Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 39 Counterfeit Nokia 5110?

Chapter 39 Counterfeit Nokia 5110?

"I don't know how to prepare, brother?"

Ke Hanliang also looked at Lin Chen with great interest, with a trace of curiosity in his eyes.

He also agrees with Chenguang Mobile Phone Factory to plan ahead. After all, although he has been rooted in Pengcheng Huaqiang for many years, he also has a certain reputation and strength in the entire southern electronics industry in Great Xia.

But the refurbished machine is an illegal and illegal business after all, a bit of a tightrope-walking suspicion, which is completely different from the legal business he has been doing for so many years.

So after this incident, he also felt a little dangerous. After all, once the emperor and courtiers, he doesn't have to worry now, but three years later.

Lin Chen pondered for a moment, then slowly replied:
"Now the streets and alleys of Pengcheng say that we are knockoff mobile phones rather than refurbished phones, if this is the case, let's just make knockoff phones.

Of course, the production cost of refurbished phones can be low, but we must show that we are a copycat mobile phone factory and the speed must be fast. "

"Counterfeit Nokia 5110?"

Ke Hanliang's eyes lit up after hearing Lin Chen's words.

It has to be said that if Lin Chen can really copy the Nokia 5110 in a copycat, then the value of Chenguang Technology will be raised to another level.

After all, on the surface, they are producing counterfeit mobile phones, but secretly they are also engaged in refurbished mobile phones, so that the actual profits earned by the superposition of the two will be more.

After all, you must pay taxes to make counterfeit mobile phones. Even if you don’t actually pay taxes, you have already paid circulation taxes virtually when you buy various electronic accessories.

The refurbished machine is completely different. It is an unrecorded product and naturally does not need to pay taxes, so the profit earned is as much as it should be.

Not paying taxes is also the reason why the profit of refurbished phones is so large, so Huaqiangbei's refurbished mobile phone industry is so prosperous!
"I have the motherboard circuit diagram of Nokia 5110, if you can solve the motherboard OEM and the procurement of a full range of parts.

In the end, if the right to use the mobile phone license can be rented, then we can officially produce counterfeit mobile phones. "

"Leave me the mobile phone motherboard OEM and the whole series of parts. As for the license issue, it's easy to say. As long as each unit is paid 51, I don't believe they won't let us borrow their license plate."

Ke Hanliang patted his chest and agreed.

For Huaqiangbei, it is too simple to solve the problem of mobile phone motherboard OEM and mobile phone parts. As long as you have money, it is not a problem.

As for the license plate, it is not a big problem, because there are a few mobile phone companies who like to rent license plates so that other mobile phones can sell mobile phones with their license plates.

The more difficult thing is how to crack the motherboard circuit and control system of the original mobile phone, so as to be able to copy the exact same mobile phone.

But now that Lin Chen has solved it, the remaining problems are easy. It can be said that with Lin Chen's move, the future of Chenguang Mobile Phone Factory will be bright at once.

In the future, even if it is difficult to purchase 5110 faulty phones and defective parts, they can produce corresponding Nokia 5110 motherboards at any time. It can be said that Chenguang Mobile Phone Factory has a smooth future!
Thinking of this, while Ke Hanliang was happy, the way he looked at Lin Chen was also a little subtle.

Lin Chen's greatest help and usefulness to him are undoubtedly the two testing platforms and Chenguang's anti-drop technology for mobile phones.

But needless to say the detection platform at this time, Lin Chen's anti-drop technology has been integrated into the Chenguang mobile phone factory, at least in Ke Hanliang's view, it has been integrated into the Chenguang mobile phone factory.

In this case, as the role of the two major testing platforms decreases, the source of Chenguang mobile phones also has an alternative solution.

The contradictions that were usually suppressed due to various reasons naturally appeared abrupt, and Ke Hanliang looked at Lin Chen with subtle eyes.

And what is the contradiction between the two?
The contradiction between the two is that Ke Hanliang believes that Lin Chen is not worthy of taking 50% of the shares in the future, especially when Lin Chen has already "done all his money", the conflict between the two parties becomes more intense.

The same is true for Lin Chen. Lin Chen actually has a lot of good things to release, but he can't because Ke Hanliang owns 50% of the shares.

So this Ke Hanliang has become an invisible stumbling block restricting his further development. After all, this Ke Hanliang seems to have a lot of face in Pengcheng, but in fact he is just a transit trader of chips and SMT electronic parts!

His help to Lin Chen was only helpful in the initial stage. Once Lin Chen walked the right path and did not engage in black things, the role of the other party would be infinitely reduced.

And if Ke Hanliang holds 50% of the shares for a long time, he will suck his blood and fruits of labor like a useless vampire.

It will also seriously hinder his absolute control over the company, and hinder Lin Chen from realizing Daxia's dream of technological revival!
After all, Lin Chen's company will definitely spend a huge amount of money on scientific research instead of using money for personal enjoyment.

Naturally, these scientific researches are of the type that does not care about the cost and returns with little hope and high risk, which completely violates the common sense of businessmen who put profits first.

Therefore, the two parties can't pee a pair of pants at all, and it is impossible to cooperate for a long time.

What's more, the cooperation between Lin Chen and Ke Hanliang at the beginning was only with the intention of working together for two or three months at most before getting out of it and becoming a regular.

However, at this moment, when Ke Hanliang's eyes were turning delicately and his mind was turning back and forth, Lin Chen's sudden words made Ke Hanliang completely stunned.

"This time I plan to withdraw from Chenguang Technology at the end of July."

After this incident, Lin Chen, who was afraid for a while, didn't want to continue to engage in more risky refurbished machines, so he quit after half a month at most.

Of course, it is not easy to quit under the current special circumstances. Unless he leaves the house completely, Lin Chen also has to hand in some certificates.

As for the name of this head, it is naturally the motherboard circuit diagram of Nokia 5110 that makes the other party feel at ease, and this thing is extremely easy for Lin Chen.

A virtual laboratory with a copycat system can be built in less than two days as long as he wants it.

So he left and gave the other party a Nokia 5110 motherboard circuit diagram, which was regarded as a peaceful breakup, and he could use this to earn a little more "legal cash" for the company's future development during the breakup.

On the other side, after hearing Lin Chen's words, Ke Hanliang was stunned for a moment and then beamed with joy, but soon the joy on his face turned into a "ashamed" expression:
"Oh, Brother Lin, do you think Brother Ke and I are not good at cooperating and neglecting you? Why are you quitting all of a sudden?"

Lin Chen shook his head slightly, then said with a smile:

"It's not Brother Lin's problem, but after this incident, I also feel that I should go the right way. Although I make a lot of money making refurbished phones and counterfeit phones, I can't sleep well."


When Ke Hanliang heard Lin Chen's reason, he was momentarily speechless and didn't know what to say.

(End of this chapter)

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