Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 410: Turbulent waves affecting the world!

Chapter 410: Turbulent waves affecting the world!
After all, just think about it briefly. If it were them, they would definitely not use a computer operating system that does not have any games or software.

Even if the computer operating system is very smooth, even if the computer operating system can perfectly tap the potential of the hardware, they will not use that computer operating system!

The most they can do is experience it, and then switch to the Weisoft operating system.

Under this situation, Weisoft Systems has actually formed a monopoly empire, and the basis of their monopoly is the rich game software ecosystem accumulated over decades.

Therefore, if other companies are not compatible with Weisoft System's games and software, then Weisoft System's monopoly on the global computer operating system will be inevitable and will never be shaken!
Suddenly, Lin Chen's article was reprinted by major domestic and foreign newspapers and was like a meteorite hitting the sea, causing a huge stir in the domestic and foreign media circles.

Among them, some people on the Internet at home and abroad support Sugon Technology, while others support Weiruan. It is a complete mess.

However, the truth always becomes clearer with each passing day. As netizens at home and abroad fall into confrontation, quarreling and debating...

In the end, many of them also came to a clear understanding in their hearts. This clear understanding is that both sides are actually half-matched, and both sides are wrong.

But in general, they ultimately supported Sugon Technology, because what Lin Chen said was indeed true.

If other computer operating systems are not compatible with the games and software on Weisoft operating system, Weisoft will always have a monopoly on the global computer operating system field.

As for the consequences of monopoly, Weiruan has shown it before. How expensive Weiruan's computer operating system was before, and how expensive their office software was.

If WeiRuan System continues to have a monopoly at this time, then it will definitely be the same as before. Every two or three to five years, WeiRuan will be cut off by WeiRuan. How can this prevent everyone from vomiting blood?

So in some respects, Sugon Technology once again defeated Weiruan in public opinion, and because many people have clearly understood the causes and consequences, they have become more supportive of Sugon Technology.

For this reason, many civil science experts on the Internet call for databases and platforms to be open.

From now on, any company can use the database and platform, and certain companies cannot monopolize the database and platform exclusively, otherwise a monopoly will be formed.

All of a sudden, the comments of some civil science experts on the Internet in the past life magically appeared on the Internet in 2005. This has to be said to be a miracle!

After all, it was normal for such remarks to appear in previous lives, but it would be a miracle for such remarks to appear in this barbaric era of the Internet.

Because the software giants in the previous life each controlled their own fields, under this situation, other software companies had no hope of defeating them.

They have a huge user base, exclusive database and ecosystem. In the end, the stronger the stronger, it is almost impossible for other companies to defeat and challenge them.

For this reason, many people have called for databases and platforms to be used as public resources and cannot be monopolized by a single company.

Databases and platforms should be opened up so that other software companies can use theirs to prevent anti-monopoly and give other software companies a chance to struggle and compete fairly.

But it is obvious that such remarks can only be appeals, and it is impossible to actually achieve this, because if nothing else, the information security of a national textile company is a big problem.

In addition, there are many problems that need to be solved to implement it, and companies in a dominant position are definitely not willing to do so.

Therefore, this statement is just a non-mainstream statement on the Internet, and there is actually no possibility of it being implemented until 2023.

But now such remarks have appeared on the Internet in 2005, and I have to say that there is a public opinion war between Sugon Technology and Weisoft.Invisibly, it really inspired people's wisdom, which really makes people laugh or cry.

Of course, although the Internet and newspaper media are noisy at this time, their impact on reality is still quite weak.

Although Sugon Technology has achieved victory in newspapers and Internet media, the crisis has not been resolved.

In fact, it didn't take two days. The next words spoken by a big boss in the United States that were interviewed by reporters directly reversed all the efforts of Sugon Technology.

As for what a certain big shot said, that sentence is that they are revising the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Because they found that the current Digital Millennium Copyright Act is not perfect and there are still many huge loopholes, which also allow some companies to take advantage of the opportunity to make huge illegal profits.

In this regard, when the news caused a huge sensation overseas, the domestic media reprinted the relevant news as expected.

And as soon as these news reports came out, it was like a basin of cold water poured on the hearts of the people of Great Xia, making them feel a chill in their hearts!
What to do next?
Now that people are going to revise the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, what should we do next?
Moreover, the big boss pointed out in public that a certain company had used loopholes in the rules to gain huge profits. The big boss was obviously referring to Sugon Technology!

In other words, this revision of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act is specifically for Sugon Technology.

It is obvious that Sugon Computer operating system will no longer be compatible with games and software on Weiruan operating system.

When this conclusion was exposed by relevant media.The news naturally caused an uproar around the world.

Many consumers around the world are worried about the future of Sugon Computers and Sugon CPUs.

They are afraid that the computer CPU they bought at a huge price will not be used and become a pile of scrap metal.

As a result, many people who were not in a hurry stopped buying directly and were ready to wait and see the limelight before talking about anything else.

Of course, there are also many people who directly gave up the more powerful Sugon computers and Sugon CPUs and chose the weaker and cheaper Intel Core processors.

After all, for now, even the weakest i3 Core processor can handle daily office and gaming needs.

At this time, the direction of the computer industry is unclear, and there is no need for them to take risks to buy Sugon Computers and Sugon CPUs.

What if these two things become scrap metal in the future because they can no longer use the games and software of the Weisoft system?
Therefore, many people simply gave up on Sugon computers and Sugon CPUs and switched to Core processors, which are cheaper and less powerful, but have lower risks.

Of course, the crisis is not limited to complete computers and Sugon CPU fields.

Because Weiruan Company seems to have finally learned to be smart, and they have changed their previous arrogant attitude.

A new consumption model was directly added, and a sales model of one-year use rights, three-year use rights, and five-year use rights was developed.

(End of this chapter)

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