Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 434 "Sekiro" excites island players!

Finally, considering the sales volume of the previous game "Dark Souls 1" across all platforms, it was as high as 850 million.

Lin Chen believes that "Dark Souls" created by him as a screenwriter in this life will be able to sell at least 600 million to 700 million copies across all platforms!
In addition, it is worth mentioning that "Dark Souls 2" is already under development, with Lin Chenlai also serving as the screenwriter, but the specific launch time may be several months later.

"Okay, that's it for the game introduction of "Dark Soul". Now let's announce the price of the game."

Following Lin Chen's words, the projection screen behind him changed instantly, and the price of the game was flashed in an instant.

"The original price is only 198 Xia Yuan, and there is a 30% discount for the first three months, so now it only costs 138 Xia Yuan!"


Seeing the price of the "Dark Soul" game on it, the people in Daxia at the scene took a breath of air.

Because the price of this "Dark Souls" game is much more expensive than they imagined.

Of course, some people think it is expensive, and some people think it is cheap. Domestically, they think it is expensive. This is because domestic home game consoles are not developed for some reasons.

Therefore, if people in Daxia want to play stand-alone games, they are more accustomed to using computers to play stand-alone games, and everyone knows about computer stand-alone games.

There are very few people who actually spend money to buy genuine stand-alone games. They almost all download cracked versions from pirated websites to play, so the people of Daxia naturally feel that "Dark Soul" is a bit expensive.

But for overseas people, they think this price is very cheap. After all, 138 Xia Yuan is only 16 US dollars when converted into US dollars.

A mere US$16 is already very cheap. You must know that many large-scale 3D games currently sell for an average of more than US$30!

Among them, the price of "Dark Soul" in the previous life was as high as 60 US dollars in the United States!

Under such a high price, the total sales volume of "Dark Souls 1" across all platforms was still 850 million, which shows how classic this game is.

"Okay, let's introduce the next game."

At this time, Lin Chen did not give people any time to breathe. After introducing "Dark Soul" and announcing the price, the scene went directly to the introduction of the second game.

Hearing this, people naturally showed eager expressions.

Although they had not played the "Dark Soul" game just now, they knew it was a good game just by looking at the game screen, gameplay, and plot.

With the case of "Dark Soul" in the past, I wonder what the second large-scale 3D game will be?Is the quality of the game comparable to "Dark Souls"?

In response, Lin Chen on the stage waved his hand gently, and the projection screen behind him also changed in an instant.

Then the name of the second large-scale 3D game appeared on the projection screen, and the name of that game was impressively called "Sekiro"

“As you can see, the second game we are releasing next is called Sekiro.

The plot of this game tells the story of a ninja named "Wolf" who embarks on a dangerous journey during the Warring States Period in the cruel island nation in order to rescue his master. "

While Lin Chen was talking, a game trial screen called "Sekiro" also appeared on the projection screen behind him.

Obviously this is a game that is biased toward the island country style. There is no way, because the island country is a big consumer of stand-alone games.In this era, the amount of money spent by a single island country on stand-alone games is almost as much as the sum of all the countries in Asia combined.

Therefore, it is inevitable to release a game with an island country style at this time. After all, the purpose of Sugon's home game console is to enter the island country market.

At this time, there is no game that absolutely attracts them. How can they really successfully enter the island nation, Asia's largest single-player game consumer market?
In this regard, audience guests from the island country became very excited after seeing the promotional video and trial video of "Sekiro" because they felt that this game was simply great.

Whether it's the graphics, style, game plot or gameplay, it's all great. This is exactly the game they need.

At this time, the audience from the island nation could not help but imagine playing the "Sekiro" game.

In this regard, Lin Chen said that they still have to wait, because the next step is the price announcement of the game "Sekiro".

Among them, the price of "Sekiro" is actually the same as the previous "Dark Souls", which is the original price of 198 yuan, and the first three-month discount is only 30 yuan with a 138% discount.

In this way, after introducing the price of the game "Sekiro", the sales performance of the third game to be introduced next is even stronger.

Because the third game to be introduced sold 2000 million copies in just one year, and became the No. 1 most anticipated game in the world!
It can be said that the third game that is about to be introduced is quite powerful. As for what this game is, its name is "Elden Ring"!
This game is actually the same as "Dark Souls" and "Sekiro". They are actually classic games developed by the same company.

As for what that company is?His name is From Software!

From Software's achievements are quite impressive. "Dark Soul", "Sekiro", "Elden's Ring", "Bloodborne", "Armored Core", "Rootless Grass", etc. are all developed by them.

At this time, Sugon Technology has undoubtedly copied all three of its best-selling games!
As for the consequences of plagiarism?
At this time, the audience at the scene listened to Lin Chen explain the plot and gameplay of the game "Elden's Ring".

Then they looked at the beautiful game pictures on the projection screen, and they were all a little crazy.

After all, if nothing else, the promotional video for "Elden's Ring" on the projection screen was pretty good.

Just after watching the promotional video, people have a desire to try out the game and explore the game world.

Of course, being able to achieve such good results has a lot to do with the game's graphic style, character architecture, etc.

After all, the game graphics are not good-looking, and people are not interested in trying it out.

In this way, the promotional video of "Elden's Ring" and even the actual game trial were all completed, and then came the price introduction link.

As for the price of this game?
The price of the game "Elden's Ring" is still the original price of 198 yuan, with a 30% discount for only 138 yuan within three months.

People were naturally quite satisfied with this, and then they made a decision in their hearts and had their favorite game.

Of course, they will definitely not give up on the other two games. They just have a sequence of which game to buy first and which game to buy later.

"Okay, thank you very much to the journalists and guests for attending this press conference. There will be a question and answer session for reporters next.

After this Q&A session ends, the press conference will truly end. "

After hearing Lin Chen's words, the people at the scene suddenly became excited. (End of chapter)

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