Daguo Technology started from the Shanzhai system

Chapter 451: Kill the chicken and scare the monkey!Bill Gates who vomited blood!

So as the serious-faced man expressed his position, the people who already knew the above opinions began to take action.

It didn't take long for a series of events that angered the Semiconductor Alliance to occur.

As Daxia took action, the 13 billion Daxia people around the world clapped their hands and applauded, saying that Daxia had done a good job. It was really time for them to rectify this chaos.

As for what Daxia did?
The methods Daxia used were all legal and compliant, and indeed within the scope of their responsibilities.

Although on the surface it does not appear that they are deliberately targeting the Semiconductor Alliance, they are all being dealt with impartially.

But the method used was so sharp that many companies in the Semiconductor Alliance were immediately furious.

As for the specific means?
The first method is for Daxia to announce that it will carry out copyright protection to the end and completely eliminate patent infringement incidents in the field of computer operating systems.

As soon as this news announcement came out, patrol departments and Internet patrols across the country quickly took action.

In less than a day, every city and county in the country directly arrested many unlucky people who had killed chickens and terrorized monkeys.

Some of the unlucky ones who were caught were fined a heart-wrenching fine, and the most serious ones even ended up in jail, with no idea when they would be released.

As these news were reported on a large scale by the media, users across the country who were using pirated versions of the Weisoft operating system were naturally panicked.

Among them, regular Internet cafes and black Internet cafes in cities and even small towns around the world saw that Daxia was indeed playing for real.

In order to prevent themselves from becoming the unlucky ones who were killed, many Internet cafes even closed down their businesses on the spot or directly hired someone to install the Sugon computer operating system one after another.

It is said that in just one day, 80% of the Internet cafes in cities and small towns across the country replaced the original Weisoft operating system with the Sugon Computer operating system on the same day.

It can be seen that there is indeed a certain reason for their success, and they have a very keen eye for the direction of the wind.

Of course, the more realistic factor is that this time it is for real, and the consequences of being caught in this situation are really serious.

An individual user has been fined so much money, and even the most serious ones are in the bureau and don't know when they will be released.

The WeiRuan operating system in their Internet cafe is a pirated operating system. Considering that there are so many computers in an Internet cafe, your WeiRuan operating system is a pirated system.

The severity of this nature is much greater than that of individual users, so the punishment for being caught will definitely be much more than that of individual users.

And individual users may not be involved in the bureau, but so many computers in their Internet cafes are all pirated Weisoft systems, which are serious in nature. If they are caught, they will definitely be put into the bureau!

Faced with this situation, how can countless Internet cafe owners across Daxia not panic?
Therefore, regular Internet cafes and black Internet cafes across the country replaced all their pirated Weisoft computer operating systems with Sugon Computer operating systems in just two days!
Of course, it is not just Internet cafes that have replaced the pirated Weisoft computer operating system with Sugon Computer operating system, individual users from all over the country have also started to do so.

Among them, they also use their own methods, and some have relatively strong hands-on ability.

Naturally, you need to download the Sugon Computer Operating System yourself, and then click on the downloaded Sugon Computer Operating System for one-click installation.

As for those who don’t know how to install a computer operating system, they directly carry the computer host to a computer sales store.Directly asking the store owners to help them install the Sugon Computer operating system will naturally cost more than ten or twenty yuan in manual labor.

In this regard, the owners of computer stores across the country are happy to find that they are so happy in the past few days.

The profit earned in just a few days is the profit of the past month or even two months!

But it is a pity that their happy days will not last long, because since the release of Sugon Computer on July 2005, 7 last year.

Many newly purchased computers have the Sugon Computer operating system installed on the system itself, and the number of users using the Weisoft operating system is very small.

Therefore, the customers of those computer stores are mainly computer users before July 2005, and the total number of computers before July 7 is also limited.


Therefore, the owners of many computer stores across the country have helplessly found that less than a week, their profits have decreased straight.

Even though news of unlucky guys caught by patrols are still spreading on the Internet, there are not many users coming to install Sugon Computer's operating system.

With this situation, Weiruan Company sadly discovered that they had completely lost the Daxia market.

In the entire Daxia market, they sadly found that in just one week, their operating system sales dropped to less than 1%.

The reason why they still have no more than 1% share at this time is because they all use the genuine Weisoft operating system!
Such consequences are only caused by Daxia's serious and forceful crackdown on pirated Weiruan computer operating systems!

Faced with this situation, Weiruan CEO Bill Gates was so angry that he vomited blood on the spot.

After all, this is a huge market of 13 billion people!

Weiruan has completely lost this huge market of 13 billion people. This is such a depressing thing!
However, no matter how aggrieved and angry Bill Gates was, wanting to vomit blood, or how much he was slapped by Da Xia until his eyes flashed with stars, none of these could reverse the doomed fact before him.

Although Weisoft seems to be able to learn from Sugon Technology and develop a free genuine Weisoft computer operating system, will it be useful if Weisoft really develops a free genuine Weisoft operating system?
The reputation of their WeiRuan company and WeiRuan operating system is already notorious in Daxia. It is simply stinky!
When people talk about Weiruan and Bill Gates, they will subconsciously spit.

So Weiruan Company has completely lost the 13 billion people in the Great Xia market!
However, the methods to deal with the Semiconductor Alliance did not stop. After the computer operating system field came to an end, a large-scale inspection in the information and security field soon continued.

Among them, the products of many technology companies in the United States have been found to have hidden risks in information security, or have stolen users' personal information and sold it to other companies or individuals for profit.

In the end, almost all the companies investigated were fined a large amount of money!

The fines ranged from millions to hundreds of millions of yuan.

For example, Google, a member of the Semiconductor Alliance, was fined 1.42 million yuan by Dali Temple. This fine directly shocked the world. (End of chapter)

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