Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 436 The three zombie gods jumped, Lin Chen was so shameless!

Chapter 436: The Three Corpse Gods jump violently, Lin Chen is so shameless!

After hearing the fatal question asked by the reporter from Huanqiu Daily, everyone at the scene looked at Lin Chen with bated breath.

In response, Lin Chen paused for a moment, then slowly said:
"Of course we will continue to develop other large-scale 3D games, and it is worth mentioning that the three games that have just been released, such as "Dark Soul", "Sekiro" and "Elden Ring", are currently developing second-generation sequels. .

As for other new large-scale 3D games under development, I can only reveal the name of the game at present, but cannot disclose specific details.

Among them, the large-scale 3D new games being developed are just like the previous three games. I also provide the plot outline, gameplay and other scripts, and then the corresponding staff are responsible for the development of the games.

As for quality, we can refer to the three previously released games. I can proudly claim that the total sales of each game should be no less than 500 million.

As for what are the names of those new games?
Let me announce it now. They are five games including "Bloodborne", "Armored Core", "Forza Horizon" and "Dying Light". "

Hearing the names of the five games above, if there are any time travelers from previous lives here.

The time traveler will definitely scold Lin Chen for being so shameless. Is he trying to catch all the classic stand-alone games from his previous life? !
Among these many games, From Software in its previous life was the most copied, because they only had 6 best-selling games in total.

As a result, 6 of his N's 5 popular games were plagiarized by Lin Chen. If only their president could travel here.

That would definitely make the Three Corpse Gods jump into rage, and then yell "Lin Chen is shameless!" "Lin Chen is really despicable!" and other curse words.

After all, they have a total of 6 popular games, and Sugon Technology has directly copied 5 popular games. Isn't this despicable and shameless?
In this regard, Lin Chen is actually a little regretful, because there are actually many games that can be copied, such as the "God of War" series and the "Witcher" series.

After all, these two game series were quite classics in their previous lives, and were also synonymous with bestsellers.

But unfortunately, the first game in the "God of War" series, "God of War 1", was already released in March 2005.

As for the subsequent first game in the "Witcher" series, "The Witcher 1", although it was released in 2007, it is estimated that they are already in development, so Lin Chen did not plagiarize them.

So this has to be said to be a pity. Invisibly, Lin Chen has lost the two best-selling classic game series in the past, the "God of War" series and the "Witcher" series.

But in any case, the current number of games alone is enough.

There were originally three large-scale 3D games, and finally there were five large-scale 3D games currently under development.

A total of eight large-scale 3D games and eight game series can definitely support the current and future operations of Sugon's home game consoles.

Of course, everything still depends on the subsequent sales of Sugon's home game consoles.

The subsequent sales performance will determine whether other game manufacturers will port their games to the Sugon home game console platform, or develop their new games on the Sugon home game platform.

Of course, at this time, Lin Chen had not finished answering the reporter’s question, so after a slight pause, Lin Chen continued:
“As for the game platform commission, we share the same 70-30 share as other manufacturers, which means that game developers can take [-]% of the profit, and our Sugon home game console platform will take [-]% of the profit.

Of course, we will give certain discounts to some of the extremely excellent games, up to [-]% of the total! "Hearing Lin Chen's words, the people at the scene nodded slightly and expressed their approval.

At this time, Sugon Technology's platform commission fee was also within a reasonable range, so they had no objection.

On the other side, Lin Chen, who paused for a moment, slowly answered the last incidental question from the reporter:
“As for how many game developers have decided to release their games on our platform, we cannot disclose them currently due to commercial confidentiality.

However, if the time is right, we will release corresponding information one after another. "

After hearing Lin Chen's words, people at the scene were naturally a little disappointed.

However, thinking that Lin Chen had said that he would release corresponding information one after another, people at the scene could only reluctantly accept Lin Chen's statement, and then looked forward to what games would be launched on Sugon's home game console platform in the future.

For this reason, Lin Chen was naturally expressionless.

In fact, Sugon Technology has not yet reached cooperation with other well-known third-party game development companies, because those game development companies are all indifferent.

In this case, unless you take the initiative to pay them to transplant old games to your home game console platform, they will never take the initiative to port old games to your game console platform.

After all, it is risky for them to do this. If your game console platform does not sell well, wouldn't the cost of porting the game be completely wasted?
Computer games are different from mobile games. Because computers are more powerful, the complexity of games can be several times or even ten times more complex than mobile games.

Therefore, the cost of porting or even developing a new game is quite high!
It is also because of this that a large foreign 3D game dares to blatantly sell it for tens of dollars, and consumers readily accept it.

Of course, it doesn't matter if those manufacturers don't catch the rabbit at this time, because once the sales of Sugon's home game consoles reach the 100 million level.

Many small and medium-sized game developers around the world will be moved by this, and have the urge to transplant old games to Sugon's home console game platform.

Once the sales of Sugon home game consoles reach the 300 million level, small and medium-sized game developers will choose to develop their new games based on the Sugon home game console platform.

And once the sales of Sugon's home game consoles reach the 500 million level.

Then large game developers such as Ubisoft, EA, Vivendi, Capcom, Kolkata, CD Projekt RED, etc. will consider porting their old games to the Sugon home console platform.

Once the sales of Sugon's home game consoles reach the 1000 million level, it means that Sugon's home game consoles have completely established a foothold.

It immediately became the fourth largest consumer game console manufacturer in the world, second only to Nintendo, Soni, and Weisoft.

Under this circumstance, large game developers such as Ubisoft, EA, Vivendi, Capcom, Kolkata, and CD Projekt RED will have a high probability of developing their new games based on the Sugon home console game platform.

As for sales reaching 2000 million or even 3000 million levels, if sales want to reach this point, it depends on how many excellent exclusive games Sugon's home game consoles have.

(End of this chapter)

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