report the news of the lack of wafers?"

To this, Daxia reporter replied with a smile:
"It's very simple. Wafers are not chips. There are many manufacturers in the world who can produce wafers. If it is not enough, you can just buy wafers from outside. The disadvantage is that it is a little more expensive than producing them yourself.

Moreover, the main profit of Zhongxin International Company in the south is the sale of wafers?Just buy from them, so Sugon Semiconductor will not be unable to produce chips due to lack of wafers. "

"I see."

The European and American female reporters nodded slightly, and then looked at the Daxia reporter with admiration.

In the following time, the reporters at the scene continued to chat with each other.

The guests at the scene also took their seats one after another, so when the time came to 10 am, there was a sudden commotion near the entrance, because Lin Chen brought a bunch of big shots into the venue.

At this time, among the people led by Lin Chen, most of the overseas reporters were ignorant, and of course most of the Daxia reporters were also ignorant.

Because except for a few people who are well-known here, they don't know most of them, and they don't know who those people are and what achievements they have.

(End of this chapter)

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