Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 348 The whole country is excited and howling overseas!

Chapter 348 The whole country is excited and howling overseas!

Of course, when Internet media took the lead in reporting related news, paper newspapers and TV stations were not far behind.

Among them, it is worth mentioning that the most powerful news promotion channel in the world, TTCV Xinwen Lianbo also took nearly 4 minutes.

In a shocking tone, it reported that Sugon Technology has solved the 90nm chip production equipment and successfully produced the first purely domestic 90nm chip.

Among them, the names of Lin Chen, Academician Ni Guangnan, Academician Lu Ke, Academician Guo Ling, Academician Gu An, Professor Xu Duangu and other meritorious ministers frequently appeared in TTCV's new article network...

All of a sudden, Lin Chen, those academicians and other officials who made contributions in the research and development of semiconductor equipment became famous all over the country.

It can be said that the popularity and prestige of those academicians completely overwhelmed the other Daxia academicians, and they were truly at the pinnacle of their lives!

After all, although they became academicians before and reached the pinnacle in the academic field, they are not well understood by the common people.

And this time, as Daxia completely solved the problem of 90nm process technology, the credit of these people will naturally be mentioned repeatedly.

In this case, they also entered the mouths of the common people in a real sense, and truly made the common people of Daxia realize them.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Professor Xu Duangu has been able to secure the title of academician after this research and development achievements and previous research and development achievements.

Unfortunately, the selection of academicians requires a fixed process, so it will take some time for Professor Xu Duangu to be selected as an academician.

But these are things for the future. At this time, the focus of people's attention is not on the fact that Professor Xu Duangu will be named an academician.

They are discussing Daxia's solution to the 90nm process technology, discussing what this means for Daxia...

The overseas media is also quite uneasy.

Their media either reported the rise of the Daxia semiconductor industry in a tone of shock and surprise, or reported the rise of the Daxia semiconductor industry in a tone of panic and worry.

For example, the Silicon Valley Daily, the mouthpiece of Silicon Valley semiconductors, wrote an article with the title "Big Xia has made a breakthrough in 90-nanometer production equipment, what should the future of Medigo's semiconductor industry do?"

This article pointed out in a trembling tone that the equipment used by Sugon Semiconductor to produce 90nm chips this time was all domestic equipment, and explained what this meant.

The final conclusion is naturally disturbing, because it means that Daxia has kept up with the progress of the world's semiconductor manufacturing process.

It also means that it has become difficult for them in the West to continue to lead the Great Xia by virtue of their manufacturing technology.

Although the Western 65nm process technology has come out, the 45nm process technology is under development.

But how long can the West continue to lead in chip manufacturing technology?It took less than two years for Daxia to advance the process technology to 90 nanometers.

Give them another two years and they will definitely be able to advance to 65nm or even 45nm. This is bad news for the entire West.

However, when the western media focused on Daxia's breakthrough in the 90nm process technology, the news reports from Germany, Italy and the island countries did not focus on Daxia's breakthrough in the 90nm process technology.

It lies in the surface nanotechnology of metal materials and the Suguang five-axis machining center, because these two countries are powerful countries in precision processing.

Companies in various countries around the world want to produce and process precision machinery or parts, and they usually look for companies in Germany, Italy or island countries.

So if the nanotechnology of the surface of metal materials and the Suguang five-axis machining center are true, it means that they are about to usher in a devastating impact on the processing industry!
The reason why it is said to be a devastating impact, not an impact, is because they deeply know that the country of Great Xia often turns a good high-end profit into a low-end profit.

Once Daxia enters the precision processing industry, it will be very difficult for the precision processing industries of Germany, Italy and Japan to maintain high profits. This is not bad news.

Under such circumstances, the media in these two countries are also quite hostile to the Sugon R&D Center. When reporting news in this area, they always use hostile or unbelieving tone.

For example, Professor Matsuda Daisuke of the famous university "Todai" in the island country made a speech in the Tokyo i Daily to refute the fraud of Sugon R&D Center.

Claiming that it is absolutely impossible for Sugon R&D Center to really conquer the technology of the five-axis machining center, claiming that the five-axis machining center is definitely a fake and defrauded product like the "Hanxin" of Daxia back then.

Among them, the "Toyo University" professor named Daisuke Matsuda found many "doubtful points" in order to add convincing force to his words.

He pointed out that Lin Chen only announced the simple information of the Suguang five-axis machining center, and did not disclose other specific hardware parameters or principles, which is really not convincing.

Of course, the more important evidence is Professor Matsuda Daisuke, who produced the intelligence results he checked in the island country's patent agency.

The intelligence results showed that Sugon Technology was indeed developing a five-axis machining center and had registered thousands of related patents.

However, Professor Daisuke Matsuda found out that these patents are only secondary patents, such as appearance patents, general structure patents, software control method patents, linear motor patents and other secondary patents.

These thousands of patents seem to be fine on the surface, but in fact they are missing the most important and critical core parts.

As for what is the core technology patent part, there are many core technology patent parts.

For example, the internal structural details of the five-axis machining center that cannot be seen from the outside, such as the core code of the CNC system.

For example, how to process the spindle processing technology of high-precision spindles, such as how to produce high-precision cutting tools...

There are many core technologies of the Shuguang five-axis machining center that have not been registered for patents. What are registered are only things that can be seen by the outside world, and the most core parts have not been registered.

In this case, the most important core technology patent has not been registered, which makes people doubt whether the Suguang five-axis machining center is genuine or not.

Of course, in addition to this, Professor Daisuke Matsuda also passed a series of industry data and the situation of a certain company.

Point out how difficult it is to really make a five-axis machining center, and point out the fact that the research and development difficulty of a five-axis machining center is not much worse than that of a lithography machine.

Therefore, Professor Matsuda Daisuke's article directly claimed that the Shuguang R&D Center was a fake, and Daxia did not really produce a five-axis machining center!
The so-called five-axis machining center is just a PPT, just a product of defrauding Daxia's research and development funds!

I have to say that although this article is a bit biased, the doubts and difficulties he pointed out are really convincing, and finally he is an expert as a professor of the island country "Tokyo University".

After reading Professor Daisuke Matsuda's article, many readers in the island country also felt that the Shuguang R&D Center was fraudulent and defrauding funds!

(End of this chapter)

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